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07.10.2012 - 14:31
Lord Dark Knight
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Afterwind Times


AT President's notes

We understand that there are some things that are interesting to write about, but some things that could cause hate between one and another. We understand that in a game like this where we are allowed to say whatever we want to a reasonable extent, we should respect that too. Therefore I have removed the "Dalmati Mod clan" situation article from our plans. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the poll produced by our news, and we are to blame for any hatred caused by it. Once again, we are truly sorry for anyone that was upset by this, and as I have stated above, I am not writing that article. Our aim was to be a weekly newspaper that would be read and enjoyed my many. I understand by writing such a poll like that, it may have damaged not only our reputation, but people won't read our newspaper's.

Sorry ~ Lord Dark Knight,
President of Afterwind Times.

P.s - This is a long long long thread


Issue - 5


Every clan has had its journey. Some clans tend to conquer every battle and war that is in their way. Other clans seem to wait for their win's. But one clan that has hardly been noticed for its remarkable recovery is Stalins Martians.

B0nker2 and (Forever Alone) created the clan, but did they know what path the clan would take?
The clan started off well, recruiting many young prospects that were exciting to watch, and they won their clan wars to get off to a perfect start. But several arguments between the clan leader B0nker2 and some of the members, lead to everyone getting kicked out.
He then left to join Syndicate for a while.

The wonderful thing was the spirit shown by some of the members in the clan. They didn't want to leave or join another clan. Stalins Martians was their home. They wanted to stay there. V-dog115 and Nephentex requested to Ivan if they can have the clan back. And so their wish was granted. They got the clan back, and V-dog115 was the clan's leader and they lived happily ever after.

Or so we thought... The clan was still in turmoil. After asking V-dog115, what the atmosphere in the clan was like back then he stated, "Undescribably Dull." . Many of the old members were still getting to the fact that SM was back and although B0nker2 had left, v-dog115 didn't have the leadership qualities back then to manage a whole clan like that. That is when one of the most suprising event unfolded.
Fortunately, Desu left WGS( White Glove society at the time), to join Stalins Martians. After that a whole change in spirit saw players like dbacks and bertank to emerge as one of the best players in SM. B0nker2, returned as well, meaning they'd forgotten about the past and started thinking about the future.

After talking with beertank for a bit, I discovered that the clan was going through a real rough patch. I , personally, thought that AoW was in a bad stage, but from what he told me , I kind of understand now the hard times they were at. He even told me at one stage he was thinking about leaving the clan, but he believed.

I also interviewed Desu about his reasons for joining SM :

[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: Hi mate, Wanna spare some time for the AT News?
[pr] Desu: Yeah sure, why not.
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: Awesome.
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: So, the last few month's have seen clans drop down low, and clans thrive up into success. One of them that had both is Stalins Martians, a good clan that left bad, how did it come from bad.. to good once more?
[pr] Desu: There have always been a a group of people with potential in Stalins Martians, I came along and gave them that push to become better.
[pr] Desu: B0nker2/Forever Alone have brought Stalins Martians pretty far on their own, they would have become good even if I wasn't there?
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: So if you had to choose, who would be the best player in the clan, before you joined?
[pr] Desu: Hard choice, but I would say B0nker2, their founder.
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: but wasn't he the lad that left and kicked out everyone in the clan? Surely that means he has no feelings towards the clan?
[pr] Desu: That was an isolated event and his emotion wasn't toward the clan as a whole; for the rest of the story, you'll have to ask b0nker himself.
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: Right moving on, let's talk about the incident after everyone got kicked out
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: After everyone got kicked out, V-dog came to the rescue, would you think he was the 'Chosen One' ? Do you think that SM wouldn't be here if it weren't for him?
[pr] Desu: I do think SM would not of survived without Vdog. He's a pretty important person to the clan.
[pr] Desu: I've had contact with the leaders and members of Stalins Martians for a long time. I recognized their potential and helped it grow.
[pr] Desu: And then there happened to be some disagreements within Empire SRB(White Glove Society at the time) so I made the decision to join up with Stalins Martians.
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: Sorry for the interruption ^^
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: You want to explain further about these "disagreements"?
[pr] Desu: No, I won't go into the disagreements.
[pr] Lord Puzzles: Desu: A'ight well thats all for now, You've helped me a lot with this interview. Thanks for your time
[pr] Desu: Okay, and just to point out, you type a lot better doing your interviews, you should type like this when you talk to me at all times please

Reason's aren't clear as to why he joined SM from Empire SRB, and he gave a pretty solid answer into not going to that topic. He did give us a indication of what he was expecting in the clan once after he joined. B0nker2 was also interviewed to understand his Point of Perspective:

[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Alright lets start . First of all, how are you?
[pr] b0nker2: i am fine thank you
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Thats great to hear. I want to know, what made you kick out all the members in Sm?
[pr] b0nker2: oh right, this was a while ago you mean
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Yep. Why?
[pr] b0nker2: things in the clan were becoming partizan, cliques were emerging etc for a start
[pr] b0nker2: some in fighting etc, so decided to dissolve the clan, however in retrospect it was a bad leadership decision
[pr] b0nker2: call it a lapse in mood or whatever but things have returned to normal now
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Hang on, if you decided to kick out all the members in SM, why would you suddenly to decide to join it again
[pr] b0nker2: it wasnt me that reformed stalins, that credit lies with Vdog and Nephenthex
[pr] b0nker2: i believed they asked amok/ivan to recreate the clan as they believed it was a good clan
[pr] b0nker2: it took alot of convincing from Vdog, bertanK etc to go back to stalins
[pr] b0nker2: but i am glad i did
[pr] b0nker2: obviously when you make an error, you feel as if you position is untenable, luckily we have reasonable and understanding people within the clan
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Your clan has had a rough and hard climb back to where it should be. What do you think is the next step for your clan?
[pr] b0nker2: i think first we need to remain active, and consistant
[pr] b0nker2: there are different angles of how the clan wants to go, my personal preference is to remain the NO1 clan in regards to participating in CWs win or lose
[pr] b0nker2: however i realise that the clan war aspect of the game is purley for fun and should not be seen as a mark of a succesfull
[pr] b0nker2: as regards to the next step so to speak
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Fair enough. Last question and then I will leave you alone
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: If you were to choose one person. One person that believed in all the way. One person that had made the clan make a big difference, who would that be?
[pr] b0nker2: hmmm is a tough choice but ForeverAlone, V-dog and Desu have influenced this clan a great deal.
[pr] b0nker2: but i will go with FA as he is the one who started the clan with me, and also the one who pushed hard to keep the clan going (with vdog) in my absence/bad moment
[pr] b0nker2: Stalins would not be here without FA
[pr] Lord Dark Knight: b0nker2: Well, I guess I'll leave you alone now. Thanks for your time

He goes on to explain why he kicked the clan members but then again, doesn't go in depth about what happened exactly. He then goes on to explain what steps are next that are in place for SM and how they will go about it.

As for many other clans, we wish them the same journey that happened to this clan, *cough Warborn Legion cough*.

Coalition Updates

Shows the current map with the TOP 5 coalitions labelled.

Syndicate have had the most battles won and are sitting at first place, but Dalmati are most likely to win the season for once again with many bookmakers favourite. Then again there is the rebirth of Bite Me! may see them challenging for the title.


AlexMeza took part in our challenge to make a turkey 50k expansion in 1 minute.

Ask a Question

We are setting up a column where you put up questions to ask any random player.

Our Player today is : Fruit

List your questions for him and he will answer them in the next article.


Everyone knows who Wally is. Find him

Quote of the Day

nice person: all afterwind play know who are me
Andartes: who are me?
Andartes: you just raped english language again

P.s - was long but hope you enjoyed it
07.10.2012 - 14:49
The moment I looked at the picture, I instantly found Wally.

I feel proud of myself xD
07.10.2012 - 14:59
Fruit, if you were king of AW for one day.. what would you do?
07.10.2012 - 16:50
 Acquiesce (Valvoja)
Nice read. (I hope there will be future Afterwind challenges)
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
07.10.2012 - 19:35
Fruit, do you like peanut butter?
08.10.2012 - 01:24
Fruit, do you think that a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable?
08.10.2012 - 05:49
Fruit do you believe in the Banana King? And is he a relation of yours?
08.10.2012 - 07:02
Fruit, where are the hidden horses?
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
08.10.2012 - 10:43
Fruit, how many trees make up a forest?
Also, what sound does a rabbit make?
09.10.2012 - 00:47
I am outraged. I demand you interview me for the dalmati mod conspiracy article.
12.10.2012 - 23:11
Good news
17.12.2012 - 16:49
Hah, never actually read this before. Nice article. I didnt realize you could put the interview in the article, so i wasnt really answering in good english and short answers, srry about that
17.12.2012 - 18:41
Käyttäjä poistettu
^ Same lol.
SM strong.
18.12.2012 - 11:13
Kirjoittanut NateBaller, 09.10.2012 at 00:47

I am outraged. I demand you interview me for the dalmati mod conspiracy article.

I would actually find this to be an amazing interview.

But really great job with the AT News! Love it
asleep for now zzz

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