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29.08.2018 - 22:17
I know is common now a days to nerf everything to dust, but what if we buffed/reworked the strats we have for a change?

For instance HW is the most useless strategy in the game, it literally has no niche of it's own - is the modern Lucky Bastard (before LB was op)

RA is absolute garbage - is mostly seen as the noob strat, but it doesn't have to be this way. Instead of making it a tank spammy, why don't we give infantry a +1 attack? To motivate it's use in world maps.

IF is absolutly useless with the way the new TB system works - IF tank spam is not viable and Militia are useless. So IF is just a Infantry spam strat that gets ousted by PD and Imperialist.

GC, I personally liked it more when it had the +1 HP bonus. But i am sure you guys know a better way to change this strat for the better.

Now, before you make a comment please take note that i am by no means proposing any changes to the strategies, I am just expressing my desire to see them be changed. All of my strat descriptions come from a scenario, 3v3 10k and world map background - so i have no idea how good this strats are in duels or settings with less than 10k.
30.08.2018 - 00:58
I think hw is fine maybe a tiny buff with +1 at cap

ra is ok once u have a foothold on ur econ because 90 cost tanks are pretty damn op rewalling cap helps a lot lol maybe small buff

if is good atm i dont really think u need change for this

gc is good it still has +1 hp so im not sure which bonus u are talking about

if is pretty good once u to realize that if is really reliant on stack bonuses

hw is really good imo because how fuckin situational it is but it is only useful with ukr tho
30.08.2018 - 05:26
Hw is good its very flexible
30.08.2018 - 08:50
The following breakdown is an answer to those who claim the old metas were better or the strat changes achieved nothing. This doesn't include general changes to the default units like helicopters, stealthplanes and antiair in an attempt to make them useful outside the strategies that strengthen them. Here's a 2012/2013(aka the PD era) breakdown of the strats by Desu.


Perspective Note: This advice is from an elite player perspective. Some of you may enjoy the strategies that I list as being bad. You will grow into this same attitude when you begin to become a competent player.

Competitive Use Strategies:

Imperialist - IMP - Cheap and can stack much more defence and attack than other strategies if you have lots of spawn points.
Sky Menace - SM - The most versatile strategy ever. You can attack with huge power wherever you want, and can travel/expand fast.
Perfect Defence - PD - This is THE strategy of today. It is the most well-rounded, and perfect strategy at the moment. It is OP and you should learn it.
Guerrilla Warfar - GW - The come-back strategy. Requires almost all the standard upgrades AND the marine upgrades. So most of you won't be able to play it correctly until you've gotten to rank 8ish. Late game strategy, possibly the most powerful out of all.
Iron Fist - IF - Attack and Defence is immense, but you are fenced in by your short range. This is almost in the next category, but it only requires you to be disciplined. Another late game strategy, can top GW when played correctly.

Used Only When You Get Good:
Master Of Stealth - MOS - You get this early as a noob. You think it's great since you have good powerful units. But once you have upgrades it isn't a short-range power strategy. It is too expensive and doesn't give a defence bonus, so you get torn apart by the competitive strategies. However it CAN be a force to be reckoned with. Marines +1 range is very good for decent openings and travel, but it's too expensive, and thus not used by the best players.
Naval Commander - NC - You can't really use this even semi-good until you've reached maturity in AW. By maturity I mean you can use every other strategy. This can be powerful in the fact that its transports can travel as far as air transports, and for almost 1/3 the cost. Infantry, Marines, Transports, and of course Destroyers are this strategies main units. For land targets, infantry in transports, specially when chained together, are immensely powerful.
Great Combinator - GC - The most powerful strategy with lots of money. You can attack with the power of SM stealths, and defend with near PD infantry.
Desert Storm - DS - Powerful when you have lots of money. Its Marines make it so you can do magical openings since they have +1 range, and marines will die last since their helicopters have more attack and defence than marines. It was nerf'ed without any talk or announcement, so it has been downgraded and it is not a competitive strategy.

"None" - Seperate from the rest. It isn't good but doesn't have any drawbacks, and if you have lots of money to start(like in a 15k+ match) you can use this over Imperialist.

Do NOT use at ANY time:
Tank General - TG - Simply no. Sure you can attack, but you can't hold anything, and tanks are still expansive. Your Infantry are expansive and weak. Do not use this strategy. Use PD instead. Do not use this.
Blitzkrieg - Blitz - This probably the best of the bottom three, and can be dangerous long range and for surprise attacks, or when your opponent doesn't know what strategy you are. Otherwise this is exactly like TG, you can't hold what you take and can be easily routed in your advance. Do not use this.
Lucky Bastard - LB - Just... just don't use this. That is all.
Hybrid Warfare - HW - Can be decent in a world game but otherwise is useless in 3vs3s. It can't hold up against anything early game, and other strategies are far more powerful late game.


The following is an updated breakdown:


Competitive Use Strategies:

Perfect Defence(PD): A popular strategy in competitive play due to its' versatility. Powerful in the low/mid starting fund range in medium/high income areas.

Guerilla warfare(GW): Powerful in the low/mid starting fund range in areas with mid/high city densities. It expands faster than any other strategy if cities are in range due to the 4 attack militia it gains from every city it caps. However it is weak in areas with lots of water due to the expensive short range trans and is the worst strategy at contesting for expansion. This is due to your starting infantry having -2 defence. It is also a poor strat defensively in general.

Sky Menace(SM): The most versatile strategy ever. You can attack with huge power wherever you want, and can travel/expand fast. It is most suited to mid to high starting fund games in high income areas. It is the most expensive strat in the game. Beware it is particularly vulnerable to turnblocks since you have to move bomber and transport stacks separately.

Naval Commander(NC): Dominates areas with lots of water and ports. It's transports have huge range so it can be useful for catching opponents offguard with suprise long range expansions. NC destroyers are the most powerful default unit in the game and can carry units.

Blitzkrieg: Primarily used for surprise expansions to catch defensive players offguard. Also useful in areas where cities are spaced out(low city density) and mobility is essential.

Lucky Bastard(LB): The current strategy of the day. The critical boost gives units a rough equivalent of +1 hp to all units. However it is a bit more erratic in nature than that due to crits. It can feel as strong as ironfist or indistinguishable from none strat. Dominates high income areas and is the 2nd strongest strat for expansion contesting in the game.

Iron Fist(IF): Shortranged but powerful and tanky. Useful in high income and high city density areas. Boasts the most powerful attack and defence in the game but with no militia movement it is harder to wall. Great in situations where you are surrounded by enemies as it is the most powerful strat at competing for expansion with all that extra hp.

Great Combinator(GC): Powerful strategy in low-mid starting fund games. It is the 3rd most powerful strategy at contesting for expansions. Also expands very well due to the 8 hp tanks, something you might not expect due to your starting infantry having so little attack. The stacking effect is your friend.

Imperialist(IMP): Powerful in low income areas with lots of spawn. It is the spam/quantity strat. Also useful if you seek to fund allies who are wielding expensive power strats like ds sm or mos.

Desert Storm(DS): Powerful when you have lots of starting cash in high income areas, particularly dangerous to infantry based strategies. Expands as well as gw due to the defence bonuses against militia and inf - better if cities are spaced out.

Master of Stealth(MOS): Powerful on big maps with lots of income in the mid to higher starting fund range similar to sm. However it is a hard strat to make work in close quarters due to it's poor defence. Best played far away from opponents.

Decent strategies:

Hybrid Warfare(HW): It's latest improvements have made hw a dangerous strat. It is very versatile and can be played on almost any setting. It boasts cheap militia and marines and powerful and expensive infantry and tanks. Also can expand very well due to the 4 attack militia in spite of starting infantry having low attack. But it tries to do too much and doesnt really dominate any of these settings as well as the other strats.

Relentless Attack(RA): Good for countries where youve lots of starting cash. Expands rapidly and can be used to quickly overwhelm an opponent.


The distinction between "competitive strats" and "decent strats" in my list is that the latter have no niche. People are wrong however calling these strats garbage. Im happy to 1v1 anyone who thinks ra is trash. I bet i can surprise them. The problem with ra is that ds does what ra tries to do better. So it is rare to find a situation where ra is the better option.

It seems to be widely agreed upon that LB and DS are currently overpowered. Hw and ra need improvements. And in general we need a meta change. Amok and Ivan are reluctant and not responding to mails in any case. So the only hope is clovis. Strat changes are something they can easily give us while we await the map editor. A 28 upvote thread(linked below) failed to motivate them. If you guys want changes you need to nag/pester/harass them. I suspect any attempts from me no matter how well-intentioned will be disregarded.

30.08.2018 - 08:57
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 29.08.2018 at 22:17

GC, I personally liked it more when it had the +1 HP bonus. But i am sure you guys know a better way to change this strat for the better.

Gc has a hp bonus on it's inf and tanks. You may have missed that change .
30.08.2018 - 09:59
Kirjoittanut winkcat, 30.08.2018 at 00:58

hw is really good imo because how fuckin situational it is but it is only useful with ukr tho

france? germ? turk? spain? uk?


30.08.2018 - 15:53
Kirjoittanut Sultan of Swing, 30.08.2018 at 09:59

Kirjoittanut winkcat, 30.08.2018 at 00:58

hw is really good imo because how fuckin situational it is but it is only useful with ukr tho

france? germ? turk? spain? uk?


sm fra germ turk spa uk?

30.08.2018 - 15:55
Kirjoittanut winkcat, 30.08.2018 at 15:53

Kirjoittanut Sultan of Swing, 30.08.2018 at 09:59

Kirjoittanut winkcat, 30.08.2018 at 00:58

hw is really good imo because how fuckin situational it is but it is only useful with ukr tho

france? germ? turk? spain? uk?


sm fra germ turk spa uk?



30.08.2018 - 15:57
Kirjoittanut Sultan of Swing, 30.08.2018 at 15:55

Kirjoittanut winkcat, 30.08.2018 at 15:53

Kirjoittanut Sultan of Swing, 30.08.2018 at 09:59

Kirjoittanut winkcat, 30.08.2018 at 00:58

hw is really good imo because how fuckin situational it is but it is only useful with ukr tho

france? germ? turk? spain? uk?


sm fra germ turk spa uk?



i agree sm needs to get rid of the inf atk nerf
04.09.2018 - 16:14
Sm needs a boost other than making it op again.
04.09.2018 - 17:39
Kirjoittanut Xenosapien, 04.09.2018 at 16:14

Sm needs a boost other than making it op again.

Why does SM need a boost... it's already a powerful strategy, underused ones such as RA HW or blitz just unplayable..

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