Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:21
Aetius forced my hand when he ended the turn too early. While politics were of no more use due to cuckservatives. Ironically I am the only person that can save the republic from destroying itself.
You have declared the entire Senate traitors. You have no supporters. This isnt a liberation from you. It's a power grab. Period. You aren't saving the Republic by killing all of its publicly elected representatives. You're destroying it and setting up your own empire.
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 12:24
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:19
I suggest you all spam max legions, get a dictator that knows what he's doing and pick 3 fronts to fight.
I suggest 6 veterans and strong commander vs tunder
11 normal and strong commander v numidians.
Dictator and rest vs a Gaul target
We need to defend Provinces too to prevent him getting more income and territories. That obviously hasn't factored in your master plan.
I say ignore the Germans for now.
Take the Bequeath and gain 50 talents.
Stalemate or defeat the Africans, crush Tunder, and abandon Spain for now. Pull out our troops, crush Tunder, and then fall in one massive hammerblow on Spain.
If you rush him he wont be able to do shit.
You don't think shit through do you?
Edit: Don't speak to me pleb
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:25
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 12:24
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:19
I suggest you all spam max legions, get a dictator that knows what he's doing and pick 3 fronts to fight.
I suggest 6 veterans and strong commander vs tunder
11 normal and strong commander v numidians.
Dictator and rest vs a Gaul target
We need to defend Provinces too to prevent him getting more income and territories. That obviously hasn't factored in your master plan.
I say ignore the Germans for now.
Take the Bequeath and gain 50 talents.
Stalemate or defeat the Africans, crush Tunder, and abandon Spain for now. Pull out our troops, crush Tunder, and then fall in one massive hammerblow on Spain.
If you rush him he wont be able to do shit.
You don't think shit through do you?
You narb 
He can still abandon and flee Sicily with his forces and turn another province (say: Gaul) into his capital. You do realize for the first time we are facing an enemy that can attack us back on our homeland and seize and occupy provinces instead of just liberate or raid them?
We need to crush his Navy first like he needs to crush ours.
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:11
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:00
Kirjoittanut Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 01:42
Donating 25 talents to rome
roll for quite
Guys, with tunder's little attentionwhoring stunt rome is near collapse. Everyone must commit heavily to treasury.
This is why you shouldn't disband veteran legions and should instead put them to good use every turn...
Veteran legions makes it easier to revolt.
You mean like tunder has?
If people are going to revolt they will do it any way they can.
Having 25 veteren legions gives 50 strengh.. So long as they are spread between players, it would be more than sufficient to destroy all your fronts right now.
Only 1 player can revolt at a time so lets say Zeph revolted... All the other veteran legions would fucking annihilate him... Veteran legions make Rome stronger, end of.
Why take the risk at all, might as well replace all of them with normal legions.
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
BTW Phoenix you rage quit the game. Fuck off and stop interfering.
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Why take the risk at all, might as well replace all of them with normal legions.
It's impractical in mid and late Republic though. Costs 10 Talents to retire them.
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 12:28
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:25
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 12:24
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:19
I suggest you all spam max legions, get a dictator that knows what he's doing and pick 3 fronts to fight.
I suggest 6 veterans and strong commander vs tunder
11 normal and strong commander v numidians.
Dictator and rest vs a Gaul target
We need to defend Provinces too to prevent him getting more income and territories. That obviously hasn't factored in your master plan.
I say ignore the Germans for now.
Take the Bequeath and gain 50 talents.
Stalemate or defeat the Africans, crush Tunder, and abandon Spain for now. Pull out our troops, crush Tunder, and then fall in one massive hammerblow on Spain.
If you rush him he wont be able to do shit.
You don't think shit through do you?
You narb 
He can still abandon and flee Sicily with his forces and turn another province (say: Gaul) into his capital. You do realize for the first time we are facing an enemy that can attack us back on our homeland and seize and occupy provinces instead of just liberate or raid them?
We need to crush his Navy first like he needs to crush ours.
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 12:29
BTW Phoenix you rage quit the game. Fuck off and stop interfering.
I died twice and was assassinated there was no point in playing. Thats not a rage quit, thats a forfeit.
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:11
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:00
Kirjoittanut Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 01:42
Donating 25 talents to rome
roll for quite
Guys, with tunder's little attentionwhoring stunt rome is near collapse. Everyone must commit heavily to treasury.
This is why you shouldn't disband veteran legions and should instead put them to good use every turn...
Veteran legions makes it easier to revolt.
You mean like tunder has?
If people are going to revolt they will do it any way they can.
Having 25 veteren legions gives 50 strengh.. So long as they are spread between players, it would be more than sufficient to destroy all your fronts right now.
Only 1 player can revolt at a time so lets say Zeph revolted... All the other veteran legions would fucking annihilate him... Veteran legions make Rome stronger, end of.
Why take the risk at all, might as well replace all of them with normal legions.
Its more expensive to disband them than to keep them and use them, with max veteran legions Rome can deal twice the damage...which you cant deny you need right now because you're all about to lose... by retiring them you take far more of a risk because you make yourselves weaker and therefore less likely to win wars... to defeat spain you actually need a weak roll of say 8 ( like i rolled how funny) and have an army of veterans to make up the difference bringing the final battles stat up to 15.
Instead of retiring them you could even send guys to fight with say 5 of them vs an army of 10... then when you roll a 13,14,15, you win but lose legions.
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 12:02
Wtf is that shit in Sicily
Also nice Aetius bias on Germans
Auxiliary forces.
What bias? 
>Germans have more troops than Hannibal
>Germans have op disaster rolls for no reason
Someone Better Than You
Kirjoittanut Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 12:15
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:09
I would never invite an untrusworthy snitch to join a well planned coup de'tat
In fact, very impulsive and poorly planned. Also when the hell will people stop talking about the disbanding of zephs legions, that is ancient history.
EDIT: The list is cool though
Its not just Zephs legions, its the principle of looking after them so you can give opposing forces the D one time and they die as opposed to putting the tip in and leaving them asking for more... which is why you have 5 needy bitches begging for attention
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
> quits game
> won't stop being an ass with a need for control and attention, telling people how to play and refusing to accept anyone else's viewpoint, always convinced he's right
Three guesses as to whom I'm talking about, and the first two don't count.
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Kirjoittanut Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 12:15
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:09
I would never invite an untrusworthy snitch to join a well planned coup de'tat
In fact, very impulsive and poorly planned. Also when the hell will people stop talking about the disbanding of zephs legions, that is ancient history.
EDIT: The list is cool though
>like 3 turns ago
Someone Better Than You
Kirjoittanut Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 12:15
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:09
I would never invite an untrusworthy snitch to join a well planned coup de'tat
In fact, very impulsive and poorly planned. Also when the hell will people stop talking about the disbanding of zephs legions, that is ancient history.
EDIT: The list is cool though
>like 3 turns ago
Also Darth wants to make a point about defending against Tunder... but Spain doubled in strengh because it was left to romp around the peninsula.... and there was me with 2 veterans and an auxilliary ...dying.... while your 3 were chilling in Rome waiting for a pension courtesy of Aetius
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Blame the Senate that decided to send you there with inadequate forces instead of a single person you whiny attention-whore. I was Governing at the time, Zephyrusu had no say in whether he got to come to your aid, and recall that Potestatem voted Nay to disband first. Next turn, they gave the same proposal and passed it...
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
I use my blackmail card on Phoenixking for an equite and to reveal who assassinated Pyrrhus
If Rome fails to destroy at least 1 enemy they are done for, but if they go full on me their other enemies will get stronger and will increase unrest by about 4
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:31
I use my blackmail card on Phoenixking for an equite and to reveal who assassinated Pyrrhus
Wait, is that how it works?
Phoenixking may choose to accept or decline, if he declines he will lose influence and popularity equal to a dice roll
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 13:33
If Rome fails to destroy at least 1 enemy they are done for, but if they go full on me their other enemies will get stronger and will increase unrest by about 4 
Germans can be ignored for now. We just have to stalemate the Africans and can pull out of Spain completely. Meanwhile landbills and games to reduce unrest.
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:09
Blame the Senate that decided to send you there with inadequate forces instead of a single person you whiny attention-whore. I was Governing at the time, Zephyrusu had no say in whether he got to come to your aid, and recall that Potestatem voted Nay to disband first. Next turn, they gave the same proposal and passed it...
1.They didn't send me there, I used a tribune to go.
2. This happened twice, the first, Aetius forced his faction to disband Zephs legions for not joining his faction. The second time I was sent after I died and would have received Zephs legions if they weren't disbanded.. again because Aetius wanted to make a point to Zeph. Its not about Zephs legions though its about maximising Romes strengh in combat which you're all significantly lacking right now. If Spain was dealt with as I intended then you would have 4 fronts right now instead of 5 and a stronger army to deal with the fronts you have. Its not Rocket Science.
3. I already pointed out that potestatem isn't organised. Stop trying to use my own point against me.
4. Stop talking about stuff you know so little about altogether.
5. You can't strategies for shit, stop pretending.
6. Stop talking altogether and I'll do the same.
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
FFS Phoenix just won't leave me alone...
That cunt loves the sound of his own voice
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:35
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 13:33
If Rome fails to destroy at least 1 enemy they are done for, but if they go full on me their other enemies will get stronger and will increase unrest by about 4 
Germans can be ignored for now. We just have to stalemate the Africans and can pull out of Spain completely. Meanwhile landbills and games to reduce unrest.
You need to remove 2 fronts... if you have 4 at turn end you lose.
so target the weakest fronts in force- Africa, Tunder and 1 Gaul....
Are you simple?
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Oh Fuck off. You'd ignored me. Go back to ignoring me
Edit: I proposed the same thing, except targeting Spain not Germany since Spain has 14 strength, Germany has 20 strength. Germany isn't weaker you fucktard
Edit 2: There is no Gaul against us. With Tunder we have 4 active wars not 5. Pirates aren't an active war. Unlike you, I don't pretend to be the be-all, end-all of military strategy and actually listen to suggestions from people I know are better at it than me. Pyrrhus, Death1816, and Phoenixking come to mind.
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:44
FFS Phoenix just won't leave me alone...
That cunt loves the sound of his own voice
Fuck off child, you have nothing of value to contribute.
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:44
Oh Fuck off. You'd ignored me. Go back to ignoring me
Edit: I proposed the same thing, except targeting Spain not Germany since Spain has 14 strength, Germany has 20 strength. Germany isn't weaker you fucktard
Its Germany and France .... 10 a piece.... noob
Edit: you only need to fight one
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:31
I use my blackmail card on Phoenixking for an equite and to reveal who assassinated Pyrrhus
I can't fine in the rules where u can extort information, please show... I can only find the equite part.
Darth. Postit: 3783 Lähettäjä: Intia
Kirjoittanut Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 13:47
Kirjoittanut Darth., 16.09.2016 at 13:44
Oh Fuck off. You'd ignored me. Go back to ignoring me
Edit: I proposed the same thing, except targeting Spain not Germany since Spain has 14 strength, Germany has 20 strength. Germany isn't weaker you fucktard
Its Germany and France .... 10 a piece.... noob
It's called the Germannic migrations. France isn't invaded yet. Germany has 10 strength a piece = 20 strength versus Spain. Either way, Germany is stronger so your suggestion to attack it is stupid