‹‹ Takaisin Bugs
Hanki Premium piilottaaksesi kaikki mainokset
Postit: 2   Viereailijat: 20 users
01.01.2016 - 18:10
I'm in 1150AD in casual; it is turn 13,
to eliminate an enemy one must occupy the enemy's capital
and starting country for two turns.

At the start of the game, U get to pick two countries but
the first one U pick is considered your home capital and
country and the capital has the flag on it.

This is a 2 v 2 game.

me (blue) and my ally, turkmenbasi (yellow) have
been occupying the capital and all cities in the country
(Bulgaria) of enemy rolomaster (red) for more than 3 turns;

Moreover, we are not just occupying red's initial country but
we are occupying everything that red started with (both countries)

not one message has come up indicating that rolomaster's country
has been occupied;

also, red continues to earn money and launch attacks
from the one capital and few cities he has retreated to
which are far east of his initial home countries.

i'm wondering if the computer won't recognize our control of
red's country because I (blue) occupy some cities and yellow occupies
other cities.

maybe with Chrome, its necessary for the occupation of the enemy
country to be done by a single ally;

maybe it won't recognize because red's country is occupied by two
has anyone else encountered this?
/s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
14.01.2016 - 21:12
I believe that there is indeed an unstated condition that the home country has to be occupied by only one player, not two, so if your enemy's home country was split between you and your ally nothing would come up, but if you or your ally occupied the country alone then I believe it would register - or at least this is what I think it is (I have experienced something the same myself).

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