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25.04.2012 - 19:37
We already have advantages for infantry and militia within defensive lines- so why not give other land units, as well as infantry, additional bonuses depending on the terrain? Deserts, forests, mountains, rivers- all of these open up the possibility for new and unique units- as well as varying 'terrain advantages' to modify their attack/defense stats, even HP, based on where they are. In addition, Brown/Green/Blue water (Naval terms, meaning coastal/river, shallow sea, and open ocean), could add different statistics to various types of naval craft. It could also effect the efficacy of line of sight, stealth detection range, and many other things to make ground combat more interesting. In addition, it adds a buff to defenses all around, making air units less effective in certain situations. Discuss!
I am prepared to do whatever it takes to win, so long as there is the chance that there is a chance for victory. I will cut my losses when I know I am beaten. I will show mercy to my enemies in honorable combat. I will show none to those who I deem unfit.
27.04.2012 - 01:59
Hmmm i like the idea honestly, I feel the game needs alittle more variety. I also made a suggestion about units and strategies. This would be very Interesting and would make the game more fun but kind of harder to play. It MAY be a tad much too add and keep track of. Although it was a good idea.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
27.04.2012 - 15:26
It would be a great way to improve the strategic gameplay. However, you would have to ask the admins if this is possible to implement, as I would hazard a guess to say it would be difficult to include in the game from a coding and data perspective.
27.04.2012 - 16:37
"Terrain/Geographic Features - Make Mountains for us to fly over, rivers for us to sail, forests for us to hide in, and deserts for us to dehydrate in
Probably not going to happen, but thanks for contributing - http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=157&board_page=3"

They specifically said they weren't going to implement this and not to post it.
27.04.2012 - 19:40
I don't think that rivers would work without a river-exclusive transport/attack unit, or them being traverseable by marines only. As for the different terrain chunks giving different stat boosts to specific units, that could most likely be done utilizing the existing coding for giving bonuses to infantry/militia in d-lines. It's workable, and helps to combat the horrific advantage that sky menace continues to have at this point.

I'll also note that it gives a tactical depth to the game that will greatly influence the focus onto slightly longer turn games- e.g., 5-8 minutes instead of 2-4 minutes- rather than focusing entirely on going down a quick spam checklist and strategically funneling units in the right direction. Guerrilla strikes and conservative fighting might actually mean something, and you'd actually have to really plan attacks, gather intel, and get used to certain aspects of warfare.

This would also open up NUMEROUS possibilities for new units, allow for a multitude of new strategies that would play to, instead of unit/strategy types, to taking advantage of terrain and giving extra bonuses in certain environments, and to certain units. There is an incredible amount of intrigue and challenge that could be to the game through this sort of progress, and it'd be a shame to waste it due to being unwilling to think on it.
I am prepared to do whatever it takes to win, so long as there is the chance that there is a chance for victory. I will cut my losses when I know I am beaten. I will show mercy to my enemies in honorable combat. I will show none to those who I deem unfit.
27.04.2012 - 20:57
I never said that it was a bad idea.

I said, and I'll say it again, quote, "They specifically said they weren't going to implement this and not to post it."

Ivan already said they're not making it any time soon ("Sorry, this kind of thing is complicated (and not all that useful), so the implementation is very unlikely." ), and it's already been suggested many times.

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