18.05.2014 - 14:41
I am not one for naming and shaming, neither do I post much on the forums but something needs to be done about these two players. Firstly, I believe it to be the same person who is using both accounts. Basically they are clever sp farmers. They start casual games together, and they use the exploit that lets the person who started to make units on the first turn to kill everyone off by wfing and attacking on the first turn. They never play any quick games either. They are winning games and getting sp only because of the exploit. It is unfair. Why does this exploit not get fixed!?
Pauzer Manteri Käyttäjä poistettu |
18.05.2014 - 14:45 Pauzer Manteri Käyttäjä poistettu
Use /report function. If no mods answer, try PRing them (Go to contacts and select Moderators). If you still don't get answers, send a PM to one of them.
19.05.2014 - 21:29
I Defeated them before alone in Inferno WWII, Good thing IMperialist saved me, they couldn't stand my wall spamming as japan. i won my naval battle and love those ht bukers. team game good. makes sure they not in the other team and in your team. They are preety nice .
---- Hi
19.05.2014 - 21:35
Http://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=365776 Scott is the A true SP farmer. Nope.avi, ogrelord is one of his alt.Because of him i'll never make a team game casual game that have scenario troop. Causual game. his alt cap me in a team game in Ultimate WWII, when i left my capital empty at Zero. WIth ROcket bomb FTW.
---- Hi
19.05.2014 - 23:36
Tad and Sireadalot are not the same players; they are not SP farmers. Yes, they only play casual games and this is perfectly fine. Yes they exploit the "turn 1 unit creation feature in casual games". Blame it on the casual game system. IN CASUAL GAMES IT SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE UNITS IN TURN 1!!!
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19.05.2014 - 23:39
That is why we have a - Remove Reinforcements Turn 1 Button - in map mod
19.05.2014 - 23:46
Right, but is not used by default. Default in casual games should be: reinforcements in turn 2 or reinforcements in turn 1 to all players that joined in turn 0 AND 1. At the moment only players that joined in turn 0 receive reinforcements in turn 1.
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19.05.2014 - 23:57
Yes this is why i don't play casual. Although in scenarios with no neutrals (other than untaken sides respectively) players can only wf and all players can as in say ult ww2 we get starting units so its basically a lose-lose for everyone in causal.
22.06.2014 - 19:49
Haha SirReadalot and me are good friends from college. we are not the same person - we live in different cities. We do plan strategy together. Nobody asks you to join the game as a country next to one of us. If you think the rules are unfair - please email atwar - we did not break any rules. Also, I do have many losses and I do ally with others too.
Oletko varma?