Today I had the privilege to talk to Ivan, atWar administrator, about atWar. I asked him what he thought about the fact using inspect element to use the black color is worth a ban, and in his own words he responded with, ''I personally don't think it's ban worthy''. At the moment a moderator has the right to ban any users who does this, and many think this is a ridiculous rule. With permission from Ivan, I am creating a poll to see whether or not the community believes this should be ban worthy. Rules will be changed depending on the outcome of this poll.



Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Kommentit: 41   Viereailijat: 514 users
28.09.2017 - 14:22

Kirjoittanut Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
28.09.2017 - 14:23
Just make black available. Everyone wants it. You shouldnt have to edit client code to unlock it.

And no they shouldnt be banning ppl for it.
28.09.2017 - 14:33

When will the oppression end?
28.09.2017 - 15:07
Kirjoittanut Crow, 28.09.2017 at 14:33

When will the oppression end?

LOL haaaa Syrian Force got Destroyed
28.09.2017 - 15:33
Kirjoittanut Crow, 28.09.2017 at 14:33

When will the oppression end?

Sorry you see it as oppression. I wish you would see it as something good, like consistency.

Inspect element bugs are not cool, no one really likes them except for the user(s). In order to access black color, you must alter the HTML on the page. As harmless as may seem, once you allow one, you must allow the other bugs... For us to be constant.

This is not Syrian-Force's first rodeo (pardon my Texan phrase) with bugging the system. He has been reprimanded several times for using black in games, and has already been banned once.

Anyways, If Ivan wishes to make this color public domain, good-luck on the poll! I wish all fortune to it .
28.09.2017 - 15:38
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 28.09.2017 at 14:23

Just make black available. Everyone wants it. You shouldnt have to edit client code to unlock it.

And no they shouldnt be banning ppl for it.
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
28.09.2017 - 15:39
I support making black color available. but frankly it has nothing to do with players ignoring rules and calling redline on mods doing their job.

28.09.2017 - 16:55
I dont like black color in games. First of all all the autistic kids use it to seem like cool cats and secondly i cant see their walls clearly.

Plus it is actually racist and im not even joking, since white would be an amazing colour but it doesnt exist for unknown reasons.
28.09.2017 - 17:00
Kirjoittanut Khal.eesi, 28.09.2017 at 16:55

I dont like black color in games. First of all all the autistic kids use it to seem like cool cats and secondly i cant see their walls clearly.

Plus it is actually racist and im not even joking, since white would be an amazing colour but it doesnt exist for unknown reasons.

28.09.2017 - 20:51
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 28.09.2017 at 17:00

Kirjoittanut Khal.eesi, 28.09.2017 at 16:55

I dont like black color in games. First of all all the autistic kids use it to seem like cool cats and secondly i cant see their walls clearly.

Plus it is actually racist and im not even joking, since white would be an amazing colour but it doesnt exist for unknown reasons.

29.09.2017 - 03:44
Kirjoittanut Crow, 28.09.2017 at 14:33

When will the oppression end?

LOL 15 days!!? For using black colour?! MFW...

Kirjoittanut Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
29.09.2017 - 04:11
Kirjoittanut Google, 28.09.2017 at 15:33

Kirjoittanut Crow, 28.09.2017 at 14:33

When will the oppression end?

Sorry you see it as oppression. I wish you would see it as something good, like consistency.

Inspect element bugs are not cool, no one really likes them except for the user(s). In order to access black color, you must alter the HTML on the page. As harmless as may seem, once you allow one, you must allow the other bugs... For us to be constant.

This is not Syrian-Force's first rodeo (pardon my Texan phrase) with bugging the system. He has been reprimanded several times for using black in games, and has already been banned once.

Anyways, If Ivan wishes to make this color public domain, good-luck on the poll! I wish all fortune to it .

Ohh the contradictory...

You and Eagle are the first mods to ban people for picking a colour, a fucking colour.. one that is in the game anyways, just made it harder to pick it.

Of course the bugs are not cool, but black could be picked without bugs too, that is what most ppl are doing anyways, Someone even tried to explain you this in the other thread where you gave warnings for using black, yet you decided to ignore that statement. You can get black by being the 20st player. So basically the bans are incorrect.

To allow one bug doesn't mean to allow other bugs, thats such a cliché thing to say. You can draw lines into what you may and may not do with the bugs, like for perhaps nothing that gives you an advantage or anything else, picking a colour or making games 50/50 players is not harming anything, its making the game more enjoyable to play, and believe me this game could use something that makes it enjoyable to play, with all the bearable things it has at this moment, with server crashes once a week, 100x dc's a day, etc..

Eventhough hdrakon has told you that its not our fault the game is broken and open for violating, afterall we are sitting here waiting for new updates since 2015, getting told that mapmaker is 99% done for the 100th time, admins (besides Sun) who don't reply back, comment on anything, won't even tell the future of this game.

And for your last part, you and the rest of the community all know that it won't happen, since Ivan nor Amok showed any interest in this game whatsoever in the last few years, besides somehow making some money by fixing some server crashes, so its kinda contradictory to say goodluck with the poll, and yet on the other hand banning people for using a colour that has been a part of this game since the beginning and could be picked without bugs.

Kirjoittanut Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
29.09.2017 - 05:54
Kirjoittanut Khal.eesi, 28.09.2017 at 16:55

I dont like black color in games. First of all all the autistic kids use it to seem like cool cats and secondly i cant see their walls clearly.

Plus it is actually racist and im not even joking, since white would be an amazing colour but it doesnt exist for unknown reasons.

tbh man, dafuq is having a black colour but not a white one racist, how can that be taken as racist. its like going to a town and seeing all the cars are painted white and there are no black colour cars and saying that the town is racist
29.09.2017 - 06:31
Gc just do his job
Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished.
29.09.2017 - 07:12
Kirjoittanut Davy Jones, 29.09.2017 at 06:31

Gc just do his job

He does his job badly
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

29.09.2017 - 07:35
Kirjoittanut Google, 28.09.2017 at 15:33

Kirjoittanut Crow, 28.09.2017 at 14:33

When will the oppression end?

Sorry you see it as oppression. I wish you would see it as something good, like consistency.

Inspect element bugs are not cool, no one really likes them except for the user(s). In order to access black color, you must alter the HTML on the page. As harmless as may seem, once you allow one, you must allow the other bugs... For us to be constant.

This is not Syrian-Force's first rodeo (pardon my Texan phrase) with bugging the system. He has been reprimanded several times for using black in games, and has already been banned once.

Anyways, If Ivan wishes to make this color public domain, good-luck on the poll! I wish all fortune to it .

Ivan just said its fine,ur just looking for reasons to ban people due to some real life frustrations i guess.
You mention consistency,even big law enforces can "let someone go" once in a while,like in prison they lower your sentance for good behaviour,just banning people for the smallest of things means you dont give a fuck for atwar you dont allow all if you allow once,yesterday you banned a guy mid cw for using black color in the PREVIOUS game that lasted 1 minute,all in all ruined the game for the rest due to being so consistant...
There are mods who abuse their powers for their own use,but you are worst then them due to liking to be a control freak i guess?
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

29.09.2017 - 09:38
Guys gtfo with your idiotic reasons to call GC a bad mod, he is indeed doing his job based on the current rules and till this colour debate is sorted out he can ban as many times as he wants if needed.
About SF he already said why he was banned for 15 days, no reason to call GC out for giving out such a long ban for such a small break.
Chill the fuck down.
On topic:Yes either allow it or make it avaible so people don't see other users using it and wonder why they can't.
29.09.2017 - 09:47
It should just be added into the game again, without inspect element. I made a poll about it a year ago. And it got majority: YES.

And its also easier if you make a new poll with atwars voting function, instead of leading us to a new site.
29.09.2017 - 16:27
Thank you all for voting? The results are...

Total votes: 63
Yes votes: 52 (83%)
No votes: 11 (17%)

The atWar public has voted yes in that people should be allowed to use inspect element to use the color black. Ivan himself said he doesn't care whether users do this regardless of this poll, but now it can be official to the public. Have fun playing with black now
29.09.2017 - 23:59
Kirjoittanut Ghostface, 29.09.2017 at 10:35

At the moment GC is right to ban as those are the rules , but after this all will change

The thing is that what we need are strict mods. For example, we need a 'global chat' channel, but still abusing global chat to talk is wrong.

atWar has enough abusers as it is.

30.09.2017 - 05:15
Kirjoittanut Crow, 29.09.2017 at 16:27

Thank you all for voting? The results are...

Total votes: 63
Yes votes: 52 (83%)
No votes: 11 (17%)

The atWar public has voted yes in that people should be allowed to use inspect element to use the color black. Ivan himself said he doesn't care whether users do this regardless of this poll, but now it can be official to the public. Have fun playing with black now

Maybe provide with screenshots about Ivan, so people have actual prove when they are wrongly banned.

I'd also say #FreeSyria

Kirjoittanut Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
30.09.2017 - 05:35
Using black is against rules, gc ban who pass the rules, its Syrian forces problem, the question if it's shall be allowed is something different.
Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished.
30.09.2017 - 05:55
AW is dead cuz of Chrome and idiots like him ...
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
30.09.2017 - 06:04
Urraa black color won
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

30.09.2017 - 10:53
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
30.09.2017 - 22:03
Kirjoittanut Waffel, 30.09.2017 at 05:15

Maybe provide with screenshots about Ivan

01.10.2017 - 03:54
Google Chrome is really overstepping his bounds, no mod does the mass bans that he does. The real question is, why the hell is he even a mod in the first place, the majority of players don't like the way that he abuses his powers. Let Ivan/Amok set the rules of the game, not some power-hungry mod. People don't have a personal issue with Chrome, but he really needs to either stop with the constant and blatantly unfair bans/mutes, or go back to being a regular non-mod player.
01.10.2017 - 08:54
 Acquiesce (Valvoja)
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
01.10.2017 - 09:13
Käyttäjä poistettu
We really need to get rid of Chrome. Let's hold a new referendum sometime to remove him from being a mod. I don't know if his personal life sucks and he's taking it out on us or something; in any case I don't feel comfortable having him continue to be a moderator. He has access to the passwords of every non-admin non-mod player on atwar, and has proven to be vindictive and petty in multiple cases. Hundreds of players pay good money for premium every month, and he has banned/muted many of us who have paid money for this game. My main account, which has lifetime premium, recently got banned by Chrome as well.

Waffel got a 20 day forum and roomchat ban just for stating his opinions. This is blatantly unfair and quite frankly ridiculous. How dare chrome display his personal vendetta against those of us who contribute financially to this game?

#StopModAbuse, remove chrome from his mod position
01.10.2017 - 10:06
 brianwl (Valvoja)
Changing the game, it's functionality, and it's settings are all against the rules.

Agreed, changing the color is trivial. I'd be surprised to hear Ivan supports players to use coding to alter the game in substantial ways. Colour is one of those 'unsubstantial' ways, but the process of changing the colour uses techniques that opens up all sorts of abuses that many players feel are harming the game.

Mods have made a decision just to 'ban for unauthorized IE use' to deter it's propagation.

Hopefully this clarifies. ♥

01.10.2017 - 14:33
Black is hard to play against. Yes, it offers a psychological advantage so it must no be allowed. in 1vs1vs1 games, the person with black is generally the one least targeted, which is what i have seen and the main reason behind is poor visibility of the areas being black. in all the colours black and white shouldn't be allowed, due to their extremely poor visibility. May be Grey shades are preferable. Dark pitch black is hard. Like it is hard to determine whether the wall is 'Wfed' or not.
01.10.2017 - 21:27
 Witch-Doctor (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut SubipraDebadhikary, 01.10.2017 at 14:33

Black is hard to play against. Yes, it offers a psychological advantage so it must no be allowed. in 1vs1vs1 games, the person with black is generally the one least targeted, which is what i have seen and the main reason behind is poor visibility of the areas being black. in all the colours black and white shouldn't be allowed, due to their extremely poor visibility. May be Grey shades are preferable. Dark pitch black is hard. Like it is hard to determine whether the wall is 'Wfed' or not.

So is dark green so wtf is your point.
01.10.2017 - 22:04
Kirjoittanut SubipraDebadhikary, 01.10.2017 at 14:33

Black is hard to play against. Yes, it offers a psychological advantage so it must no be allowed. in 1vs1vs1 games, the person with black is generally the one least targeted, which is what i have seen and the main reason behind is poor visibility of the areas being black. in all the colours black and white shouldn't be allowed, due to their extremely poor visibility. May be Grey shades are preferable. Dark pitch black is hard. Like it is hard to determine whether the wall is 'Wfed' or not.

that is simply not true because black people tend to be targeted more by police....
01.10.2017 - 22:35
"that is simply not true because black people tend to be targeted more by police...."
This is not the necessary argument here to prove that I am wrong.
I only meant to say that the black colour with a little more transparency and visibility must be encouraged rather than what some people use.

"So is dark green so wtf is your point."

I agree, my point is the colours with unacceptable levels of visibility shouldn't be promoted. Instead of pearl black, we can have a darker shade of grey near to the black in the monochromatic colour spectrum. Visibility matters a lot when the time is less like in 3 minutes or less per turn.
Its natural tendency of humans to explore the invisible areas at the last. Very few people can see in the dark. Since humans are not evolved to work efficiently in dark conditions, shades with very poor visibility shouldn't be encouraged to use. It is difficult to work in conditions in pitch black darkness and fighting in the land of the darkness is even more difficult.

Also regarding the poll, why should people have to use inspect element to use black colour, they can provide greyish black shade in the default palette if people want black so much.
02.10.2017 - 13:49
I personally mean that it is difficult to see walls when the color is black.
"insert quote here"
-"insert famous person here"
03.10.2017 - 17:07
Kirjoittanut 4nic, 29.09.2017 at 07:35

Kirjoittanut Google, 28.09.2017 at 15:33

Kirjoittanut Crow, 28.09.2017 at 14:33

When will the oppression end?

Sorry you see it as oppression. I wish you would see it as something good, like consistency.

Inspect element bugs are not cool, no one really likes them except for the user(s). In order to access black color, you must alter the HTML on the page. As harmless as may seem, once you allow one, you must allow the other bugs... For us to be constant.

This is not Syrian-Force's first rodeo (pardon my Texan phrase) with bugging the system. He has been reprimanded several times for using black in games, and has already been banned once.

Anyways, If Ivan wishes to make this color public domain, good-luck on the poll! I wish all fortune to it .

Ivan just said its fine,ur just looking for reasons to ban people due to some real life frustrations i guess.
You mention consistency,even big law enforces can "let someone go" once in a while,like in prison they lower your sentance for good behaviour,just banning people for the smallest of things means you dont give a fuck for atwar you dont allow all if you allow once,yesterday you banned a guy mid cw for using black color in the PREVIOUS game that lasted 1 minute,all in all ruined the game for the rest due to being so consistant...
There are mods who abuse their powers for their own use,but you are worst then them due to liking to be a control freak i guess?

wanted to add more quote lines
03.10.2017 - 17:16
We won't give black colour to waffel...

07.10.2017 - 13:59
Black people are not black, there a very dark brown and white people are not white there a pinkish tan of sorts, black and white are NOT considers "colors" by the scientific community. "" in physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths"
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
08.10.2017 - 01:41
Kirjoittanut Eph, 07.10.2017 at 13:59

Black people are not black, there a very dark brown and white people are not white there a pinkish tan of sorts, black and white are NOT considers "colors" by the scientific community. "" in physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths"

you are a stupid mother fucker why would we call black people black if they arent colored black

god people these days...
10.10.2017 - 17:05
You are a stupid mother fucker why would we call black people black if they arent colored black

god people these days...

Alfonson Dalton, you are from Somalia... so ill assume you have a grade 5 education, second im not the one saying anything. im quoting scientific research, you are calling the scientific community of the world "stupid mother fuckers" if they are stupid what does that make you? haha . if anything your entire comment is ignorant or "stupid" because you are not black. look in the mirror son,you are dark brown, and again black isnt a color so even if you were some kind of black skinned creature it would not be a color. your'e welcome for the school lesion
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
10.10.2017 - 19:32
What is this bug, could someone demonstrate it?
Creator of banal posts

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