Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Postit: 7   Viereailijat: 46 users
01.02.2013 - 13:09
I was in-game today when suddenly without prior warning I received this:
"You received a warning from ~bargain"

I was not given a reason for my warning therefore I sent a message to Mr. "bargain" asking him to provide me with a reason for my warning, to my surprise I received silence. My question left unanswered. In some sense, I find it an unfair trial.

I suspect that I received the warning for speaking a language other than English in Room Chat, this was in reply to to someone else who was speaking the same language. I was unsure whether or not use of a different language in Room Chat was permitted but felt that since the game was receiving translations, a multi-language society was being promoted. I apologize if I am in the fault.

The primary reason for me making this post is to complain about the fact that I have received no clarification on why I have received a warning. Mr. "bargain" if you see this, please don't ignore me when I message you requesting a reason.
01.02.2013 - 13:26
Justice must be served!
01.02.2013 - 13:49
Probably he just went AFK. But I dont know. The thread remains locked so bargain can answer here.

Kirjoittanut RevCity, 01.02.2013 at 13:09

I suspect that I received the warning for speaking a language other than English in Room Chat, this was in reply to to someone else who was speaking the same language. I was unsure whether or not use of a different language in Room Chat was permitted but felt that since the game was receiving translations, a multi-language society was being promoted. I apologize if I am in the fault.

The game is being translated at the moment to appeal a larger target audience. Anyway the rules did NOT change.
English is the only desired language on all public chats here. This includes the in game chat.
01.02.2013 - 14:09
First of all,I was translating the texts so i didn't even notice your message.Secondly,as VRIL mentioned, the rules didn't change.Although VRIL warned you to speak English,you and a few player more used a foreign language. Therefore I sent a warning all of you.
01.02.2013 - 17:00
Moderators choose some scapegoats to give warnings causeless. Thereafter you will get a bad reputation and your warnings without justification becomes the justification for bans/mutes. That's it
01.02.2013 - 18:17
Kirjoittanut bargain, 01.02.2013 at 14:09

First of all,I was translating the texts so i didn't even notice your message.Secondly,as VRIL mentioned, the rules didn't change.Although VRIL warned you to speak English,you and a few player more used a foreign language. Therefore I sent a warning all of you.

I don't believe I had received a warning from VRIL, but I may be wrong. (I am after all human)
I still do feel that you should have sent me a private message before acting, it's just something nice I would expect from a Mod since it shows that you actually care to take some time out of your day to sort something out. But hey, I guess that's just my opinion.
01.02.2013 - 18:21
Kirjoittanut reckoner., 01.02.2013 at 17:00

Moderators choose some scapegoats to give warnings causeless. Thereafter you will get a bad reputation and your warnings without justification becomes the justification for bans/mutes. That's it

Unfortunately I feel that your statement is true.

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