2019 Public Meeting

AtWar's Admin, Moderator, and Supporter teams would like to invite the player-base to attend their last *official* meeting of the year.

It will be held on Sunday, December 22nd @ 3 pm CDT (Central USA), in the game it's self (expect to have it in a game lobby or a room lobby-- we will let you know).

Time Conversions
1:00 pm Pacific Time (USA)
4:00 pm Eastern Time (USA)
9:00 pm Western Europe (UK, Portugal)
10:00 pm Central Europe (Germany, France, taly, Croatia, Serbia)
6:00 am Tokyo
5:00 am Hong Kong
2:30 am Delhi
11:00 pm Jerusalem

- New Ranking System
- New CW Guidelines
- Proposal of the revamp of the CW/Elo system
- Opinions about Admin, Mod, Supporter teams
- Game mechanics
- Questions on the game
- Map Editor
- Strategies
- Trophies
- SP Multiplier
- And more!

What We're Already Working On

To try and answer some possible questions beforehand, here is a detailed list of what we're currently doing or plan to be doing:

Map Editor
--> We've taken community opinions in our work with the editor, as well as their testing of bugs.
--> Clovis and Dave (mainly Clovis) are working hard to fix current issues with the editor and tackle its coding.

Events, Content, Systems, Strategies
--> Supporters are doing their best to fit time in to hold tournaments as well as host PC/SP Drops.
--> Supporters have discussed plenty of content ideas and have plans to implement some, it is only a matter of time before we actually are ready to implement some of these ideas, as it takes time and work from all sides of atWar's administration.
--> Garde (now Double Falcon) has been working hard with strategies, especially about implementing and revamping them. We are waiting on the actual implementation end.
--> Working on revamping the current CW/Elo system.

Website Development
--> Dave is spending his time working to fix the site's code as well as to fit in new stuff, such as the new ranks and website changes you have seen in the past couple of months.

News and Updates
--> Supporter' Update Log
--> Supporter' Trello Board
--> Developers Corner
--> We're working on posting updates more often to bring news of what we're doing to the community, instead of releasing what we think you guys would like to see.

Do note this list is only a small portion. We cannot fit the entirety of everything on here as there is so much going on. No question (related to this meeting) is off-limits.

This meeting will allow us to start a baseline for the start of 2020 and ultimately get more things done. We sincerely hope the community will part-take in this meeting.

Toxicity and other forms of irrelevant, unnecessary arguments will warrant a mute for the remainder of the event.

See-ya there!



Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Kommentit: 13   Viereailijat: 358 users
17.12.2019 - 13:52
Join us!
17.12.2019 - 14:12
Will be attending
17.12.2019 - 14:29
I thought double falcon was a new supporter...

I like the logs... keep adding to them
Happiness = reality - expectations
18.12.2019 - 16:28
I'll try to be there!
Planet Howdy Prison = 152/89.
18.12.2019 - 19:43
We are expecting you guys!

19.12.2019 - 04:45
Times are wrong. france and spain are in central european time zone
19.12.2019 - 10:11
Kirjoittanut Wheelo, 19.12.2019 at 04:45

Times are wrong. france and spain are in central european time zone

My fault lul, went by common sense thinking
19.12.2019 - 23:24
We should get an incentive to attend
20.12.2019 - 08:37
 brianwl (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut bilawi, 19.12.2019 at 23:24

We should get an incentive to attend

Alois is bringing Danishes.

20.12.2019 - 23:28
Hey guys,

i don't have the same privileges as Alois to make notified announcements, so for the meantime I hope everyone reads this: A few things have come up for Alois IRL and I'm unsure if he will still be able to lead the meeting on Sunday, 22 December at 4PM EST. No worries however- I will be bringing the Danishes, and we'll have a romp of it. Our Agenda is still as it is in the OP, and I am currently curating a set of sub-topics I feel the community should know about/discuss going forward as well, so there is that to look forward to. If you have any suggestions or topics of interest you want featured in this upcoming meeting, feel free to PM me, /pr me in-game, or reply to me here before Sunday.
21.12.2019 - 14:24
I will try to attend and get some work done. But I'm 1,200 miles away from home.
21.12.2019 - 15:30
Kirjoittanut Alois, 21.12.2019 at 14:24

I will try to attend and get some work done. But I'm 1,200 miles away from home.

Happiness = reality - expectations
21.12.2019 - 17:45
Message deleted by Sid. Reason: Unleashed

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