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What's better, ROBLOX or Afterwind?


Ääniä yhteensä: 28
21.11.2012 - 01:37
I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.
~The Perfectionist~
21.11.2012 - 05:15
 Ivan (Valvoja)
Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

I'm only vaguely familiar with ROBLOX, what were the 'horrific updates'? (so that we know what to avoid )
21.11.2012 - 06:01
Käyttäjä poistettu
Wtf is Roblox? .
Afterwind ofcourse.
21.11.2012 - 07:08
Yep, put this poll on the Afterwind site, asking if they like some other game better than Afterwind. If we liked Roblox better or even knew what it was, we'd probably be over there, mate.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
21.11.2012 - 09:04
Roblox has a userbase younger than 16
21.11.2012 - 09:35
I've seen some forums nicer than Afterwind's but ROBLOX isn't one of them. God I hate ROBLOX. (I would just love if someone could add the 5 second automatic thread update. Yes, that is a real thing I have seen forums coded to update every 5 seconds so you don't have to refresh the page to see new posts.)
Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
21.11.2012 - 13:13
Käyttäjä poistettu
Kirjoittanut Ivan, 21.11.2012 at 05:15

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

I'm only vaguely familiar with ROBLOX, what were the 'horrific updates'? (so that we know what to avoid )
Pay 2 win stuff I think.
22.11.2012 - 05:44
Ahahaha who vote for ROBLOX?
22.11.2012 - 09:04
You can't even compare the two games. They are in completely different genres.

ROBLOX is a fine game, though it only worked on my computer for about 3 months. No reason why.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
22.11.2012 - 11:36
Kirjoittanut Ivan, 21.11.2012 at 05:15

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

I'm only vaguely familiar with ROBLOX, what were the 'horrific updates'? (so that we know what to avoid )

The community is horrible, the mods never listen to anything and ban you for stupid reasons, 2009 Roblox was way better, now there are so many updates a lot of us Veterans and players hate, such as the BC game update and stuff like that, over the past years ROBLOX ads got little kiddies attention, now ROBLOX is full of little kiddies who can't spell and use the word ' noob ' as an insult.

I just hope Afterwind doesnt become that way, and there mods actually listen too.
~The Perfectionist~
22.11.2012 - 12:20
But guys...


(Ah god)
22.11.2012 - 15:35
Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

Please do not compare ROBLOX with Afterwind, is like comparing Super Mario with Metal Gear...
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
24.11.2012 - 14:31
Kirjoittanut YOBA, 22.11.2012 at 09:04

ROBLOX is a fine game

You need to be tested.
Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
24.11.2012 - 15:32
Käyttäjä poistettu
Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 22.11.2012 at 11:36

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 21.11.2012 at 05:15

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

I'm only vaguely familiar with ROBLOX, what were the 'horrific updates'? (so that we know what to avoid )

The community is horrible, the mods never listen to anything and ban you for stupid reasons, 2009 Roblox was way better, now there are so many updates a lot of us Veterans and players hate, such as the BC game update and stuff like that, over the past years ROBLOX ads got little kiddies attention, now ROBLOX is full of little kiddies who can't spell and use the word ' noob ' as an insult.

I just hope Afterwind doesnt become that way, and there mods actually listen too.
What are these BC updates?
25.11.2012 - 10:04
Kirjoittanut Guest, 24.11.2012 at 15:32

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 22.11.2012 at 11:36

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 21.11.2012 at 05:15

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

I'm only vaguely familiar with ROBLOX, what were the 'horrific updates'? (so that we know what to avoid )

The community is horrible, the mods never listen to anything and ban you for stupid reasons, 2009 Roblox was way better, now there are so many updates a lot of us Veterans and players hate, such as the BC game update and stuff like that, over the past years ROBLOX ads got little kiddies attention, now ROBLOX is full of little kiddies who can't spell and use the word ' noob ' as an insult.

I just hope Afterwind doesnt become that way, and there mods actually listen too.
What are these BC updates?

you cant cuss, say 'suck', etc... but you can troll like a pro wich isnt hard. or just kill noobs every time you see them on Apoclaypse Rising. (armaII combined operations version on roblox)
Kirjoittanut NateBaller, 30.08.2012 at 20:04

I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
25.11.2012 - 22:57
Käyttäjä poistettu
Kirjoittanut DURRHUNTER, 25.11.2012 at 10:04

Kirjoittanut Guest, 24.11.2012 at 15:32

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 22.11.2012 at 11:36

Kirjoittanut Ivan, 21.11.2012 at 05:15

Kirjoittanut Choman18salt, 21.11.2012 at 01:37

I would have to say Afterwind, ROBLOX use to be cool, until there horrific updates, I just hope AW doesn't turn out that way.

I'm only vaguely familiar with ROBLOX, what were the 'horrific updates'? (so that we know what to avoid )

The community is horrible, the mods never listen to anything and ban you for stupid reasons, 2009 Roblox was way better, now there are so many updates a lot of us Veterans and players hate, such as the BC game update and stuff like that, over the past years ROBLOX ads got little kiddies attention, now ROBLOX is full of little kiddies who can't spell and use the word ' noob ' as an insult.

I just hope Afterwind doesnt become that way, and there mods actually listen too.
What are these BC updates?

you cant cuss, say 'suck', etc... but you can troll like a pro wich isnt hard. or just kill noobs every time you see them on Apoclaypse Rising. (armaII combined operations version on roblox)
Haha, trolling seems hard but fun , is it also p2w?

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