So we have to attack without transport to have more chance?
Kirjoittanut Covid19, 26.05.2012 at 13:13
So we have to attack without transport to have more chance?
Looks like it.
Anything is possible for me as long as I set my mind to it.
Kirjoittanut Covid19, 26.05.2012 at 13:13
So we have to attack without transport to have more chance?
This rule does not apply when attacking (so you can attack in one move, it doesn't really matter).
Wait what? Transports aren't counted anymore? I thought they already didn't count lol. >_<
I like stuff.... Yay?
This game just keeps getting better and better......
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
Garde Postit: 2842 Lähettäjä: Canada
This game just keeps getting better and better......
Get off of the Admin's back. They're trying their best. Your sarcasm will not solve anything, if you wish to improve the game, suggest something with information backing it.
Kirjoittanut Garde, 28.05.2012 at 20:26
This game just keeps getting better and better......
Get off of the Admin's back. They're trying their best. Your sarcasm will not solve anything, if you wish to improve the game, suggest something with information backing it.
and what will that do? we as the AW players have been posting ideas since the beggining and almost none of these ideas were implemented soory but saying my opinions wont mean a damn thing
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
Garde Postit: 2842 Lähettäjä: Canada
Kirjoittanut Garde, 28.05.2012 at 20:26
This game just keeps getting better and better......
Get off of the Admin's back. They're trying their best. Your sarcasm will not solve anything, if you wish to improve the game, suggest something with information backing it.
and what will that do? we as the AW players have been posting ideas since the beggining and almost none of these ideas were implemented soory but saying my opinions wont mean a damn thing
There are 3 kinds of developers: Ones who make a game for their fans, ones who make the game for themselves, and ones who make the game for money. Ivan and Amok obviously made the game for themselves, so you have to live with this fact and stop whining, or find another game.
Lainaa: Ivan and Amok obviously made the game for themselves, so you have to live with this fact and stop whining, or find another game.
Maybe I should train Ivan and Amok in the ways of AW Game Play.  Teach dem how to be so pros.
I like stuff.... Yay?
What are you complaining about now? I mean, players were complaining about units inside transports being counted on the chance to turnblock (which was clearly not intended or logic), with 15 infantries in a transport without a scort avoiding attacks from subs and destroyers, and the devs fixed it.
I swear I'm trying to understand you, apart from the joy to just complain without a single argument.
Did you even understand what was that update about? Gosh...
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
Kirjoittanut Pinheiro, 29.05.2012 at 08:05
I swear I'm trying to understand you, apart from the joy to just complain without a single argument.
Nope, nothing apart from that.
Garde Postit: 2842 Lähettäjä: Canada
Kirjoittanut Pinheiro, 29.05.2012 at 08:05
What are you complaining about now? I mean, players were complaining about units inside transports being counted on the chance to turnblock (which was clearly not intended or logic), with 15 infantries in a transport without an escort avoiding attacks from subs and destroyers, and the devs fixed it.
I swear I'm trying to understand you, apart from the joy to just complain without a single argument.
Did you even understand what was that update about? Gosh...
Thank you for that tid-bit of useless keystrokes. There is nothing to complain about in this thread, this patch was needed for the month-old TB update, otherwise it would still be a ridiculous system as it was (apparently) before. If your post is directed at Fallen Heroes sarcasm, I cannot speak on his behalf, but I can say that the general whining/complaining from the community needs to stop. Instead, fact-driven opposition should be the primary focus of groups who oppose certain aspects of the game, or wish to change different factors. Ways t obtain said facts would be a summary of your problem (w/screenies or video), and a solution to it (Solution being a change or fix).
Good update, it was needed. Thanks Amok.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
Zorbo you are genius
So If I move from say Barcelona in transports they can be TB by 1 unit but if I move from Kiev with Air Trans they cant?
So how comes Air Transports don't get T'bed but Sea Transports do? Surely if it was changed because 'units on transports can't be fighting' this also applies to Air Transports?
Troops in Airtransports just cant figth if you TB the Trans, do you get it after it moved, then the troops inside will defend
Kirjoittanut Tzeentch, 30.05.2012 at 12:05
Troops in Airtransports just cant figth if you TB the Trans, do you get it after it moved, then the troops inside will defend
I mean if you move on them from a city. then they still move in the Air transport?
Hi i was the bomber so atack