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Which era was the best?

Pre-cambrian (2010)
Golden days (Jan-Mar 2011)
Age of Kanker (Apr-June 2011)
Absent ages (July-Sep 2011)
TE vs SRB (Oct-Dec 2011)
Kong invasion (Jan-Apr 2012)
Present (Late April 2012)

Ääniä yhteensä: 27
18.04.2012 - 13:58
Got kinda bored, so I figured I'd asked everyone what their favorite time of Afterwind was, made it interesting with some names that seemed fitting.
18.04.2012 - 15:36
Beta times
Golden days (Jan-Mar 2011)
18.04.2012 - 16:27
BETA times where best.
I like stuff.... Yay?
18.04.2012 - 16:28
Beta was awesome cause otonko and king cow and all the legends were always on..
Kirjoittanut NateBaller, 30.08.2012 at 20:04

I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
18.04.2012 - 16:31
Kirjoittanut DURRHUNTER, 18.04.2012 at 16:28

Beta was awesome cause otonko and king cow and all the legends were always on..

This time I wouldn't know. I seem to have registered b4 the Mod era.
I like stuff.... Yay?
18.04.2012 - 16:41
Kirjoittanut Deray YG, 18.04.2012 at 16:31

Kirjoittanut DURRHUNTER, 18.04.2012 at 16:28

Beta was awesome cause otonko and king cow and all the legends were always on..

This time I wouldn't know. I seem to have registered b4 the Mod era.

well i feel sorry for you because global was not yet dictated and all the players got along, we Only played europe, and became pros at it
Kirjoittanut NateBaller, 30.08.2012 at 20:04

I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
18.04.2012 - 16:41
>Age of Kanker
>April 2011
No, it began in June. The Golden Days started in early February or perhaps late January when /int/ participation greatly increased.

Also, following the Age of Kanker (ended in August) I'd put "BiteMe-Solunae conflict" or "Rise of Solunae Penticus", in which BiteMe did its best to hold on to the top spot in the coalition index and eventually failed.
Or perhaps the "Multicultural Repression era", or more accurately, the "Age of kasap", during which Turks flooded into the game, replacing Serbs as the dominant non-English speaking ethnic group. The most well-known of all Turkish players is doubtlessly kasap (he also spoke the best English).

"Absent Ages" is not too inaccurate though, as Vafika ragequitted out of Afterwind for good and Aristosseur went on a long holiday with a jittery internet connection, as did I some time later on. Finally, /int/ was not dead, as a few people, mainly me and Ska-Boo remained somewhat active and hoped for a revival. Yet the Afterwind community was like a desert, sapped of its trollish lifeblood and was generally boring from a drama perspective. Almost no CWs, either. This could be the closest the game has ever come to a dormant state, as there were no enthusiastic early adopters who tirelessly reported bugs and the like, and no committed community behind it. A boring time overall.

How did you come up with the name "Pre-Cambrian"? That's an odd one.

I personally voted for "Age of Kanker", when mods didn't follow a 3-page long set of rules and latejoining wasn't a bannable offence. No-one likes it, but gee, is it really that horrendous a crime? Also, there was a lot of drama at the time between more or less the whole of /int/ and Vafika who split from /int/, taking all of the best players (almost all of whom were Keinbernds) with him. I liked the Golden Days but after King Cow left the whole thing felt a bit dormant, and /int/ presence was kind of weak at the time. It became strong February and starting exerting huge influence in March--finally becoming a mainstay in April with the foundation of a new /int/ coalition (the previous one was "That Feel"). Nevertheless, the heavy drama and the many lulz will be missed, as well as a period of great freedom. It was also a time before non-English speaking groups joined the game in large numbers. Good times bro.

PS: it wasn't just TE vs SRB, LOL. I think you focus on TE too much, the fact is that everyone hated SRB, especially The Assassins and BiteMe Too! Most drama did revolve around those two though.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
18.04.2012 - 16:47
Present is 5/5

All the rest of you can go be nostalgic elsewhere.

EDIT: Present sucks w/o TBs
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
18.04.2012 - 16:58
Kirjoittanut YOBA, 18.04.2012 at 16:41

>Age of Kanker
>April 2011
No, it began in June. The Golden Days started in early February or perhaps late January when /int/ participation greatly increased.

Also, following the Age of Kanker (ended in August) I'd put "BiteMe-Solunae conflict" or "Rise of Solunae Penticus", in which BiteMe did its best to hold on to the top spot in the coalition index and eventually failed.
Or perhaps the "Multicultural Repression era", or more accurately, the "Age of kasap", during which Turks flooded into the game, replacing Serbs as the dominant non-English speaking ethnic group. The most well-known of all Turkish players is doubtlessly kasap (he also spoke the best English).

"Absent Ages" is not too inaccurate though, as Vafika ragequitted out of Afterwind for good and Aristosseur went on a long holiday with a jittery internet connection, as did I some time later on. Finally, /int/ was not dead, as a few people, mainly me and Ska-Boo remained somewhat active and hoped for a revival. Yet the Afterwind community was like a desert, sapped of its trollish lifeblood and was generally boring from a drama perspective. Almost no CWs, either. This could be the closest the game has ever come to a dormant state, as there were no enthusiastic early adopters who tirelessly reported bugs and the like, and no committed community behind it. A boring time overall.

BTW, how did you come up with the name "Pre-Cambrian"? That's an odd one.

PS: it wasn't just TE vs SRB, LOL. I think you focus on TE too much, the fact is that everyone hated SRB, especially The Assassins and BiteMe Too! Most drama did revolve around those two though.

I've been told countless times that I was Afterwind's Hitler because of TE v SRB, and I decided that all of the randoms /pring me that was enough to prove that it was mainly TE v SRB, it also ended up with TE and a few other clans destroyed, while every other conflict did not. Anyways, on to the point, the Golden days started around the beginning of Janurary, and ended when the mass flood of Trolls came into Afterwind (/int/ was already around, but not as big). I do apologize for this misnaming, I didn't realize Kanker was such a short-lived clan, I thought it was started in March. The absent ages were the entire summer when hardly anybody but the big faces and random turks played, this was also the summer without an update, hence the name. Also, you said "as there were no enthusiastic early adopters who tirelessly reported bugs and the like", I guess it's true, everyone does hate me ;_;. On to the point, the name "Pre-Cambrian" is a play on the real Pre-Cambrian epoch/era, and before December 2010, Afterwind had around 4000 players, which is pretty small, so I thought P-C would fit well.
18.04.2012 - 18:04
I think Gardy's right. Most drama was between SRB & TE. I remember me being the little rank 5 going "wtf," all day long. Although I was in TE through out this period but after it went to PC Mom. I also remember its final days and when YOBA gave it the final blow by kicking everybody out. Overall most drama award goes to TE.

I plan to make a new age! The age of AoW! Well, after me and other 2 leaders fix everything.
I like stuff.... Yay?
18.04.2012 - 18:19
Kirjoittanut Deray YG, 18.04.2012 at 18:04

I think Gardy's right. Most drama was between SRB & TE. I remember me being the little rank 5 going "wtf," all day long. Although I was in TE through out this period but after it went to PC Mom. I also remember its final days and when YOBA gave it the final blow by kicking everybody out. Overall most drama award goes to TE.

I plan to make a new age! The age of AoW! Well, after me and other 2 leaders fix everything.

Age of AoW?
18.04.2012 - 18:30
Kirjoittanut Garde, 18.04.2012 at 18:19

Age of AoW?

I promise I won't go crazy with power. Also AoW doesn't really have any enemy coalitions or so from my point of view. So instead of butting heads we're gonna improve our tactics and maybe make a few team game ones. After all I think we can agree the others have had their turn at this.
I like stuff.... Yay?
18.04.2012 - 19:15
Kirjoittanut YOBA, 18.04.2012 at 16:41

>Age of Kanker
>April 2011
No, it began in June. The Golden Days started in early February or perhaps late January when /int/ participation greatly increased.

Also, following the Age of Kanker (ended in August) I'd put "BiteMe-Solunae conflict" or "Rise of Solunae Penticus", in which BiteMe did its best to hold on to the top spot in the coalition index and eventually failed.
Or perhaps the "Multicultural Repression era", or more accurately, the "Age of kasap", during which Turks flooded into the game, replacing Serbs as the dominant non-English speaking ethnic group. The most well-known of all Turkish players is doubtlessly kasap (he also spoke the best English).

"Absent Ages" is not too inaccurate though, as Vafika ragequitted out of Afterwind for good and Aristosseur went on a long holiday with a jittery internet connection, as did I some time later on. Finally, /int/ was not dead, as a few people, mainly me and Ska-Boo remained somewhat active and hoped for a revival. Yet the Afterwind community was like a desert, sapped of its trollish lifeblood and was generally boring from a drama perspective. Almost no CWs, either. This could be the closest the game has ever come to a dormant state, as there were no enthusiastic early adopters who tirelessly reported bugs and the like, and no committed community behind it. A boring time overall.

How did you come up with the name "Pre-Cambrian"? That's an odd one.

I personally voted for "Age of Kanker", when mods didn't follow a 3-page long set of rules and latejoining wasn't a bannable offence. No-one likes it, but gee, is it really that horrendous a crime? Also, there was a lot of drama at the time between more or less the whole of /int/ and Vafika who split from /int/, taking all of the best players (almost all of whom were Keinbernds) with him. I liked the Golden Days but after King Cow left the whole thing felt a bit dormant, and /int/ presence was kind of weak at the time. It became strong February and starting exerting huge influence in March--finally becoming a mainstay in April with the foundation of a new /int/ coalition (the previous one was "That Feel"). Nevertheless, the heavy drama and the many lulz will be missed, as well as a period of great freedom. It was also a time before non-English speaking groups joined the game in large numbers. Good times bro.

PS: it wasn't just TE vs SRB, LOL. I think you focus on TE too much, the fact is that everyone hated SRB, especially The Assassins and BiteMe Too! Most drama did revolve around those two though.

Thats how I got here, a thread on /int/. When was the age of /int/ anyway? I dont really ever see their coalition.
All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
18.04.2012 - 20:21
Kirjoittanut Deray YG, 18.04.2012 at 18:30

Kirjoittanut Garde, 18.04.2012 at 18:19

Age of AoW?

I promise I won't go crazy with power. Also AoW doesn't really have any enemy coalitions or so from my point of view. So instead of butting heads we're gonna improve our tactics and maybe make a few team game ones. After all I think we can agree the others have had their turn at this.

TE will rise again before that ever happens
18.04.2012 - 23:22
Kirjoittanut Garde, 18.04.2012 at 20:21

TE will rise again before that ever happens

I'm sorry but TE will have to wait its turn.
I like stuff.... Yay?
24.04.2012 - 20:59
Kinda sad this thread got derailed. Was looking forward to seeing older members replies.
24.04.2012 - 21:26
Well, since i joined about a year ago i didnt get to experience the golden era which seemed like lots of fun. Kong invasion was pretty memorable since so many new players came along and afterwind began to expand and grow. But above all, the Kanker ages were the best since Ironail was like a God compared to everyone else and ruled over all who opposed him.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
25.04.2012 - 16:17
There should be a new era-the "newgrounds" invasion
in this era,you'll see the game being promoted on newgrounds,with a slitghtly mature community,rather then having the community full of kids in kongregate with their ridicoules questions,such as "IS THIS GAME 3D? or "IS THIS GAME FUN",and instead of having the owners of the site saying "oh that game,it's there for months,let's give it some love for 2 seconds and go back and praise TDP4 and realm of the gay men" you'll have tom fulp letting this game being on his top page for a while,and a long while. the newgrounds community may be full of kids too,but it also has mature people too. and who knows,you might even find medals for this game in newgrounds
25.04.2012 - 20:45
If I ever remake this thread, i'll have to add "Final days of TB" as an era, R.I.P. ;_;
26.04.2012 - 12:44
Kirjoittanut Jim Jimmies, 18.04.2012 at 19:15

Kirjoittanut YOBA, 18.04.2012 at 16:41


Thats how I got here, a thread on /int/. When was the age of /int/ anyway? I dont really ever see their coalition.

KC /int/, not 4chan's or 4chon's /int/ boards. Those two can go to hui. Some people found crafty ways to get accepted into /int/ we believe in! though.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved

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