- - EDITION 2: FEBRUARY 12, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 2: Ivan's Interview

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar Gossip
Gossip is back, and it sucks when people don't finish their sen

Have you ever thought who is Sexy Girl?

Have you ever received message from Sexy Girl? If not, you are lucky one!
We can just guess what is going to happen with atWar, if everyone receives messages from Sexy Girl.

From our reporter, we've heard that Enigma is reviving, will it happen? For how long will Enigma last? We can just guess for now, Enigma as Stalin's Martians descendant should live, Stalin's Martians should have their representatives in this community.

At last, but not the least important, we bring you the newest image from SP Police forum:

Has the long Balkan war come to an end? Have people finally accepted a winner? Will Albania shine as the new CW pick for atWar? Here are people that can't hold in their thoughts any longer, they want to be Albanian!

Ivan's Interview
We present to you an interview conducted by Crow, asking Ivan about atWar related stuff, and an insight on the future.

Question #1 (asked by Darth.): I remember reading old threads which talked about releasing atWar on Steam and you (or Amok I don't remember) had said you'd like to make that happen someday. Is that going to happen soon? By 'soon' I mean the next 1-2 years since it would need a massive server revamp but I'd love to see a larger player base. Is there a reason you and Amok haven't released it on Steam yet despite the fact it would boost game revenue, which by your own admission is pretty low?

Ivan: Steam release is tied to the editor. We feel that releasing a game with essentially an external editor wouldn't be ideal, and we should finish that first.

Question #2 (asked by JFreders): What direction are you taking atWar towards?

Ivan: Pretty much the same as before, but hopefully more stable and more successful. At this point we're not planning any dramatic changes in direction - we don't have time to pull it off, and even if we do, I imagine it wouldn't be very popular - too many players are too invested in status quo. Just look a the reaction to pretty much any change over the past few years.

Question #3 (asked by Darkmace): Does he plan to remain active as a administrative member of this game? It is understood he has a life outside atWar but few small updates a month (or even every few months) is much better than none at all

Ivan: Yes, I am planning to remain as active as I can be, though balancing AW, work and life has become quite difficult. I am hoping to go back to freelancing at some point though, which should free up more of my time for AW.

Question #4 (asked by Clovis): Have you ever though about expanding your knowledge in the tools/languages used to make this game?

Ivan: Both me and Amok are now way more proficient in the tools/languages used for AW. We gained a lot of experience during the making of the game and over the course of our professional employment (where we work with similar things). I would definitely do a lot of things differently if I had to make AW from scratch now.

Question #5 (asked by Clovis): What are your though about restructuring the hierarchy of powers that the game has?
Details of the question, if needed: basically to split some of the responsibilities among the community members. You could have a "header" mod that appoints other mods, the supporter header could use mod powers into the supporters forums to reorganize it more efficiently. There could be language mods able to edit their respective international forums. ATN & Radio members could have powers to edit their own forum and so on.

Ivan: We might do that, although I have personal fondness for flat structures. In case of Mods, I'm not sure what it would accomplish - certainly a group discussion is better than just one guy having absolute power over appointments. This is very much the case of "who watches the watchers". We simply don't have the ability to appoint perfect people for every position and monitor their activity to make sure they remain "uncorrupted". Adding more hierarchy wouldn't really help in this case.

Question #6 (asked by Clovis): Do admins ever get in touch with the community events?
Details of the question, if needed: I've always wondered if admins used to read the ATN articles, PotM/S/Y awards or even the newly started atWar Press. I also wonder if they support community initiatives such as the atWar Recordbook & Hall of fame, atWar Database by Columna, atWar fandom wikia, Croat's Fun Screenshot thread, have they ever looked at the Encyclopedia Dramatica (if they haven't looked at this one then they'd better not) and so on.

Ivan: That's a lot of reading. I remember browsing through ATN articles occasionally and I skimmed through the atWar Press thing. Though trying to keep up with all the goings-on is not easy - most of my AW non-development time is spent on replying to PM, occasional forum thread and doing tech support. But I certainly support any community-driven initiatives - I think it's awesome to have such enthusiastic and passionate players.

Question #7 (asked by Clovis): Quite a long question: what are your views about the game's strategy and units balance?
Details of the question, if needed: as one of the top criticizers of the changes that have been happening over the years, I do seriously question what do you guys base to make theses changes. Taking up the latest changes for example, they were pretty unpopular (like perhaps any change since top hat's era), pretty weak-logic based and on the top of that, you seemed to base theses changes into a single person's opinion. They also doesn't suit your "good case scenario" as it pretty much made a lot of person angry over a single person happy.
I do also wonder if you guys incorporate the possible effect over the custom maps / scenarios that the changes could have. Particularly the NC destroyer capacity ruined a pretty large number of scenarios once it was implemented.
Lastly, many strategies have long though to be balanced and remained unaltered over the years. That's the case of the Sky Menace strategy that received an update recently. The same guy who PM'ed you with theses changes had also said previously that the strategies needs to be changed periodically rather than to keep them intact until they're considered unbalanced. I wonder if you guys agrees with his views and plan to change the strategies just to "change the dynamics" or eventually plan to balance all the current strategies and focus on adding new ones?

Ivan: Amok's view is "let's never touch them again", and after the responses to the latest changes, I tend to agree with him. Every change that is supported by a group of people (in this case it was Laochra and co) will be vehemently opposed by another, even though it might seem like a net positive and rather uncontroversial at the time.

Question #8 (asked by Clovis): When will be the next "Ivan & Amok here. Ask us anything"?

Ivan: Well, I'm answering questions right now :) We might do an AMA in the coming months, but there's no point doing it before the editor is released, because I suspect it would be mostly just people flinging shit at us

Question #9 (asked by Dr. Trollface): How much money do they want for that game?

Ivan: The minimum number would be $100K, but even that would be up for discussion. Personally, I would be more interested in investment/partnership that would allow me to work on the game full time.

Question #10 (asked by Trystane): There has been a considerable rise in popularity recently on atwar, A lot of older players have returned and the game has expanded. Now what's next for Atwar? obviously things like Map maker and more reliable servers are key but where do you see atwar heading into the future should you wish it to continue, for example which new features are you keen to add? I know there is something about "buildings" ? being added and some new strategies but past that what are your future goals for the game as a whole.

Ivan: I have a lot of plans and ideas, but I wouldn't be able to find time for anything big anytime soon. Map editor and getting onto Steam are current priorities, but both rely on Amok. He's the only one who can sort out server issues as well - actually the machines themselves and connection are fine, so throwing more money at the ISP wouldn't help. Optimizing server-side code is the only way, but Amok claims he has no idea where the problem might be. As for units/strategies updates, this is something well within my power, but I have to say I'm a bit chicken about rolling anything out - I don't think any of the changes I've tried in the past year have been received positively. People have ideas that sound great; I implement them; everyone else shouts that it's ruining the game.

Question #11 (asked by Waffel): Do you still enjoy having an actual ''working'' game and being a part of that game, as administrator?

Ivan:I do, despite everything (including Waffel's endless sarcasm). Really missing the days when I had more time to spend on the game.

That concludes the interview questions, and yes Clovis is quite the curious one.

Content: Crow, Mystical
Formatting/Editing & Humor Expert: Darkmace

"What did the left butt cheek say to the right one?"
"If we work together, we can stop this shit."



Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
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12.02.2017 - 05:32
This concludes this weeks issue of The atWar Press. Thanks to Ivan for taking the time to answer the community's questions! I'm looking for more supporters who wish to write their own section on The atWar Press. If you're interested make sure to contact me.

PS. Thanks for the positive reviews last week!
12.02.2017 - 05:58
Okay there is far worse in those forums than that -_-
12.02.2017 - 06:01
Nice job was an interesting read, lol at waffel.
I do hope he changes his mind about changes to the meta game in general, in aws current form, it is breeding a certain type of toxic player no community needs, the best way to fix that is to take away what makes them so toxic. (Instant gratification through sp farm)

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
12.02.2017 - 10:47
LOL albanians are shit and a weak fucking Nation and it sucks fuck albanians
13.02.2017 - 01:21
If I could offer any kind advice for Amok and Ivan at this point: The structure this game has had since 2010 is largely one that doesn't work in the long run. This game has an ever-present metagame in the form of board culture and shitposting that's fundamentally created an echo chamber for stormweenies and legitimate autists. If anything, begin planning on an eventual retool to Afterwind that doesn't involve omnipresent upgrades and largely situational strategies. Take a note from MOBA's in the upgrade department: Retool profile upgrades to be in-game "Research" that's bought every match. Strategies could operate similarly. The turn system as I remember it working used a stack order of moves to determine who goes first/which units attack/move first, right? Perhaps create a move order counter or some sort of way of tracking your clicks considering the large effect it has. I could never truly enjoy this game's meta because of this. I don't work on RTS/TBS games though, so perhaps I lack a further understanding of this game's round system. This game could seriously use a facelift as well.

Largely though, Afterwind's an in-meme to everyone who either eventually got a job or begged their parents for a Paradox game. Retool this game greatly and hire more people to work on it. Rather, stop listening to the autistic cretins that still plague this game and start going through the old SRB posts from years ago for actual advice.
13.02.2017 - 11:39
Lol i am sorry but please do not use death and sexygirl quotes in the newsletters. As amusing as they are(in a weird way), these newsletters are very public and will influence a new player's perception of what the community is. I don't think we want that.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

Every change that is supported by a group of people (in this case it was Laochra and co) will be vehemently opposed by another, even though it might seem like a net positive and rather uncontroversial at the time.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

As for units/strategies updates, this is something well within my power, but I have to say I'm a bit chicken about rolling anything out - I don't think any of the changes I've tried in the past year have been received positively. People have ideas that sound great; I implement them; everyone else shouts that it's ruining the game.

This is disappointing. It appears that if you complain loud enough and often enough you can trump logic and reason.
13.02.2017 - 13:04
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 13.02.2017 at 11:39

Lol i am sorry but please do not use death and sexygirl quotes in the newletters. As amusing as they are(in a weird way), these newsletters are very public and will influence a new player's perception of what the community is. I don't think we want that.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

Every change that is supported by a group of people (in this case it was Laochra and co) will be vehemently opposed by another, even though it might seem like a net positive and rather uncontroversial at the time.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

As for units/strategies updates, this is something well within my power, but I have to say I'm a bit chicken about rolling anything out - I don't think any of the changes I've tried in the past year have been received positively. People have ideas that sound great; I implement them; everyone else shouts that it's ruining the game.

This is disappointing. It appears that if you complain loud enough and often enough you can trump logic and reason.
13.02.2017 - 21:07
Kirjoittanut Xenosapien, 13.02.2017 at 13:04

Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 13.02.2017 at 11:39

Lol i am sorry but please do not use death and sexygirl quotes in the newletters. As amusing as they are(in a weird way), these newsletters are very public and will influence a new player's perception of what the community is. I don't think we want that.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

Every change that is supported by a group of people (in this case it was Laochra and co) will be vehemently opposed by another, even though it might seem like a net positive and rather uncontroversial at the time.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

As for units/strategies updates, this is something well within my power, but I have to say I'm a bit chicken about rolling anything out - I don't think any of the changes I've tried in the past year have been received positively. People have ideas that sound great; I implement them; everyone else shouts that it's ruining the game.

This is disappointing. It appears that if you complain loud enough and often enough you can trump logic and reason.

Since when "logic" became equal to yelling and randomly classifying the community as "noobs/trolls" simply because they disagree...

Ivan did good acknowledging this. Unless there's a proper discussion as in tophat's era where everybody had a voice there's no point to mess with the strategies. No updates isn't the best case scenario, but it will at least flavor Map Makers as they won't randomly log in to find their maps unbalanced.

Also great article, but I kinda agree with this:

Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 13.02.2017 at 11:39

Lol i am sorry but please do not use death and sexygirl quotes in the newletters. As amusing as they are(in a weird way), these newsletters are very public and will influence a new player's perception of what the community is. I don't think we want that.
14.02.2017 - 14:24
Käyttäjä poistettu
Ffs clovis.. ur questions are suck
14.02.2017 - 14:29
Ok than I will not talk to people like that
14.02.2017 - 16:12
So... why didn't he respond to whether he and Amok are- I MEAN why didn't he respond to my question
Someone Better Than You
14.02.2017 - 16:22
Kirjoittanut Zephyrusu, 14.02.2017 at 16:12

So... why didn't he respond to whether he and Amok are- I MEAN why didn't he respond to my question

Because they are not. We have all seen their pictures and social media profiles.
15.02.2017 - 10:14
Kirjoittanut Khal.eesi, 14.02.2017 at 16:22

Kirjoittanut Zephyrusu, 14.02.2017 at 16:12

So... why didn't he respond to whether he and Amok are- I MEAN why didn't he respond to my question

Because they are not. We have all seen their pictures and social media profiles.

That's not what I was implying... what I was implying was arguably worse.
Someone Better Than You
15.02.2017 - 15:01
I wish I was Albanian
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
16.02.2017 - 14:08
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 13.02.2017 at 11:39

Lol i am sorry but please do not use death and sexygirl quotes in the newsletters. As amusing as they are(in a weird way), these newsletters are very public and will influence a new player's perception of what the community is. I don't think we want that.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

Every change that is supported by a group of people (in this case it was Laochra and co) will be vehemently opposed by another, even though it might seem like a net positive and rather uncontroversial at the time.

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 04.02.2017 at 13:57

As for units/strategies updates, this is something well within my power, but I have to say I'm a bit chicken about rolling anything out - I don't think any of the changes I've tried in the past year have been received positively. People have ideas that sound great; I implement them; everyone else shouts that it's ruining the game.

This is disappointing. It appears that if you complain loud enough and often enough you can trump logic and reason.

yea noobs crying to every change that is new, never accepting anything can cange
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
17.02.2017 - 05:35
Kirjoittanut Karma, 12.02.2017 at 05:58

Okay there is far worse in those forums than that -_-

17.02.2017 - 21:58
I'm not in this
19.02.2017 - 06:33
Sexy Girl beat me in a duel

28.02.2017 - 00:55
I appreciate the interview - it actually sounds like the editor is going to be ready soon - am I reading too much into Ivan's statements?!?

As far as unit and strat tweaks go, I'm really into unit design on my world map clones, as some of you well know. I joined AW in late 2013, and have been active for 2/3 of the time since. I have not had any problems with the various unit and strat changes that have been made over the last 3+ years. In my opinion, the changes have either been A) an improvement, or B) no net difference.

This is an excellent game, very well thought-out in fundamentals (units, strats, map, income, production, etc.). I continue to be impressed with AW, as it remains a crippling addiction for me.

Keep up the good work, and please get the editor going!

Embrace the void

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