Small thing, would make gameplay more realistic: bombers don't actually get to fly around the map willy nilly, but are based in cities. So on your turn you can select a target within range for attack, and if the city is attacked catching the bombers on the ground combat proceeds as normal and the bombing run does not occur. And next turn, if the attack occurred, the surviving bombers are back in the city.
This nerfs certain aspects of the bomber and boosts it in others.
Interestingly, the idea could be extended to naval units by setting limits on how long they can range about: it's more complicated to work out realistic rules for a navy, though, so I'll leave off of that for now.
Other units could easily make attacks then move as well (wouldn't have to be back to city). The main barrier to this would be implementing it which seems very difficult for 1/2 part time programmers. If it was actually implemented (never) correctly I'm sure it would be nice addition to mechanics.
This is an interesting suggestion for a feature but I side with Xenosapien on this, might aswell postpone that idea to be implemented once main obstacles are surpassed and we can start thinking on tweeking and tuning certain aspects of the game. It'd definitely be a nice optional add-up that could be implemented in the map editor tbh, would give some flavour, tho the current state of affairs should remain default
Thral Postit: 189 Lähettäjä: Tsad
The bombers are already fine as they are now