‹‹ Takaisin Bugs
Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Postit: 5   Viereailijat: 21 users
07.03.2016 - 06:59
Me and my friend late joined and pressedready and we both somehow joined the exact turn we pressed ready(the same we picked our countries).
After we joined we were confused and noticed we had no reinf.

I asked china if he sees my country,he didnt answer.

Anyway we made walls and next turn we both got reinf and our moves counted.

Not sure what this is.
07.03.2016 - 08:08
 Heat Check (Valvoja)
It's not a bug its a setting, instant joining. Primarily used for casual games so after they are started people can still join whenever they want and not have to wait in the game for 24hr to join. Also no reinf for instant joining is normal.

08.03.2016 - 15:15
Kirjoittanut Heat Check, 07.03.2016 at 08:08

It's not a bug its a setting, instant joining. Primarily used for casual games so after they are started people can still join whenever they want and not have to wait in the game for 24hr to join. Also no reinf for instant joining is normal.

Its not casual...
08.03.2016 - 17:25
 Heat Check (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Cold Case, 08.03.2016 at 15:15

Kirjoittanut Heat Check, 07.03.2016 at 08:08

It's not a bug its a setting, instant joining. Primarily used for casual games so after they are started people can still join whenever they want and not have to wait in the game for 24hr to join. Also no reinf for instant joining is normal.

Its not casual...

No, I mean the setting is usually used in casual games. However Its just a setting, and like all others it can be used in any game, including quick.


10.03.2016 - 09:14
Kirjoittanut Heat Check, 08.03.2016 at 17:25

Kirjoittanut Cold Case, 08.03.2016 at 15:15

Kirjoittanut Heat Check, 07.03.2016 at 08:08

It's not a bug its a setting, instant joining. Primarily used for casual games so after they are started people can still join whenever they want and not have to wait in the game for 24hr to join. Also no reinf for instant joining is normal.

Its not casual...

No, I mean the setting is usually used in casual games. However Its just a setting, and like all others it can be used in any game, including quick.


oh then thanks

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