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Lähettänyt Witch-Doctor, 03.06.2021 - 12:56
There are several problems I want to solve with my new system. Farming, dodging, camping, and creating new clans at the end of the season are what I want to fix.

In my proposed system, each season will be 3 months long like they are now. The season will be divided into 3 main phases. The qualifier phase, the candidate tournament, and the championship phase.

Duration: First 2 months of the season. First 8 weeks.

During this phase, it will be the same as we have now. Clans will cw whoever they want and compete to get the highest elo.

Candidate Tournament
Duration: Week 9-11 of the season.

At the start of the 3rd month, several important things will happen.
1. The clan with the highest elo becomes the Point Leader
2. There will be a candidates tournament where qualifying clans will compete to be able to challenge the Point Leader to a championship playoff.

The candidates tournament will be a double elimination, bracketed tournament that is best of 5. If you don't know what a double elimination tournament is, it's one with a loser bracket like this.

The winner of the candidates will go compete with the Point Leader for 1st and 2nd place in the season. The runner-up will either win 3rd or 2nd place in the season.

Now, there will be many ways for clans to qualify for the candidates tournament.

  • 2nd to 5th
  • Most CW played qualify
  • Clans with over 100 CW played qualify
  • Mod Team Wildcard **

** The Mod Team is allowed to select one coalition that did not qualify for the candidates tournament and have them compete as a wildcard. This is done so that the mod team can qualify any clan they deem as deserving to play who did not qualify.

There will potentially be many other ways we could add to qualify for the candidates tournament. Here are some that comes to mind.

  • The 1st place seasonal elo dueler's clan
  • Clans with over 1100 elo

The winner of the candidates tournament becomes the Challenger to the Point Leader

Duration: Last week of season. (Can be extended into next season if clan needs extra time)

In this phase, the winner of the candidate tournament and the Point Leader play 10 games to determine who will win the season. Each win equals one point. The team with the highest point wins the season. A tie of 5-5 points is considered a win for the Point Leader. If the Point Leader wins the championship then they get 1st place, the Challenger wins 2nd, and the Runner Up wins 3rd place for the season.

If the Challenger beats the Point Leader, the Challenger wins 1st place for the season. The Point Leader will now have to play a best of 5 vs the Runner Up of the candidates tournament to determine who gets 2nd or 3rd place in the season.

End Notes
Some notes about this system:
During the final 2 phases, clans are still free to cw for fun,practice, or sp if they want to. However, their elo won't have any effects. The winner of the season must win the tournament.

There is a huge incentive to be 1st place in elo at the end of the Qualifier because the 1st place clan is not required to participate in the candidates tournament and they guarantee themselves at least 2nd place. They can just wait for the winner of the tournament to challenge them. They can still cw for fun,practice,sp while the candidates is taking place. They could participate in the tournament if they want, but if they are knocked out early, they don't get their guaranteed 2nd place.

The management of the candidates tournament and the championship will be done by the supporter/mod team.
Here is how this system addresses all the problems I stated earlier in the video
Farming will no longer be the only thing that wins you the season. Yes, there is an advantage to being first at the end of the qualifier, but you have to defend yourself in the championship. There are also many other ways to qualify for the candidates tournament. You don't have to have the highest of elo to qualify.

Dodging is going to be pointless because you will eventually have to play another clan to defend your place during the tournament or the championship. You can dodge during the qualifier, but you can't go the entire season dodging one clan. In addition, the mod-team can add a wildcard team to compete in the candidates if they feel they have been unfairly dodged.

There's no longer camping 1st place by some elo lead and winning the season. If you want to win, you need to play the championship to win. Even if you camped the qualifier so you can get the Point Leader position, you HAVE to play during the championship.

Creating new clans at the end of the season
Any clans created during the last month of the season have missed out on the season and must wait until the next season to compete.

The advantage of this system is that you can adjust the conditions to qualify for the candidates tournament in order to make the season fairer. It could be tweaked to be easier/harder to qualify depending on the circumstances. This is only a proposal and many changes can be made about it. I decided to make this a separate thread so that people can discuss it separately.
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05.06.2021 - 17:28
Message deleted by Kaska. Reason: Derail topic with stupid comments
07.06.2021 - 04:59
Need a system that rewards activity for the games sake. No point being idealistic about the comp scene with current activity levels.
Not to mention clans are banded and disbanded throughout the season and players switch clans, having a league system or a tourn introduces issues with transfers.
Also what if first place earns 1500 elo and 2nd is on 1200 elo? Not fair that their 1st place trophy can be undermined by 1 loss.

Elo works, maybe it needs refining, but it works

sidenote: it's nice that you care about this
08.06.2021 - 05:37
This actually sounds Op !
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
10.06.2021 - 06:33
The argument that clans wont cw for fun doesnt stand. Why else do clans that cant reach t3 placements even cw then?
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