We've got a great new update for you today! Here's what's new:
New game creation panel, now with 200% more tabs!
New game options: "Allow rejoining" - to allow/disallow players to rejoin the game they finished (lost or quit). "100 additional cities" - switches on all the currently disabled cities and countries.
Highly customizable Victory conditions. New options: capture a Neutral country to win, require players to hold the capital/country x number of turns to win. Victory objective is now visible in a tooltip in the games list, as well as in the Game options menu in game.
Flood control in the chat. Sorry about the inconvenience, but spamming was getting out of hand. Also messed with chat colors again.
Fixed: transported troops will no longer participate in battles.
Fixed: killed units in statistics
Updated random algorithm for battles, all unit attack/defence increased by 1.
New chat channel: allies, for talking to players you're currently in alliance with.