Shadow Aces training clan Shadows Shadow are now active and ready for clan war games. We are looking for clans to play on any map deemed 'competitive'. Any size game is fine be it: 1v1 or 10 v 10, All games must be fair and above all fun!
SM got a whole bunch of r8s and a rank 6, we are ready whenever you are for 10v10 (mid rank) cw
Will definitely contact you guys, I have had to play ranks 5 and 6 against 8-10 just to find a game so this will be a welcome change.
"When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you."
― Stephen Richards
SM got a whole bunch of r8s and a rank 6, we are ready whenever you are for 10v10 (mid rank) cw
That sounds great, any size war is good, 10 v 10 will take some organising, but I will certainly mention it.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
It would be polite first to say who you are[whats your main account], so we can calculate ranks and balance cw's so you dont have advantage[as you said you want fair cw].
Please accept my apologies, BastardShadow is my alt account and the account is only used to manage Shadow Aces training clan. All our ranks are genuine levels and we ask the same from other clans.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Will definitely contact you guys, I have had to play ranks 5 and 6 against 8-10 just to find a game so this will be a welcome change.
Thanks Silent, bastardshadow is my alt and using that for the training clan, all the ranks are genuine ranks, just say the word, we usually have a few online now and the our training clan is eager for CW experience.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Kirjoittanut Tundy, 05.11.2014 at 07:10
Bactria shall prevail!
Sure the training clan would be more than happy to play you, as would Shadow Aces.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Whenever I have them on sure.. Seems like I never do though anymore.
It's not the end.
Kirjoittanut Mr_Own_U, 05.11.2014 at 11:15
Whenever I have them on sure.. Seems like I never do though anymore.
Ok thanks MOU, we are nearly where we are need to be in terms of recruitment and we will be suspending recruitment, as soon as Shadows Shaodow clan is stable. Once we have reached this point, I will send lower ranks to evoL that apply and who we come across that are interested in learning.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Kirjoittanut Sun Tsu, 05.11.2014 at 11:11
SM got a whole bunch of r8s and a rank 6, we are ready whenever you are for 10v10 (mid rank) cw
That sounds great, any size war is good, 10 v 10 will take some organising, but I will certainly mention it.
i wasnt 100% serious, any size above 2v2 (and 1v1 if we can use goblin) is ok <3 3v3s
Kirjoittanut Sun Tsu, 05.11.2014 at 11:11
SM got a whole bunch of r8s and a rank 6, we are ready whenever you are for 10v10 (mid rank) cw
That sounds great, any size war is good, 10 v 10 will take some organising, but I will certainly mention it.
i wasnt 100% serious, any size above 2v2 (and 1v1 if we can use goblin) is ok <3 3v3s
OK nice troll. Thanks for timewaste.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Wow... btw, so it's not a complete waste, why is shadow aces training clan not 'aces shadow' - wouldn't that be cool training clan name? xaxaxa

Trololololol bla bla
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Sounds good sun, but I wont accept everyone though. Thank you.
It's not the end.
We(MS) would also be interessted.
You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect.
Miyamoto Musashi
OK, Well apologies for reactivating an old post, however we are still struggling to find evenly matched mid/lower rank clan, I ask the top clans if you don't want to let your lower ranks lose on your clan, follow the example of Shadow Aces and make a training clan, to give your lower ranks much needed CW experience without the added pressure of your competence etc./// Please PM Sun Tsu/Myself or any member of Shadows Shadow to arrange a clan war. Many thanks.
ByrneTheWorld would give you a few CW's and i'm also gonna use this post to advertise our own interest in mid to low rank cw's with any other coalitions.