It's not the end.
By the way..there is this thing. Its called.. "live and let others live". While these faggots can be annoying and lower the quality of our forums, you guys shouldnt be that hard on them.A little mocking and trolling is the way to go, but being so mean and harsh over some teenagers being teenagers, automatically makes you guys faggots, as well 
You are mean and harsh to mentally disabled people when you discuss the history of Greece and the Balkans with the mentally disabled people of the forums.
Being mean to disabled people> being mean to teenagers.
if i want to be honest, i have to totally agree
Azula. Postit: 1395 Lähettäjä: Belgia
Another flamewar post bla
Soldier001 Käyttäjä poistettu |
Soldier001 Käyttäjä poistettu
Kirjoittanut Azula., 27.12.2014 at 18:24
Another flamewar post bla
LolAsLol Käyttäjä poistettu |
LolAsLol Käyttäjä poistettu
Kirjoittanut KYBL, 27.12.2014 at 11:08
The fuck are you going on about? The people that you mentioned in your post are the .01%. I'm bitching about the 99.9%.
Here is an example: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=17086&board_page=2
If Devil and Tik-tok and Tunder wanted to form a mapmaking group then by all means go do it and have fun. But those committees are not what I'm talking about. Those groups actually contribute something and are made for a reason. Groups like the one I just linked you to are the ones I'm talking about. They spam the forums with their threads and argues over whatever little drama exists in their group contributing absolutely nothing to at war.
Drama isnt linked to groups, but it happens. So what. I know that topic, they want to create something like alliance of clans, every clan get representative in the group and then they debate. Whats wrong with that? Does that stops you from playing 3v3 and cw? Does groups and debate harms you when you log on atwar? Cant you just skip topic when you see it? For example, i just read headlines in topics related to 3v3 cw and eu+, if i find anything interesting, i will read it, otherwise i will close tab and move on. Cant you ignore topics where groups, maps and other is discussed?
It's like if there were a bunch of Americans living in Russia, forming multiple groups pushing freedoms and burgers. You would think you can just ignore them. But then you realize it's painful knowing such people exist within your country. Like what if you put Hitler in a room in the house. Then you put a bunch of Jews in other rooms of the house. Hitler and the Jews stay in their respective rooms. But how do you think Hitler would react if you told him there are other Jews living in other rooms of the house?
Hitler was also an evil psychopath
And the sky is fucking blue. I thought this was a vent/troll thread but apparently we're stating random facts. 
Fock your making feel butthurt now..
Rankist Sharck Käyttäjä poistettu |
Rankist Sharck Käyttäjä poistettu
The competitive community is the best community on the internet.
Competitive player are not only 3v3 cws.
Mapmakers are competitive as well. We play and work to create better maps, funnier maps, we try hard and put effort to make quality product. When we see other mapmakers are doing good and their maps are played, we try harder, work more to keep up with quality and innovation.
Did Tik-Tok made WW2 to counter Devil's WW2? Did Tito created WW2 to counter Tik-Tok? Did Tunder created Rome to counter Aetius? Did Aetius created WW1 to counter Tik-Tok?
Should they stay in map editor all the time and not use forum?
Should they create groups outside clan if they want?
Should they debate about banlist which will keep trolls and leavers away?
Does community gets anything from that?
Does it worth it?
Therefore, you sir are retarded.
Actually Tunder did make DoR to counter Aeutius and sorta insult him or something
10 out of fucking 10.
GG Fock.
Kirjoittanut Mr_Own_U, 27.12.2014 at 11:39
Wow I thought faggot meant you were gay but reading this thread it turns out the term has multiple meanings
edit: jokes aside, 10/10 thread