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Lähettänyt Milkyy, 09.03.2014 - 20:36

- Custom maps for 3v3's and CW's? -


Hello there, here is the ATN article for this week on custom map's introduction into the competitive play. Hope you enjoy it! I would like to apologize on behalf of the ATN team to you that there has been no article last week.

We all know the recent introduction of competitive custom maps. Players have been working to create custom maps that are balanced like the standard EU+ map. There have been those who succeeded and those who haven't succeeded completely. The Tactician gave us a small introduction on three known custom maps in his article (http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=12217), namely True Competition, Destoria and Dreamworld. Another custom map that has been recognized is the Foundation's Edge map, which is used for the Custom Map Clan Tournament (http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=12367).

When these maps first came out, I noticed a couple of 3v3's being played with them. However, I see that they are not being played anymore, or at least not as much. Maybe these maps just couldn't match the balanced map of EU+? Or maybe people were too used to playing on the standard map? To find out, I went and asked different players who have participated in one of the custom map 3v3's.

My question: Which custom map(s) have you played on? Do you think it(they) was(were) balanced enough for more 3v3's and CW's?

Here are some answered that I got:

  • bonkers map and chess map the ones i played as 3v3, and no... none of them is balanced for cws niether players know enough about them. i´m not saying they were bad maps, but i think if we should push other maps into cws would be, africa..america..asia. ppl knows much more about those in general, and they fairly balanced, but thats just my opinion

  • i've played that chess map, sorry but i cant remember name of the map. :p maybe.. 3-4 times. it seems balanced enough, but its gonna be hard to convince ppl to play cw's on custom 3v3.

  • i've played destoria. i think it's balanced good ...only we, the players sucked at pickings. have to get used to the map ...you know, knowing where are the militia and where is infantry.

    After getting answers from the players who played them, I went and asked similar questions to the makers of the most popular two maps; Destoria by b0nker2 and Dreamworld by Chess. Here is how it went:

    [pr] ●BertanK: So, do you think your map 'Dreamworld' is balanced enough (compared to the standard) for clans to cw with?
    [pr] Chess: I have tested it multiple times with friends and adjusted it according to their feedback and my own thoughts, so yes I am certain that the map is balanced enough.
    [pr] ●BertanK: So, in your opinion it can be used for cw's. And do you want to encourage clans to play on your map? As in advertise so that your map is used regularly?
    [pr] Chess: I would love to see them to play my map but I am not going to talk them into playing my map. My map is currently featured if they do like it I am sure that they are going to play it. The problem that I see is that people are used to playing Europe+ 10k and that they are going to stick to it. Learning a new map takes time
    [pr] ●BertanK: Yes, that is most certainly true, but at least it can spice up competition Thank you for your time!

    Moving onto the interview with b0nker2 (which was more of a small discussion):

    [pr] ●BertanK:So, you made the competitive custom map destoria, but do you think it is balance enough (compared to the standard map) for clans to play cw's with?
    [pr] b0nker2:In all honesty it is more about familarity, EU is not really a balanced map. A truly 'balanced' map will be equal (mirrored) in all areas. If you mean is it viable for CW's then yes I think Destoria and some other maps are, or rather, will be if 'competitive' players learn them in the way they have learnt EU. Destoria I think has some nice geography, and I tried to make all strats viable, would be nice to see more 3v3's duels etc on custom maps, but people understandably don't want to risk it on maps they are not familiar with.
    [pr] ●BertanK: interesting answer.. Many other people talked about familiarity, but wouldn't it also be challenging (and so also competitive in a way) to play with a map that you're not familiar with?
    [pr] b0nker2: Completely, unfortunately there is a group of players 'pro' players that will say on one hand they want different competitive maps, then when they are made they will not play them, for fear of losing I assume. Imo tho
    [pr] ●BertanK: yea i see, could be true
    [pr] b0nker2: a good player can play any map that has standard units, and do well. Usually though, when good players lose on unfamiliar maps, they blame the map lol
    [pr] ●BertanK: lol
    [pr] b0nker2: maybe they are only good EU players?
    [pr] ●BertanK: and what do you think you can do to make people lose their fear and start playing custom maps? because it will add to the competitive side in the long term.
    [pr] b0nker2:Theoretically or practically?
    [pr] ●BertanK: practically, because we want the job to be done
    [pr] b0nker2:In theory the best system would be for a set of maps to be chosen at random for CW. but that is never going to happen. Practically what can be done, is simply more people trying the maps on a daily basis ie getting familiar with them and comfortable enough to cw on them. Which sadly the competitive players for the most part are not interested in doing imo
    [pr] ●BertanK: lol'd at theoretical part... could be done in the distant future, who knows anyway, yea, the only way i guess is for players to play the game.
    [pr] b0nker2:maybe, but I honestly doubt it, it would open up a can of worms. Like who picks the maps, people leaving immediately etc
    [pr] ●BertanK: true that
    [pr] b0nker2:you see that happen on EU. example, player 1 picks Turk, player 2 pick Uk player 3 UKR ''omg no ukr turk combo''. imagine it now: 'omg not Spain map'
    [pr] ●BertanK: lol. maybe not for official games then, but that discussion is for another time and place
    [pr] b0nker2:so yes, it is all about the competitive communities mentality towards the games, as I said in forum being indoctrinated to all play the same countries same strats is not good for competition and becomes monotonous. so they need to widen out and not discourage new tactics or maps.

    Interesting insights into the thoughts of b0nker2. It was kind of an elaboration on what others have also said (people need time to get used to the maps). So, to conclude, the majority of players think that players need to adjust to the map first before custom maps can be used for cw's, 3v3's or 1v1 duels. But as we talked about in our discussion with b0nker2, a good player should be able to adjust fairly quick and play decent even if they're placed in a random, fairly balanced map.

    Well, that was it for this week. Hope you enjoyed the late article. And so, this weeks lesson is: don't be afraid to open up a competitive custom map and try something new!

    See you all in the next article,
  • 14.03.2014 - 14:19
    Kirjoittanut Guest, 14.03.2014 at 14:02

    Kirjoittanut b0nker2, 14.03.2014 at 13:36

    PD. SM. - Couldn't get more of a 'standard' player,

    You can't rely on my profile :l
    SM because all I played when I was rank 5-7 was Spain SM thanks to zog who was nice to me
    MoS because I used to play world games more often, and eurasia.
    I'm not a 'standard' player. PD is a 'standard' strategy but using a same strat most of the time doesn't make me a 'standard' player. You can do anything with any strat, not to mention I like to go LB sometimes.
    I'm not that kind of fag that always plays the same or repeats moves, and I don't know what you got against me using PD.

    I A) don't give a fuck and B) didnt read what you wrote, im sure it is prolly some terrible argument about the size of your penis

    Conclusion. Nobody cares because you and I wrote this.
    14.03.2014 - 14:20
    Kirjoittanut Guest, 14.03.2014 at 14:02

    Kirjoittanut b0nker2, 14.03.2014 at 13:36

    PD. SM. - Couldn't get more of a 'standard' player,

    You can't rely on my profile :l
    SM because all I played when I was rank 5-7 was Spain SM thanks to zog who was nice to me
    MoS because I used to play world games more often, and eurasia.
    I'm not a 'standard' player. PD is a 'standard' strategy but using a same strat most of the time doesn't make me a 'standard' player. You can do anything with any strat, not to mention I like to go LB sometimes.
    I'm not that kind of fag that always plays the same or repeats moves, and I don't know what you got against me using PD.

    Conclusion number 2, nobody cares.
    14.03.2014 - 17:38
    Take this little argument elsewhere.

    On a side note, I've only tried Chess' map and was very impressed! Can't wait to see what else our map makers and develop Keep up the good work everyone.
    14.03.2014 - 20:21
    Kirjoittanut Madara, 14.03.2014 at 17:38

    Take this little argument elsewhere.

    On a side note, I've only tried Chess' map and was very impressed! Can't wait to see what else our map makers and develop Keep up the good work everyone.

    LOLLOL!is that little alex and little bonker?with their cute lil helmets look at them shaking their little tussies and fighting hahaha epic
    14.03.2014 - 20:23
    Btw bonker you and your map suck and i hate you where is khaleesiland?
    15.03.2014 - 11:26
    Although it is a shame that the argument takes the spotlight off Bertank's wonderful article, B0nker2 has a point about AlexMeza.
    15.03.2014 - 12:58
    Kirjoittanut Khal.eesi, 14.03.2014 at 20:23

    Btw bonker you and your map suck and i hate you where is khaleesiland?

    OK I delete my sucky map, have a nice day. I think your homeland is in Westeros?
    15.03.2014 - 13:22
    Kirjoittanut Madara, 14.03.2014 at 17:38

    Take this little argument elsewhere.

    On a side note, I've only tried Chess' map and was very impressed! Can't wait to see what else our map makers and develop Keep up the good work everyone.

    I am on the left? God im so good looking.
    15.03.2014 - 14:00
    Kirjoittanut b0nker2, 15.03.2014 at 12:58

    Kirjoittanut Khal.eesi, 14.03.2014 at 20:23

    Btw bonker you and your map suck and i hate you where is khaleesiland?

    OK I delete my sucky map, have a nice day. I think your homeland is in Westeros?

    I want my country next to mauziland so i can conquer him.kthx
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