Kirjoittanut Guest, 01.08.2013 at 17:56 Also, if we're to quote each other's past, if I may ask, have you yet gotten over your rampant bigotry, racism, and pessimism, or are you still the cynical bastard I remember you being?
Your entire post just became meaningless. No, I'm far more ardent in my views than ever. So I guess its ok for utah to insult both Tunder and I but I cant say anything back.
If I may ask, have you yet gotten over your rampant self loathing, xenophillia, and overoptimistic hippe skippy, coffee coloured utopian worldview, or are you still the flaming progressive homosexual I remember you being?
Garde Postit: 2842 Lähettäjä: Canada
Kirjoittanut Tik-Tok, 01.08.2013 at 18:09
Your entire post just became meaningless. No, I'm far more ardent in my views than ever. So I guess its ok for utah to insult both Tunder and I but I cant say anything back.
Utah and Tunder are clanmate, and/or buddies. I'm positive they insult each other often, whether it be about Ezzatam's cartography, or Tunder's lack of Ingles. Insulting you? Honestly, I see a different angle here: They way they replied to your UK post was, indeed, rude, but I honestly doubt that was reason for retaliation on your part. This flaming is now over on my end, you may continue to say whatever you please.
Lainaa: If I may ask, have you yet gotten over your rampant self loathing, xenophillia, and overoptimistic hippe skippy, coffee coloured utopian worldview, or are you still the flaming progressive homosexual I remember you being?
Self-loathing? If I remember correctly, I lacked self-esteem and dignity. Xenophilia? 10/10, good troll. Hippy-Skippy? Optimism is much more rewarding than rampant pessimism. Utopian-World View? The world is, never will be, and shan't ever be a Utopia- That would be incredibly boring. people should have better morals, yes, but no need for a "perfect world" (Depending on what your relative idea of a "perfect" world is, that is). Flaming progressive homosexual? Burning conservative bisexual.
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 01.08.2013 at 17:45
Kirjoittanut Utah, 01.08.2013 at 17:38
Kirjoittanut Tik-Tok, 01.08.2013 at 17:36
Chill guys...
I made 17 maps in first 45 days of map editing, then got bored cause nobody plays or finds any of your maps....
Admiring your passion.
Kirjoittanut ezzatam, 02.08.2013 at 09:21
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 01.08.2013 at 17:45
Kirjoittanut Utah, 01.08.2013 at 17:38
Kirjoittanut Tik-Tok, 01.08.2013 at 17:36
Chill guys...
I made 17 maps in first 45 days of map editing, then got bored cause nobody plays or finds any of your maps....
Admiring your passion.
well no shit, your maps are crap.
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 03.08.2013 at 17:30
well no shit, your maps are crap.
If they are crap then that is shit....
Kirjoittanut ezzatam, 03.08.2013 at 17:56
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 03.08.2013 at 17:30
well no shit, your maps are crap.
If they are crap then that is shit....
This is my Britain for my upcoming 1400's map:
Okay, I'm gonna close this with sadness in my heart, because I'm sure this thread has a lot of discussion potential.
Kirjoittanut Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. 