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Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Postit: 5   Viereailijat: 28 users
01.07.2016 - 17:17
Every time I attempt to preview a map I get a message saying "'Error Loading Paths''
I've tried switching browsers,relogging and previewing different maps without success.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
03.07.2016 - 18:20
I've had that problem multiple times now, I was only able to make one map because of it, all the other maps I attempted to make failed because of it, and when I made a post about it, I got no help and it was removed, its like they know about it but they know they don't know how to fix it, so they shut the people up if they complain about it.
07.07.2016 - 20:08
I got the same problem. I'm from Spain and in the Spanish forum people doesn't know what I must do to fix the problem.

I have to say that sooner I couldn't play any game, with Google Chrome, so I was searching information and I download Opera and now with this navegator I can play just in "regular" maps. So I can play but always with the same: Europe, Europe+Asia, America or Whole World, and sometimes is bored... I have no idea what the problem is but if someone find a solution please tell me what I have to do to play in all the maps. ¡Salu2!
11.07.2016 - 00:39
Clear your caches. If that doesn't work, use incognito mode on Chrome (I am not kidding, it's what I do)

11.07.2016 - 04:47
Incognito mode doesn't works to me, I only can play with Opera, but in so few games... it's annoying

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