04.08.2014 - 22:15
So what I was thinking was haven't you ever went into a game and ran into someone that wall fudged you 1st turn or someone who decided to take all your cities while both of you were allied then kill you, and your like I wish I knew before I started.... The idea that I had is have a warning page be it separate from the game in a forums page or even better something that would come up when you chose a location with a warning of players and what they have done. The people on this warning list wouldn't be banned from playing but it would give other players a heads up on any coming dangers creating a better environment for the atWar community. This being said to put someone on the list you would need evidence (like a screenshot), and all information on the person as possible with the crime (for lack of a better word) that they have committed. This will then be judged by a moderator or some selected official of atWar to decide whether the person is guilt worthy of being put on the Player Warning List (PWL). The name of a person will only be temporary unless it is a recurring event, which they shall then be placed permanently on the list. - If you have any more ideas please add on and if you like it pass this on let others know, and hopefully we can make atWar a better place.
---- If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
05.08.2014 - 07:47
Warning list? No. We'll just ban them or you can enemylist them. No need for a PWL.
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05.08.2014 - 13:59
But what if that person has never heard of the person so they join a game and get killed through an unjust method. What then when enemy listing is too late to save someone. Wouldn't it have been better to have know in the 1st place to have never known at all, also a banning would be to severe the PWL is meant to only serve as a warning mainly for people who don't have special maps or privileges where they could ban people. It would allow anyone to open a custom game and know what's in store before anything happens.
---- If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
05.08.2014 - 14:19
People can change. I understand the thing about PWL, but the system we have in place is already fine. If a noob does any of this it's very likely he will lose reputation and get banned by map makers.
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05.08.2014 - 19:33
Turtles are lovely
---- If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
05.08.2014 - 20:40
Lol agreed with adog. also, imagine hdrakon, potlimitohama, terminal or eab's list of things they have done... how long it would be...
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
06.08.2014 - 06:03
Dishonourable players that w/f etc would be the same players putting the innocent on the PWL... they seem to find one another also, so as a group, they'd go around red flagging whoever they target ... The enemies list and ban feature aren't perfect, but they keep the same player from ruining your game a second time.
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07.08.2014 - 10:26
I like what you said about having their name appear red after a certain amount of times, I said something similar in my 1st post " forums page or even better something that would come up when you chose a location with a warning of players and what they have done." So I like that you put more detail into this and im glad you think that this has potential. thank you
---- If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
08.08.2014 - 23:03
The thing is this is a decent idea but the ban list implemented takes care of this, the rules, for players who are involved ofc, are simple and everyone knows them, breaking the rules is obviously wrong and giving them a warning in this sense, does nothing to benefit the community, you've now given me 2 chances to ruin 2 games instead of stopping it after the first by banning me and enemy listing me. Low ranks/new players however dont fall under the bannable category (unless an alt ofc) because while they might know the rules they are not yet completely understanding of the reasons the rules are implemented and the consequences that apply. I have said this b4 im sure but I compare this to punishing a toddler and punishing a child for say lying about how much candy they ate, you wouldnt be so harsh on the toddler because the teenager knows the rules and knew he would be punished, this warning list get rid of a punishment. what they are doing isnt an "accident" (accidental wfs i dont ban for like border wfs as long as neither side takes advantage) but its usually clear rule breaking and shouldnt be treated lightly, the amount of game-ruiners is at an all time high and we cant just bend to show "compassion" or "mercy".
09.08.2014 - 06:56
But what about the people that cannot ban? What if this is in just a regular game and the person isn't a premium?
---- If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
09.08.2014 - 06:58
Also this PWL isint showing mercy or compassion, it leaves them at the mercy of the atwar community to decide whether to leave them in the game or not (or to ban for those with premiums)
---- If sexy is smart then i must be drop dead gorgeous.
09.08.2014 - 15:12
All players have a banlist whether they are premium or not. It is possible to ban from games that you host as well as from maps that you make http://atwar-game.com/users/banlist.php
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