09.08.2011 - 05:29
A new idea that doesn't seem that hard to create (i think) and could be very usefull: On the coalition page; there should be a column with the recently played coalition wars and the outcome of it. Now you need to click on a coalition to see when they played the last game and if they played a CW recently. Also it's now not really able to see what the activity of the league is. This has only to be simple information: Date, the 2 fighting coalitions and outcome. So; the rankings in the middle of the screen, and (for example) in the right side of a page with the results of the most recent matches, for example: 9August2011: Biteme Too! wins versus Solunae Penticus. 8August2011: BiteMe! wins versus .... And so on Just the recently played 30matches or the matches played the last 30days.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
09.08.2011 - 17:40
Not a bad idea, but I think it would needlessly clutter that page. It should be implemented in the form of mouseovers over coalition names which brings up small infoboxes, HTML5 style. That would be a cool way of doing it.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
09.08.2011 - 18:26
Such wishful thinking, too bad never gonna happen, we don't have XEvah and MajorKill in here to lose against Bite Me 2. Also, it says: Latest games vs G.D.I. +51 5d ago + + means plus It means we won. 5d ago d d means days, you can subtract dates right? Your suggestion is useless.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
10.08.2011 - 01:25
You didn't even read my suggestion. I say the latest coalition results (of ALL coalitions) need to be on the "http://afterwind.com/cln/" page; not on your coalition page. Your comment is useless..
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
10.08.2011 - 01:31
Don't bother with him Hugo, he's just channing in a chong thread. I love the idea, would be cool if it were live ![]()
10.08.2011 - 01:38
Just to make it easyer for you Aristo (so you don't have to think really). Here an example how other leagues do this: ![]()
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
10.08.2011 - 01:46
I don't see why this matters, if you really cares you could just go to their cln page. seems like a low tier and should be listed as the last to implement (if ever implemented)
10.08.2011 - 02:00
Offcourse you don't see why this really matters; it's just because someone of BiteMe! posted it. All members from Solunae or Kanker will disagree (even without reading like Aristo). But al the other game ranking use this. Now i need to click on the CLN page too look if any points changed at any coalition. And if so, i need to click on the coalition to see the results. It's not easy, this will be a lot easyer and it will not be hard to create, because the results are already logged.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
10.08.2011 - 02:46
Well heres the thing- it seems everything proposed by solunae and kanker is always something to do with nerfing or buffing a strategy, so case in point. But anyways, what hugo proposed what be killer and be a cool feature to the site, hell maybe if someones good at programming apps they could make an app for this ![]()
10.08.2011 - 02:46
I agree with your proposal Hugosch. We still have others change priorities, but I think your suggestion should have a place on the Amok's list of to-do things.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
10.08.2011 - 03:16
I read this, it's a fine idea; however it seems like more of aesthetics than something users will use a lot(which really aren't that important), therefore should be low priority to anything like developing game content or something like that(which they have tons to do!). Honestly, AW only has say...3-5 active coalitions, if you are worried about keeping track of them I'm sure going and looking at 5 cln pages isn't that hard. as for gardevoir and his desperate attempt at being friendly with hugosch while also trolling solunae/kanker; this should suffice as a reply. this is one of the three or so posts as far as ideas and suggestions that was posted by solunae, your point is invalid. I'm pretty sure everyone can agree PD was quite OP and needed to be fixed
10.08.2011 - 06:19
This time I'm siding with Solunae/Kanker and agreeing with them that it's not a top priority thing, unlike, say, decreasing coalition points over time (I like you idea of 20 points per week inactive).
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
10.08.2011 - 12:56
I do not agree with any nerf or buff of any strategy, it takes the fun out of learning how to counter other's strategy's with it. As for first turn turnblock, sure, it's annoying- but it's one of the most important parts in a game.
10.08.2011 - 17:14
You can continue to debase my complete nullification of your rather useless suggestion by either calling 'no you didn't read it' or being paranoid, while both of these coalitions are the only active ones in CW. To check rankings, it needs 1 more click, and the + and xdays ago are self explanatory.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
11.08.2011 - 04:29
It isn't a top priority thing, but it should be done. Also, >best post with the best of all ideas posted ITT relating to the matter at hand and not decreasing points of coalitions and what-not >gets ignored
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
11.08.2011 - 08:23
Nice trolling on your coalition page, BiteMe!
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
11.08.2011 - 08:26
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
11.08.2011 - 08:36
>most coalition wars played No. Also, slagging off other coalitions for having glorious Roman titles is a really nasty thing to do. I thought better of you, Hugosch. I'm disappointed.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
11.08.2011 - 09:04
Completly off-topic again, you can also just ask me when i'm on. But ok, if you prevere to discuss these things on the regular forum like fruit does: The coalition info about Biteme AND BiteMe Too (looks like you also can't read, just as aristo). They have played the most coalition wars: http://afterwind.com/cln/index.php?m_sortby=cw_count&search_cln=&page=. I can also not find in the text; that we say that anyone is having glorious Roman titles, we just say we that we don't. But let's talk about your coalition information. Jokes about genocide? You are right, that's really much better.....
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
11.08.2011 - 09:38
No need to get so sensitive hugosch, I know your country(along with many other BiteMe member's countries) was occupied by Nazi Germany whom practiced genocide and stuff but really. EDIT: There goes hugosch referencing BiteMe too as regular Biteme, why not just keep the members inside your regular coalition if they represent it? oh right because you want to have training without defeats(atleast WBL is honorable enough to put their lower members in CWs!)..such an advantage you have there. and to make this post less off topic, I believe your idea would be nice as it will include the fact that you have fought biteme too 5+ times while kanker merely did two. (that gives you about 120 CP from them at least, sounds fair since they are your training division...you know they will be weak ![]()
11.08.2011 - 10:03
Oh, please stop repeating your statements everytime i post something. It's really annoying. 1st: "No need to get so sensitive". Iron is telling that we don't tell the truth and that we are "slagging off other coalitions", i just respond to that and pointing to your own coalitionpage. 2nd: "There goes hugosch referencing BiteMe too as regular Biteme": Offcourse, we are 2 teams with the same name. You can't also say against barcalona B "You just play Barcelona B, because Barcelona A is too afraid to let you play". It doesn't make sense. Again: It's for more training! We made a second coalition to be more active, and so everyone could play a CW (i told you that 99 times now). If you don't believe me: Ask Iron about it; he also wanted to create a second Biteme team back when he was in our coalition. He can explain you (so stop bothering me with it) And the last thing: Don't lie: Kanker did play BiteMe Too five times; i'm sure about that (i even want to bet for it). And, they won 5times. We also played them 5times (and refused them 10times) and we even lost 1 of that cw's. That means that you we gained 3wins in total and Kanker got 5. These are fact; just as the things are that we have posted on out coalition page. I'm very sad that i have to tell this story again and again; because you keep repeating these things. Even when i post something that has completly nothing todo with it, you start the discussion again. Now the PD is nerfed, you are looking for something new?
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
11.08.2011 - 10:11
sensitivity is not honesty, We all know you're slagging off other coalitions despite your reaction of butthurt.
Coincidentally, nobody makes Barcelona B(for a reason) If you want to train, just use them in your first coalition ...I'm sure your activity will not be effected as they don't magically disappear while in your main coalition - this way they can start effecting the coalition's(as a whole) win/losses instead of just "B", they are a part of the whole coalition right? You're not separate unless you want them to be in certain situations - Quite convenient.
Nope, we didn't CW them 5 times.
11.08.2011 - 11:11
Troll-five, Fruit. *raises hand in front of Fruit for hi-five*
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Oletko varma?