Let me explain this simply
Good DS Ukr 32% ||
Good Imp Turkey 30% ||
''Skills + Luck'' = 1% to 25% ||
1% to 13% other side effects..
''Luck'' means = Expansion adventages, Tbs success, LMs success, Expectations success..
''Skills'' means = Intuition, Promptitude, Experience, Skills...
''Other side effects'' means = Tiredness, Stress, Angry, Hungry, Happy, Sad, Sleepy, Under pressure from your teammates..
So the solution to this equation is very simple: Your pick has nothing to do with your winrate results, the
influencing factors here is
''Skills + Luck'' and
''Other side effects''..
The most important thing! you must have to know that everything is related here, More
''Skills'' you have --> means you will increase your
''Luck'' percentage too (and vice versa

) , that will increase the
''Skills + Luck'' percentage and also gives you an adventage.
''Other side effects''obtainable like ''a playable comfortable atmosphere'' = more chance to increase your abilities to win..
With some changes to the variables you also can apply this on west, it is not your pick who makes you win but your choices and your abilities to make it succeed.
I hope that my message has reached, ty