‹‹ Takaisin Bugs
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Postit: 1   Viereailijat: 25 users
31.05.2023 - 09:54
Bug Report Template:

Bug Report
Expected behavior
When I check a game, it should show me how many turns it lasted, and the amount of SP earned from the game (if he didn't leave).

Actual behavior
When I check profiles such as https://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=436053, it says the game lasted 1 turn and it does not show the SP in the other column. However, when you expand the game, it shows that the user played the game, and won, as well as the earned SP:

Steps to reproduce the behavior
1. Join a game.
2. When the game start and players are picking countries, leave the game. Sometimes you can also just let it timeout and let the game kick you.
3. Rejoin the game, then win the game.

Browser version:
Any other relevant information:

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