‹‹ Takaisin Bugs
Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Postit: 5   Viereailijat: 23 users
09.12.2012 - 18:02
In my last game (it was Talos Lord of the Rings Scenario) everything started as usually. Player choose their countrys and then the first turn started. Every Player could just build Militia. To be able to build other units I had to move the units in the city away and then cancel the move, but without this trick i was just able to build Militia.

I thought ok, if this is the only handicap then I can still play. So did I. Some people already left at this time. Then when week 2 started I first got some error messages (sorry just have 1 ss of it)


After this I just clicked ok on this error messages in the thought the game would still work, but then when i wanted to click on a city to reinforce it. I got this: http://i.imgur.com/t3V3o.jpg As you can see on this pic. I already started the turn, but i am still in the battle phase.

At the same time Cthulhu got also some exceptions, although he was just a spectator!!!

If this happens again. I will try to get more details, but maybe this already helps you.

10.12.2012 - 05:20
 Amok (Valvoja)
There seems to be a problem with this particular map/scenario. I'm also getting errors when trying to start the game with it. So it looks like it's easy to reproduce and should be fixable, I'll see what I can do.
10.12.2012 - 05:29
Sounds great

11.12.2012 - 03:30
 Amok (Valvoja)
Fixed, should be able to play that scenario now.
11.12.2012 - 05:03
Will try that out


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