Alright, summer vacations are over and we're gearing up to continue game development. Meanwhile, we would be happy to reply to any questions you might have. Whether it's about the game, future updates or something unrelated - go ahead, ask here in this topic.

The thread will be active for one week - during that time we promise to answer every question posted.



Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Kommentit: 63   Viereailijat: 183 users
20.09.2011 - 11:17
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Questions go here.
20.09.2011 - 12:03
Ok, I will start then.

Many players (including me) want to know if we are going to have more options related with the scenario editing tool, such as different images for enemies units, changing reinforcement in especific cities/countries and changing countries capitals for example.

So, my question is: Will we have updates about scenarios in the near future?
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
20.09.2011 - 12:04
Hello, it's nice to see suggestions implemented : )
What are your plans with the scenario editor?
What would be best is its expansion to divisable lands and setting players to each city which will bring a storylike dimension along with a possible re tuning of events (an admin player of events would be fine).

What will be the future of coalition wars by the developer's view?
Some measures to counter inactivity, not enough drive for coalition wars and the settings which can be changed by anyone and it can be started (the button start) by anyone after he quickly changed the settings.

Will the new tournament be supported like the other two?
20.09.2011 - 12:36
Lord Revenge
Käyttäjä poistettu
Do you have any new features coming up soon?

If so, can you tell us ? ;P
20.09.2011 - 13:00
Kirjoittanut Pinheiro, 20.09.2011 at 12:03

Ok, I will start then.

Many players (including me) want to know if we are going to have more options related with the scenario editing tool, such as different images for enemies units, changing reinforcement in especific cities/countries and changing countries capitals for example.

So, my question is: Will we have updates about scenarios in the near future?

I Think The Same D:
20.09.2011 - 14:02
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Pinheiro, 20.09.2011 at 12:03

Ok, I will start then.

Many players (including me) want to know if we are going to have more options related with the scenario editing tool, such as different images for enemies units, changing reinforcement in especific cities/countries and changing countries capitals for example.

So, my question is: Will we have updates about scenarios in the near future?

We would love to give players more control over scenarios, allowing to customize as much as possible - the problem here is, every little thing we allow to change is a massive headache for us. Things can get awfully complicated and we need to be very careful not to introduce more bugs. Yes, we do realize that scenarios are rather crucial and can dramatically increase replayability and longevity of the game, but it all comes down to the amounts of work required. Perhaps one day, especially if we get better funding, we would get back to the scenario editor to add a lot more options.
20.09.2011 - 14:11
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Aristosseur, 20.09.2011 at 12:04

Hello, it's nice to see suggestions implemented : )
What are your plans with the scenario editor?
What would be best is its expansion to divisable lands and setting players to each city which will bring a storylike dimension along with a possible re tuning of events (an admin player of events would be fine).

What will be the future of coalition wars by the developer's view?
Some measures to counter inactivity, not enough drive for coalition wars and the settings which can be changed by anyone and it can be started (the button start) by anyone after he quickly changed the settings.

Will the new tournament be supported like the other two?

Answered about the scenario editor above.

By divisable lands do you mean allowing to change borders? We cannot do that, unfortunately. Anything involving country borders would require a massive engine overhaul (tons of work). Assigning individual cities is easier, this might get implemented.

No plans for coalition wars - not sure what can be improved there. Perhaps something for motivation - trophies, etc. As for sneaky game starting - if your coalition exits during the country selection or the first turn, CW will be aborted.

Yes, the new tournament will be supported.
20.09.2011 - 14:15
My questions:

Can you hint at when the next update will be/what it will be?

What are the plans for the idea thread started by cao?

Will southern Sudan by added anytime soon along with other proposed countries and cities such as greenland and Iqaluit?
20.09.2011 - 14:17
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Guest, 20.09.2011 at 12:36

Do you have any new features coming up soon?

If so, can you tell us ? ;P

There are three things we promised a long time ago and which we mean to add (hopefully soon):
- Population casualties
- Cargo ships
- Cards (this will take time, though - a lot of work here)

Also, we want to tweak the map (South Sudan, more cities) and add some new victory conditions (economy/population related) and medals.

Not much time for development at the moment, but we'll try to arrange something within the next month, hopefully.
20.09.2011 - 14:22
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Garde, 20.09.2011 at 14:15

My questions:

Can you hint at when the next update will be/what it will be?

What are the plans for the idea thread started by cao?

Will southern Sudan by added anytime soon along with other proposed countries and cities such as greenland and Iqaluit?

Two of the questions are answered in the post above.

As for the massive list of suggestions... ugh, some very interesting ones there, that we'd like to magically materialize by themselves - but honestly, we don't have enough manpower to attend to all of them, sorry. Perhaps a few will eventually find their way to our updates, we'll see.
20.09.2011 - 14:22
Re: new victory conditions, can you make one "eliminate the enemy general"?

I think it would be a fun twist on things for some games.
20.09.2011 - 14:25
Kirjoittanut Ivan, 20.09.2011 at 14:22

Kirjoittanut Garde, 20.09.2011 at 14:15

My questions:

Can you hint at when the next update will be/what it will be?

What are the plans for the idea thread started by cao?

Will southern Sudan by added anytime soon along with other proposed countries and cities such as greenland and Iqaluit?

Two of the questions are answered in the post above.

As for the massive list of suggestions... ugh, some very interesting ones there, that we'd like to magically materialize by themselves - but honestly, we don't have enough manpower to attend to all of them, sorry. Perhaps a few will eventually find their way to our updates, we'll see.

Just read the other post- sounds amazing Ivan
May I ask just this last thing, a lot of talk has been done about the Arctic on the forums between players and so on- will there be enough cities added up there to make it a "warzone" like the rest of the map per se? or did you mean something like the Falklands or Azores?
20.09.2011 - 15:12
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Garde, 20.09.2011 at 14:25

Just read the other post- sounds amazing Ivan
May I ask just this last thing, a lot of talk has been done about the Arctic on the forums between players and so on- will there be enough cities added up there to make it a "warzone" like the rest of the map per se? or did you mean something like the Falklands or Azores?

I doubt we'll touch anything in the arctic/antarctic regions (apart from Greenland, perhaps). These regions seriously lack populated areas. So yeah, more like Falklands and Azores.
20.09.2011 - 15:13
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Guest14502, 20.09.2011 at 14:22

Re: new victory conditions, can you make one "eliminate the enemy general"?

I think it would be a fun twist on things for some games.

We were going to introduce it when we added Generals. Don't remember now why we didn't... I think Amok had some concerns about it.
20.09.2011 - 15:25
This is my dream.

Please make it come true. ;__;
Also, please introduce automatic hyperlinks in the chat. That would be quite nice.

Finally, I think you should release the formulae used to determine attack strength and what-not. No offence, but I don't think they are unique enough that a competitor (there is none actually!) would nick them off you. This way the more mathematically-oriented members can take a look and help in balancing. No source code, don't worry! Just the formulae.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
20.09.2011 - 20:39
This Are my Ideas:

*Make a Animation at the end Of You're empire. When You Lost, An animation Will show The Flag of you're Empire Almost Destroyed. And Down Say: [Name of you're Empire] has Lost.

*Put Venezuela On The SMS/Phone Payments .. It Just Isnt Fair That Almost Every Country Can Do That And Venezuela Can't, We Got A Lot Of Players Here, Such As:
Alejandro (Me)

And Even More..

So, Please. Let Us Have Our Chance To Buy Premium u-u

*General Influense: When the General plays A Battle with Another Soldier to conquer a Land Or Defend you're Empire. This will make Better You're Soldiers Giving up +1 Of Attack and +1 of Defends To each Soldier. Just when The Captain Is on You're Army
20.09.2011 - 21:09
Kirjoittanut Venezuelan, 20.09.2011 at 20:39

*General Influense: When the General plays A Battle with Another Soldier to conquer a Land Or Defend you're Empire. This will make Better You're Soldiers Giving up +1 Of Attack and +1 of Defends To each Soldier. Just when The Captain Is on You're Army

This already exists. The general unit gives boosts to your soldiers when they are in the same army group. However, you must use SP to unlock the upgrades in game. + 1 to defense for all units, for example, is only 50 SP.
20.09.2011 - 21:10
I just want to remember this is a thread to ask questions to the developers, not to keep on suggesting new stuff. If that is what you want we have a whole board that you can use right here.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
21.09.2011 - 02:06
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut YOBA, 20.09.2011 at 15:25

This is my dream.

Please make it come true. ;__;
Also, please introduce automatic hyperlinks in the chat. That would be quite nice.

Finally, I think you should release the formulae used to determine attack strength and what-not. No offence, but I don't think they are unique enough that a competitor (there is none actually!) would nick them off you. This way the more mathematically-oriented members can take a look and help in balancing. No source code, don't worry! Just the formulae.

The clock would look nicer, I guess, but I'm not sure it's worth embedding a new font just for it.

Links in the chat, written down for the to-do list.

As for the formulae, the entire thing is several pages long and I can't be bothered to edit it into something coherent. This is the main part, see if you can make any sense of it:


// randomly selecting the defending army
Troop defendingArmy = enemies[model.Random.Next(0, enemies.Count)];
bool inOwnCity = InCity != null && defendingArmy.InCity == InCity;
bool inDefenceLine = DefenceLineOwner == defendingArmy.Owner;

// selecting the defending unit (unit with the highest max attack)
Unit defendingUnit = null;
foreach (Unit unit in defendingArmy.Units.Values)
if (unit.UnitType == UnitType.Land && (defendingArmy == Defender && defendingArmy.IsTransportIntercepted || !battleIsOverland && initCanMoveOnWater[defendingArmy.Owner.Id])) continue;
if (defendingUnit == null ||
unit.MaxDefence + unit.GetDefenceBonus(inOwnCity, inDefenceLine, attackingUnit) > defendingUnit.MaxDefence + defendingUnit.GetDefenceBonus(inOwnCity, inDefenceLine, attackingUnit))
defendingUnit = unit;
int defenceBonus = defendingUnit.GetDefenceBonus(inOwnCity, inDefenceLine, attackingUnit);
game.Logger.Debug("Defending unit: {0} (in own city - {1}, in defence line - {2})", defendingUnit.ToString(), inOwnCity, inDefenceLine);

// difference ratio between the attacker's and defender's combined initial strength
double attackDefenceDiff = (double)(initTotalMaxAttack[attackingArmy.Owner.Id] + initTotalUnitCount[attackingArmy.Owner.Id]) /
(initTotalMaxDefence[defendingArmy.Owner.Id] + initTotalUnitCount[defendingArmy.Owner.Id] + initUnitCount[defendingArmy.Owner.Id][defendingUnit.Id] * defenceBonus);

// calculating random multipliers
double minMultiplier = 0.5; // minimum cascading random multiplier (max = 0.99)
double multiplier = 0;
if (attackDefenceDiff > 1)
multiplier = (1 - minMultiplier) / attackDefenceDiff + minMultiplier;
multiplier = (1 - minMultiplier) / (1 / attackDefenceDiff) + minMultiplier;
double attackMultiplier = attackDefenceDiff >= 1 ? 1 : multiplier;
double defenceMultiplier = attackDefenceDiff <= 1 ? 1 : multiplier;

// rolls
int maxAttack = attackingUnit.MaxAttack;
if (maxAttack < 1) maxAttack = 1;
int attackRoll = Utils.CascadingRandom(model.Random, 1, maxAttack, attackMultiplier);
if (maxAttack > 15 && attackRoll < maxAttack / 2)
attackRoll = maxAttack / 2;

int maxDefence = defendingUnit.MaxDefence + defenceBonus;
if (maxDefence < 1) maxDefence = 1;
int defenceRoll = Utils.CascadingRandom(model.Random, 1, maxDefence, defenceMultiplier);
if (maxDefence > 15 && defenceRoll < maxDefence / 2)
defenceRoll = maxDefence / 2;

// after roll bonuses
double arbMultiplier = 0.66; // arb cascading random multiplier
int arbChance = 25;

// attack ARB
int attackARB = 0;
if (attackingUnit.ARB > 0)
if (Utils.ChanceRandom(model.Random, arbChance))
attackARB = Utils.CascadingRandom(model.Random, 1, attackingUnit.ARB, arbMultiplier); // multiplier = 0.66

// defence ARB
int defenceARB = 0;
if (defendingUnit.ARB > 0)
if (Utils.ChanceRandom(model.Random, arbChance))
defenceARB = Utils.CascadingRandom(model.Random, 1, defendingUnit.ARB, arbMultiplier); // multiplier = 0.66

// damage
// int damage = (attackRoll + attackARB) - (defenceRoll + defenceARB);
int attackDamage = attackRoll + attackARB;
int defenceDamage = defenceRoll + defenceARB;
21.09.2011 - 02:12
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Venezuelan, 20.09.2011 at 20:39

This Are my Ideas:

*Make a Animation at the end Of You're empire. When You Lost, An animation Will show The Flag of you're Empire Almost Destroyed. And Down Say: [Name of you're Empire] has Lost.

*Put Venezuela On The SMS/Phone Payments .. It Just Isnt Fair That Almost Every Country Can Do That And Venezuela Can't, We Got A Lot Of Players Here, Such As:
Alejandro (Me)

And Even More..

So, Please. Let Us Have Our Chance To Buy Premium u-u

*General Influense: When the General plays A Battle with Another Soldier to conquer a Land Or Defend you're Empire. This will make Better You're Soldiers Giving up +1 Of Attack and +1 of Defends To each Soldier. Just when The Captain Is on You're Army

Animation: needs animators. I cannot even draw, unfortunately. Doesn't add that much to the game, too.

We don't control which country is on the SMS payments list - we just use the services of They are one of the largest providers, and perhaps one day they will add Venezuela as well.

Generals already work in exactly the way you described.
21.09.2011 - 02:14
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Stomach Ulcers, 20.09.2011 at 21:56

How was Amok's vacation? :'D

I will let him reply to that. I invited him to the thread, but I think he's still cooling off after the SE-asian heat
21.09.2011 - 09:10
u mirin cow brah
Käyttäjä poistettu
Kirjoittanut Ivan, 20.09.2011 at 14:22

Kirjoittanut Garde, 20.09.2011 at 14:15

What are the plans for the idea thread started by cao?


As for the massive list of suggestions... ugh, some very interesting ones there, that we'd like to magically materialize by themselves - but honestly, we don't have enough manpower to attend to all of them, sorry. Perhaps a few will eventually find their way to our updates, we'll see.

There are two points in the list which many players agree with are most important. The (ELO-)system for the 1vs1 ranking and the problem with first turn blocks, which should be forbidden.
The adding of those two things would be awesome.
21.09.2011 - 12:09
 Amok (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Stomach Ulcers, 20.09.2011 at 21:56

How was Amok's vacation? :'D

It was most awesome, thanks for asking
22.09.2011 - 11:02
How Was You're Vacations Ivan?
22.09.2011 - 12:41
Are you going to review the strategies?
22.09.2011 - 13:06
Are you going to change some aspects of the currently working mechanics, like turnblock's algorithm (was discussed here), infinite wall's maneuver/bug or something else?
22.09.2011 - 13:08
My second question is related to the expansion of Afterwind community. In my opinion we are having a slow but continuously growth in the player numbers and it was already said that you guys had the intention of focusing in advertising at the moment.

What are the actual actions planned for advertising Afterwind? Don't you think that the implementation of features like collectable cards and other awards, besides SP, for players that help to bring new comers would motivate them?
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
23.09.2011 - 10:42
Perhaps you could let us create our own flags so when you click on a country owned by that person, it will have that players 'flag'
Won't be able to play Afterwind for a while
23.09.2011 - 14:51
Kirjoittanut Josh8, 23.09.2011 at 10:42

Perhaps you could let us create our own flags so when you click on a country owned by that person, it will have that players 'flag'

Do you mean a flag linked to your profile? Similar to the general's icon? That seems plausible, and seems kind of cool. But if you want an alternative, you can make you're own flags and upload them for scenario's if that suit's you're needs. Still, like the idea.
23.09.2011 - 16:51
Kirjoittanut Garde, 23.09.2011 at 14:51

Kirjoittanut Josh8, 23.09.2011 at 10:42

Perhaps you could let us create our own flags so when you click on a country owned by that person, it will have that players 'flag'

Do you mean a flag linked to your profile? Similar to the general's icon? That seems plausible, and seems kind of cool. But if you want an alternative, you can make you're own flags and upload them for scenario's if that suit's you're needs. Still, like the idea.

guys, this thread is for direct questions to the developers. This is a good idea but please post in the appropriate board "Ideas and Suggestions"
23.09.2011 - 20:46
What is a typical day of Amok and Ivan in afterwind? Checking posts etc.
23.09.2011 - 21:55
What demographics is Afterwind due to focus on in the planned advertising stimulus?
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
24.09.2011 - 22:13
Will strategies like Master of Stealth, Lucky Bastard and Tank General be improved?
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
25.09.2011 - 13:45
Will you ever make pinheiro's famous map preset "Europe + +" a full map and let non-premium members choose it?
: )
Kirjoittanut Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Kirjoittanut tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

25.09.2011 - 15:30
Will you implement railways?
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
25.09.2011 - 17:20
Kirjoittanut YOBA, 25.09.2011 at 15:36

Kirjoittanut ncmbad, 25.09.2011 at 15:30

Will you implement railways?

This isn't the 19th century, railways are hardly important today for troops to mobilise...
Then where are the aircraft carriers, IFVs, insurgents with special unit IED, network-based warfare and population support for war?
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
25.09.2011 - 23:10
Any news on where the waypoint movement system is in the priority of features to add? Its still kind of tedious now to cross the big oceans in world games.
26.09.2011 - 21:50
Rally Points i heard thats getting implemeneted when is it going to be?
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
26.09.2011 - 22:52
For now, I am kind of pissed off at the fact that premium users get a whole bunch of free ****, but whatever.
Alright, suggestions...
I. Basic Terrain Stuff-
Alright, I get kind of the fact that it's too hard to code, but you can work on it continously. Anyways, so, I can cross the Andes to Peru in a week? To make the game a bit more moldable and expandable, I suggest basic terrain features. At least put a movement cost. I would appreciate a defense system, but please. Terrain features also open up a lot of new updates...
II. Population Casualties
This was suggested back then. We wanted scenarios though. What I want is population casualties, every 3-5 battles fought in the city, 1 population point lost. What does this mean? It means that field battles will become majorly important- no 50 troops in one city, waiting it out. It can either stop when the city gets to one, or the city can be destroyed- (if it was a capital, it stays at one) basically wiping it from the map.
So yeah, hard coding stuff, I'd get it, but some new ones, please.
27.09.2011 - 12:21
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Venezuelan, 22.09.2011 at 11:02

How Was You're Vacations Ivan?

I didn't really have one. Was working of freelance projects and apartment renovation.
27.09.2011 - 12:22
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut learster, 22.09.2011 at 12:41

Are you going to review the strategies?

No plans for this, strategies seem to work quite well IMO.
27.09.2011 - 12:23
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Ska-boo, 22.09.2011 at 13:06

Are you going to change some aspects of the currently working mechanics, like turnblock's algorithm (was discussed here), infinite wall's maneuver/bug or something else?

Yes, perhaps the ones you mentioned.
27.09.2011 - 12:28
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Pinheiro, 22.09.2011 at 13:08

My second question is related to the expansion of Afterwind community. In my opinion we are having a slow but continuously growth in the player numbers and it was already said that you guys had the intention of focusing in advertising at the moment.

What are the actual actions planned for advertising Afterwind? Don't you think that the implementation of features like collectable cards and other awards, besides SP, for players that help to bring new comers would motivate them?

Yes, we feel that would help. However, cards are a lot of work and we cannot afford that at the moment.

Our attempts at advertising failed rather miserably - we have neither knowledge nor resources for that. The idea now is to involve a bigger company - we'll see how that goes.
27.09.2011 - 12:32
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Aristosseur, 23.09.2011 at 20:46

What is a typical day of Amok and Ivan in afterwind? Checking posts etc.

During heavy development, it's coding - designing - coding - checking forum - coding - designing.
Currently, it's more like checking forum - replying to pm.
27.09.2011 - 12:35
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut ncmbad, 23.09.2011 at 21:55

What demographics is Afterwind due to focus on in the planned advertising stimulus?

I feel like a politician now

Umm... people who like strategy games?
27.09.2011 - 12:36
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut ncmbad, 25.09.2011 at 15:30

Will you implement railways?

27.09.2011 - 12:36
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut tophat, 24.09.2011 at 22:13

Will strategies like Master of Stealth, Lucky Bastard and Tank General be improved?

Lucky Bastard, perhaps. The other 2 - highly unlikely.
27.09.2011 - 12:37
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Fruit, 25.09.2011 at 13:45

Will you ever make pinheiro's famous map preset "Europe + +" a full map and let non-premium members choose it?
: )

How can we possibly steal Pinheiro's fame and glory like that?
27.09.2011 - 12:38
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Guest14502, 25.09.2011 at 23:10

Any news on where the waypoint movement system is in the priority of features to add? Its still kind of tedious now to cross the big oceans in world games.

Yes, that's still on the priority list.
27.09.2011 - 12:39
Kirjoittanut Ivan, 27.09.2011 at 12:35
I feel like a politician now

Umm... people who like strategy games?

*writes essay over demographics AW should recruit*
Kirjoittanut Ivan, 27.09.2011 at 12:36

Too unbalanced?
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
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