27.04.2015 - 14:45
i have played blitz many times, and there is thread testing militias after the nerf ,you guys claim that the mayority of atwar agreed in this, wich is definitely not true considering the amount of threads against the nerf, about the reason of this post ,im saying that the ones that do not agree with threads that modify the entire game to give their opinions loud and clear, so admins don't think that is the whole community opinion. i use as example the blitz nerf, for future threads
27.04.2015 - 14:53
again, did you saw how many threads against the blitz nerf were posted? probably yes, why did this happened? cause admins though that your opinion about blitz what the whole community one, why did this happened?, cause the ones against it didn't criticize enough these threads , what am i saying in my original post? that we must stop this from happening again, thats all, i don't think i need to be an expert , neither relevant player to say this.
27.04.2015 - 21:35
no you are wrong. Rank 5's and inexperienced high ranks who mostly play blitz or joined the competitive community recently, like the ones crying, will never get to decide on matters of strategies and mechanics, not because i dont like them but because they are simply not qualified. I dont know where did the list of the "15" came up, but i do know all the best and old enough to play and test blitz competively in all its previous forms, players, were calling for a blitz nerf. Only one exception to this is clovis, cause he is autistic. I am not trying to be disrespectful, i just think thats how things go and should go.
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27.04.2015 - 21:49
I honestly think the communities opinion counts for sweet FA, Ivan saw sense. uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Also 1 skilled experienced and competitive player should equal 100 noob opinions.
28.04.2015 - 13:00
Hi, lets get one thing straight. There are two and 1/2 communities that exist atwar. 3v3 players and scenario/custom map players. The other 1/2 eventually fall into one of the other two groups at some point usually before rank 6. With that said, 3v3 players demand changes to strats and get these changes because a.) 3v3 players know game/strategy mechanisms better than anyone else b.) The changes we make result in more balanced play between players even if it might piss noobs off c.) all of the above As for map and scenario games the map maker can easily revert these changes by changing levels of att/def. These changes only effects our realm and even if it by chance makes your RP or other bs game that likely does not involve skill, unbalanced, your map maker can manually change unit powers.
28.04.2015 - 14:19
wow, had a long time without read so much BS. btw, I suggest you to use the word "IMO". It means you are lying. Give it a try ![]()
28.04.2015 - 14:29
evidence that you dont proof check your own posts.
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28.04.2015 - 20:15
ups forgot. ok I hereby declare you relevant and experienced player in this game. You may join the other girls in the 15 elite player team lobby ![]()
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28.04.2015 - 20:16
Yay!! Omg this is the best day in my freaking life! Even better than the one when I was born! My dream come true, pls hug meeeee ![]() ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
28.04.2015 - 20:31
Ok soldier, thats good spirit there!!! Now we have work to do, we are very serious here! You have to report immediately to General Mauzer Panteri's office to talk about "strategies". He is expecting you. Good luck and have fun<3 Oh and dont forget to make all the necessary "war" preparations, before joining him! ![]()
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29.04.2015 - 05:20
Sir, yes sir! I'm getting my make-up and sexy clothes on right now, I'll be ready for duty in no time! Will do my best to not let you down sir!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
Chocobanalol Käyttäjä poistettu |
29.04.2015 - 11:21 Chocobanalol Käyttäjä poistettu
Thread should've been closed after this post.
29.04.2015 - 11:26
What is the purpose of a game? It's to entertain users through a challenge. If many people think a game is fun, then it has served its purpose and is therefore a good game. The majority of this game's players are not "elite players," since pretty much by definition you must be extraordinary to be elite. This game should absolutely not be built around the demands of the minority elite. It should be built around the semi-novice Rank 4-9s that form the bulk of this game's playerbase.
29.04.2015 - 16:01
Can somebody get clovis and croat to ignore me? I'm tired of notifications from retards.
29.04.2015 - 19:25
The truth has been spoken. However, we lack of methods for get those players to know the game better. I bet you a good part of them doesn't ever know that a forum exist. I've proposed guides before, high ranks opposed to them. Like is not enough to own the elite clans and decline to train newbies...
> A retard call me retard. you know what... fock you! XD
30.04.2015 - 00:35
I think i've had too much internet for the day... ![]()
Oletko varma?