24.01.2018 - 12:10
Why LB inf + militia have no nerfs but boosts with 10 critical? either they should get only 5 criticals or lb inf should cost 70 but those tanking infantry that are very fast are absurd everybody is using LB all around of europe except for turkey i dont hear anybody mentioning the over usage of this free boost strategy whats the point of none then? with the benefits must come the resolutions and actually 5 LB tanks have bigger chance on defeating 8 militia then DS helicopters think about it.... DS is op? i guess LB tanks are more powerful/faster/transportable/defensive then DS helicopters seriously lb is free boost strategy that needs some balancing to stop the cancerous LB spams all around
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Galerius Käyttäjä poistettu |
24.01.2018 - 12:15 Galerius Käyttäjä poistettu
Syrian i won't read your topics anymore cause no space between paragraphs. Beside that u're right.
24.01.2018 - 12:36
There is none.
24.01.2018 - 12:42
I agree but i know there'll be uproar if we change it. People seem to love the strat. I was waiting for just 1 person to call out lb in the strat thread but nobody did.
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24.01.2018 - 12:48
Its a variable strat its either gonna end badly, end very good, or will be like playing none with more expensive troops.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
24.01.2018 - 13:11
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
24.01.2018 - 13:25
I stopped using it because it's garbage. People use it because they don't want to deal with the range of pd and want a slight buff to their units.
24.01.2018 - 17:36
Yea i dont use it much myself. Its strong at contesting expansion but outside of that I'm not a fan. It's too inconsistent.
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25.01.2018 - 06:00
you can't beat lb ukr? yes nerf time ![]()
25.01.2018 - 06:31
Saying it LB is op. LB gives you crit. Crying about rolls. That makes sense. There is the nerf...rolls.You may have more crit chance but in actual battle u may never crit. Dont change anything LB seems balanced enough to me.
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25.01.2018 - 09:05
Opi lost to me with it so much he started playing his classic pd again. Ill nerf myself so you guys have a chance at winning the season without farming sp police.
lb exacerbates the roll variance problem. 10 units killing 15, a gen and an at is not ok.
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25.01.2018 - 10:07
? 45 LB inf vs 45 PD inf rush same city i guarantee that PD will not win 8/2 of times(because of bad rolls) LB inf = + 1 range more then infantry and actually the critical is more consistent then the huge unit damage because it will deal maximum damage + a normal roll = its a free double roll that's going to be full damage therefore the critical is more consistent then any +1 defense you want a prove mathmetically? LB inf roll in defense 1/2/3/4/5/6 the chance of each is 1/6=16.7% the chance of maximum damage plus one random roll 17% (i guess thats sufficient itself as a prove) still im going to compare it with PD inf pd inf def roll = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/"8" chance of each 1/8= 12.5% each equally to LB tank except for the critical for the inf 1/7~14.5% each and 14.5% chance to outroll LB inf at defending with its poor +1 def bonus and it has 7% chance for a critical... no need for any comparing its obvious whose really stronger? whose really faster? whose really useless? taking to fact that they may deal 12/3 (their shit damage etc) but the critical will still stay at the same value and might give a double full damage hit that's outragous and this strategy have no side effects beside giving its units +10 chance for a retarded double max damage roll also im bored of your retardness you suck/always sucked at this game so shut the fuck up when it comes to game playing even chill is better then you
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25.01.2018 - 10:14
This I can go from Berlin to Warsaw t1 without trans
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25.01.2018 - 15:54
i dont remember you beat it bro ![]()
25.01.2018 - 16:17
Apparently your memory is as bad as your ukraine.
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25.01.2018 - 19:26
Lb ukr users are literal shitters. the most viable way to play it is by fag rushing expansions and gambling on the fact that u can cap turk before your funds run out. it's literally the same cheese tier as blitz turk. the problem with lb shit tier ukr is that you cant fucking slow roll anything vs a good turk hence the fag rushing. with ds, u can still slow roll easy af by cancer wall and stack capping. all this to say lb ukr players are FAGS but lb doesn't need nerf.
25.01.2018 - 20:35
im not speaking of ukr im speaking of LB generally and also you are wrong LB ukr is powerful against slowrolling turkeys and its capable of expanding better then any other strategy...
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
25.01.2018 - 22:55
Try slowroll with lb ukraine, you run out of money by t4.
26.01.2018 - 02:47
26.01.2018 - 06:43
I never offended you and i will never will.Calm down and stop asking for changes that community doesnt agree with.We have democracy.Also i dont think if it matter if i am bad or good at this game.Last,in my opinion chill is a good player,better than the average r9.Also LB uses chances.In chances nothing is a given.Atwar is a risk game.Atleast thats what it was ment to be and me my opinion it represents it well.Now you and your crew if you dont like it go play real chess.AW isnt chess and will never be.There will be always the risk element of tb and rolls.
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26.01.2018 - 08:30
ye chill is a good rank 9 that leaves a cw because he range fails paris with lb spain before even starting and i wouldn't expect otherwise from you also im not speaking of rolls and tbs you trash retard im speaking of a strategy that gives free boost for all units especially the infantries and militia which has not a single state nerf but +10 critical and thats gay itself and out of the line its a free boost strategy without any single nerf, the tanks are basically DS helis or even stronger and faster you can see a ds attack coming but you wont see a transportable units with heli power coming, the infantries are PD infantries that are faster and stronger against anything but against tanks they'll do better against the tanks in 3/10 of times considering the low amount of tanks a user would use as any country, LB is powerful against low attack units at defending so a tank or marine spam is the only way to fight it, you cannot jew a lb unit with 14-17 critical chance using 3/4 att units the rolls will always be on LB's favor LB is out of the line gtfo of here you have no opinion as a trash noob that'd lose against imp/NC ukr with turkey which just proves that you have no sense in this game
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26.01.2018 - 08:40
I have and my economy and expansion/mobility has proved to be better then any other strategy
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Galerius Käyttäjä poistettu |
26.01.2018 - 09:32 Galerius Käyttäjä poistettu
26.01.2018 - 14:45
You becaming way too offensive.Everyone has an opinion and it matters.Atleast thats how i have grown up idk about you.
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26.01.2018 - 15:05
My god stop crying for everything syrian u sound like a lil bitch, its starting to become annoying as fuck... And if your ass cant post somthing without atacking ppl when they give their opinion , then stfu and save us the post >.<
26.01.2018 - 15:31
shut up retard stop acting like "Noob Police" when all that your IQ level may allow you to acknowledge is that this person is crying, i have valid point and i haven't even lost any game because of an lb player im just stating out a fking fact that this strategy has a free boost and very strong boost without weaknesses............. on the other hand you are the ones that comes and starts to act like "STOP CRYING DONT CHANGE STRATEGIES THEY ARE OKAY" without even providing any counter argument beside "CRYING" srsly just go to hell nobody gives a flying fuck about such opinions
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