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16.01.2016 - 16:19
Ultimate WWII 1940(Alternate Ultimate WWII 1940 Scenario) (Competition Entry)

With World War custom maps being a big part of AtWar, I have stumbled upon a brilliant Alternate WWII map. With the Alternatives being if the Spain,Turkish and Axis Revolts were successful. The WWII units are different from the original AtWar units in the fact that some countries have exclusive units. With that being said that takes us into the review.

The Units of Ultimate WW1940 , Keep in mind that the exclusive units go more in depth than just sides, but to help save you time, I decided to make what units were exclusive to which side. Neutral units are available to everyone.

Allies Exclusive:
Land -
Conscript (Main defence)
Resistance partisans (Other)
Latin-american granadier (Main defence)
French foreign legion (Stealth)
Elite british army reserve (Main defence)
T-34 (Main attack)

Air -
A-24B (Special)
Atomic Bomb(Other)
Flying Tiger (Main Attack)
B-17 (Main Attack)

Axis Exclusive:
Land -
Guastatori (Main defence)
Fascist falange (Main attack)
Elite Mountain Troops (Other)
Waffen SS (Stealth)
Type 95 Light tank (Other)
Tiger 1 (Main Attack)
Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster (Other)

Naval -

Air -
Uranbombetype II (Other)

Land -
Sapper (Other: lays mines)
Landmine (Other)
Milita (Secondary defence)
Infantry (Main defence)
Anti-tank infantry (Main defence)
Anti-aircraft (Special defence)
Tanks (Main Attack)
Special forces (Stealth)

Naval -
Battleship (Main Attack)
Cruiser (Defence)
Troop Carrier (Transport)
Submarine (Stealth)
Aircraft Carrier (Other)

Stealth Bomber (Stealth)
Air Transport (Transport)
Fighter-Bombers (Special Attack)
Bombers (Main Attack
Fighters (Main Attack)
Rocket Bomb (Other)
Glider (Other: Transport)

Those are the units but what about the teams? (For reference to Color see Map Layout)
The Map is usually played in the map Alternate Ultimate WWII 1940. The teams in this map are WWII so 2 teams: Allies and Axis.

Allies Team:
East USA (Dark Blue)
Soviet Union (Dark Purple)
British Empire (Light purple)
Free France & Antiaxis Revolts (Light Pink)
China (Light Green)
West USA (Light Blue)
Brazil & Portugal (Dark Green)
Mexico & Latin America (Turqoise)
British Africa and Commonwealth (Super Light Blue/ Clear Sea Blue)

Axis Team:

Minor European & American Axis (Orange, Iran to Turkey, south american resistance)
Italian Empire & Asian Fascist Revolts (Light Green)
Naval Japan & Manchuria (Discolored Brown)
Japanese Empire (Brown)
Fascist Spain & American Fascist Revolts (Yellow)
Siam & Indonesia (Discolored/ Neon Green)
Vichy France (Dark Pink)
Eastern German Reich{Also Known as MANSTEIN} (Maroon)
Western German Reich (Red)

Map Layout : The map is a map of our Earth during WWII with alternate events. Here is the full Map and below will explain each section of the map. Full Album http://imgur.com/a/rXuxm/all

Full Map

Europe - Mainly Axis Owned, Allies Portugal, UK, Russia will be defending. Ally Revolts (PINK) will be helping out by pushing Axis countries in relatively every area except Americas.

Asia - Undefined, Axis :Siam (Thailand,Indonesia) Japanese empires, Italy cities attacking with Allies :China, India Defending and Russia Helping.U.S.A tries to help

Africa - Each Team will utilize Africa tactically, so the main roles will differ each game. Africa being geographically located "near" everything could have many possibilities without being too risky if you think about it.

North and South America - Mainly Ally Owned with Axis : Fascist Revolt Cities in North America, and American Axis in South America.

Oceania - Australia (Ally) U.S (Ally) Indonesia (Axis) Naval Japan (Axis)

Duration :
At 6 minutes a turn, it is definitely overboard if one team can't finish within 30 turns. Which means the optimal game should be under 3 hours. However there is a unit past 45, the landkreuzer.
Major Events:
T2 - Britain makes Forts at Gates of Egypt and London (Gives Britain Troops)
T8 - Soviet Union gets Winter (Gives Soviet Union Troops)
T20 - USA gets atomic Bomb
T22 - Germany gets Uranbomb
T45 - Germany Gets LandKreuzer

This map is a WWII map which allows for a lot of strategies. Mainly I will be pointing out main strategies and some other strategies I have theorized.

First, I am going to point out areas which have influence over some areas. In both Americas, if allies work correctly they will have an upper hand. In Africa this is the same as well if Vichy France is pushed out. Axis has a nice control over Europe and the Middle East in Asia. Areas I would call deciding factors are Asia as Ally USSR,China and UK's India threaten Axis Japan from taking over China. In Oceania while the mass is owned by Allies, the units of Indonesia look to overpower that mass, at least enough to make it less of a threat. The big fights will be in Africa, Asia, and Russia.

Attacking - Mainly Axis is attacking with the exclusion of Revolts in South America and Siam if there is an aggressive UK:India. Imperialist makes since for countries like Eastern German Reich and other countries which need unit spam. Revolts have really nice units for low cost, which means something like Blitzkrieg may work. Strategies in attacking may differ from game to game.

An Ally who attacks is Portugal, mainly in Brazil, where Sky menace (Which does really well vs Elite Mountain Troops)
or Perfect Defence to help a nice but slow takeover of the south american revolt.
Free France, British Africa (except Egypt) and Ally North America can attack as well.

Defending - Of course if 8+half/9 of Axis is attacking, and 5+half/9 is attacking the main defence here will be Allies. China,Russia, Portugal:Portugal and UK will be defending until they can push or reclaim lands. This works with strategies they will be using, with the exception of Portugal if it focuses with Brazil, to use the strategy Perfect Defence.

Game requires 18 players to start and is created by I_Hate_You.
Map is still new so Units or landmasses are still being updated.
Game is still possible to win if 1 minor country from Axis leaves, not so much for the allies.

Elite Mountain Troops technically require 1 or 2 allies to change their strategy to effectively deal with one Axis country. In a game where Axis has the upper hand, a nerf to these units back to 8/8 and buffing it so it isn't as weak to planes will be effective.

The strategy section and the fact that this a WWII map gives a nice prediction of what players do and do not like about the map.
Players Like:
WWII with South America.
Axis actually plays roles/fights in America.
Minor Main Resistance of Axis in EU (This) VS No resistance (other maps.)

Players Dislike:
Units still being balanced.
Micro of big map due to map being WWII.
Relatively new map, so new adjustment to details of map can be different.
I'm back: https://switchupcb.com

16.01.2016 - 16:45
Nice review!

Please support the gloryhole foundation. https://gloryholefoundation.com/
16.01.2016 - 18:48
Kirjoittanut Strat0S_, 16.01.2016 at 16:45

Nice review!

Yours too
I'm back: https://switchupcb.com

16.01.2016 - 19:12
Kirjoittanut StartingFlame, 16.01.2016 at 18:48

Kirjoittanut Strat0S_, 16.01.2016 at 16:45

Nice review!

Yours too

Thank you!

Please support the gloryhole foundation. https://gloryholefoundation.com/
17.01.2016 - 16:33

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