I was playing a world game as USA there was only 2 players in the game me and a rank 11 guy in Europe he had much units in transports that transport was walled i had enough units to kill all his units on the transports but i couldn't destroy the wall every time i attack the wall his units moves and there is another wall i couldn't destroy his units until he landed on my continent and after i destroyed them he was sending another units in a walled transports
i want to know how to make that wall and how to destroy it will i keep attacking the wall till he is out of units!!
In order to make those walls in the sea you can do it by either sea transport or air transport. You load these units on the trans, and even when you are in the water and not on land you can remove units, although you will not see the wall, you can try to make one in the correct shape and distance that you would normally do and when the turn starts the wall will appear (permitting there is no wf or tb). In terms of breaking the walls, he must be either moving them 1st move, or he is continuously building new walls from the inside transports. My suggestion would be to attack his trans walls on your first movement.
OK i have tried to make those walls and succeeded but what if he was making new walls every turn from the units which already was inside the old wall will i wait him till he moves to his destination ( a city or cap ) and then try to kill his units?? or there is another solution?
I suggest in that case trying to wf him. Tod o this, you can place units in the sea where you think he may turn up and if you are successful, the wall(s) he tried to create will not appear because of the wf. You can do this using ground troops and transports or bombers, other transports, etc. which ever one fits your budget.
OK thnx very much
No problem