24.03.2012 - 05:21
\left (\left ( \frac{OR_{x}}{PR_{x}} \right )\cdot 100 \right )\cdot OpponentCCP_{} or in picture ![]() So basicly in case of win we get points based on Compentance at this moment.. that needs to be changed as higher ranked coalitions will never be at top.. now to make it fair i made this equation. ((Opponent Cln Ranks/You're Cln Ranks)*100)*Opponent Competance Points I'll get to direct examples, note they didn't happen in reality Dalmati win against Stalins Martians ((Forever Alone 7 + b0nker2 7 + duke 7 / Clovek30 7 + Abdulla 7 + Caulerpa 9)*100)*1.11 Stalins Martians CCP = 101 and some decimal, which can be converted to full nhumber.. Dalmati win against Byzantia ((VAG|NEER 9 + [i]Arbitrator[/i] 10 + Stomach Ulcers 9 / Caulerpa 9 + Pera 10 + LuciusII 8)*100)*1.74 = 180CP Byzantia win against Dalmati ((Caulerpa 9 + Pera 10 + LuciusII 8 / VAG|NEER 9 + Arbitrator 10 + Stomach Ulcers 9)*100)*1.49 = 144CP LilFighters win against European Clan[/] (([b]SvenKarp 7 + Limperatore 7 + Winterspring 5 / ShaiBB 8 + LilDGoinIn 8 + AlexMeza 8 )*100)*0.62 = 49CP European Clan win against LilFighters[/] (([b]ShaiBB 8 + LilDGoinIn 8 + AlexMeza/b] 8 / [b]SvenKarp 7 + Limperatore 7 + Winterspring 5 )*100)*0.77 = 97CP so as we can see, CCP still applies, but if European clan would win agaist Byzantia, EC would get 256CP.. But not only that, if they'd play with rank 3's, they'd get even more.. So comment what you think should be changed or fixed and if this should be implemented
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24.03.2012 - 05:26
Doesn't sound bad. The current system needs some polishing, top coalitons have very small chances for having any of the top spots and doesn't show who is the best nor who is the most active... Another thing, that with ranks sounds cool. Maybe it will force stronger coalitions to play with lower ranks to get more points, but I can see it will be often abused.
24.03.2012 - 05:31
And some people might say that higher compentance ranked coalitions will gain more CP due to bigger influence of CCP, so i also suggest losing 0.2CCP with coalitons above 1, and losing 0.025CCP with coalitions under 1, while gain should be 0.2 for thoese under, and 0.1 for thoese above
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24.03.2012 - 05:45
That is not going to happen, unless lower ranked coalition has alot of CCP, as if for example lets say Byzantia plays agaist European Clan(higher rank, lower CCP); ((19/28)*100)*0.62 = 42CP or if Byzantia would play against for example GDI(lower ranked, higher CCP) ((15/28)*100)*1.03 = 55CP
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24.03.2012 - 05:46
I mean, some high ranks can create alternative accounts and play with them, level them just enough to buy essential upgrades. ![]()
24.03.2012 - 05:48
At this moment 55CP sounds alot, but with this equation, CP will get a bit of raise as everyone will gain up to average 80-120CP *my prediction
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24.03.2012 - 05:49
yes and with thoese rank 4's they'd gain little CP, due to lower ranking, like i said in my 2 previous posts ![]()
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29.03.2012 - 01:48
I support changing the CW equation, but disagree with how the player ranks have such an effect on your equation. You're basically punishing coalitions for having high ranked players. We need the CP amount be relative to the difference of ranks used, as in the greatest difference the lower the CP. So we need this: Difference of Ranks = |Sum of first team's ranks - Sum of the second team's ranks| (the |a - b| is a modular function, as in it is always positive). Having that, the BEST graph to represent the CW equation is the Gaussian Function: ![]() Therefore, the CW Equation would be of the form: ![]() where: e ~= 2.718281828 (Euler's Number) a, b and c are real constants > 0 (the parameters specific to our equation) and x = |sum of ranks from cln 1 - sum of ranks from cln 2| Each of the constants represent a parameter of the curve: a represents the peak value, b the x position of the center of the peak and c the wideness of the "bell". From tweaking here on excel I found out that the best values are: a = 50; b = 0; c = 4 This results on the following CP: Dalmati (7+7+9 = 23) win against Stalins Martians (7+7+7 = 21): +44 points to Dalmati. Dalmati (27) win against Byzantia (28): +48 points to Dalmati. Byzantia (28) win against Dalmati (27): +48 points to Byzantia. LilFighters (24) win against European Clan (19): +22 points to LilFighters. European Clan (19) win against LilFighters (24): +22 points to European Clan. The good thing is that this formula greatly boosts points from balanced matches, therefore stimulating a fair assortment of ranks. The bad thing is that in its current form doesn't take competence into consideration. So, let's say Rank Difference Points is the number obtained with the above formula. Therefore, CP gain could be further expanded by adding competence as a modifier: CP = Rank Difference Points + (( Losing CLN Competence / Winning CLN Competence )^2 * 20) Here's our new values (with the same rank differences as above): Dalmati (1.49) win against Stalins Martians (1.11): +50 points (+6) Dalmati (1.49) win against Byzantia (1.74): +58 points (+13) Byzantia (1.74) win against Dalmati (1.49): +51 points (+7) LilFighters (0.77) win against European Clan (0.56): +28 points (+5) European Clan (0.56) win against LilFighters (0.77): +42 points (+18) So, basically this formula would benefit fair Coalition Wars and with the second part of the formula it would also take competence into consideration to boost points. Here is the Excel file I used for calculations, if anyone wants to play with it. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15506162/coalition-equation.xlsx
29.03.2012 - 03:42
I also think competence should only be used for ranking purposes, not to directly affect CP gain. And in case of a cln with lower ranks winning a CW against higher ranks, the cln should gain a bonus: RankDifferenceBonus = (Sum of Winning CLN Ranks - Sum of Losing CLN Ranks)^2 This would boost CP gain by a lot for the underdog, making facing high ranked clns a viable option.
29.03.2012 - 11:14
I like this equation, however i see a flaw in it. if for example 3+3+3 ranked coalition win against byzantia 9+9+9, they would gain the same amout of points as Byzantia would if they would win, meaning their work would be for nothing. so that would be a problem, and a solution would be a linear function Otherwise Competance wasn't really a neccesity; and now that i think about it, my formula had a flaw with competance too (they could on purpose lose every game in season 1, and then in season 2 win every, with added bonus for lower CCP)
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29.03.2012 - 11:24
On the second hand gaining more CP with lower ranks beating higher ranks could be abused.. also people desire fair fights, so well.. i say you're formula is making a good point.
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29.03.2012 - 12:09
Thanks Clovek. I've made some tweaks to the formula: a = 50; b = 0; c = 5; CP Gain = 50 * e^(-( RankDifference^2 / 50 )) + 10 Here's a table with values:
In this system, competence would be relegated to a ranking only purpose, here are the formulas I propose: Winning CLN Competence gain = (Losing CLN Competence / Winning CLN Competence) * 0.1 Losing CLN Competence loss = (Losing CLN Competence / Winning CLN Competence) * 0.05 This way: Byzantia (1.74) win against Dalmati (1.49): +0.08 to Byzantia; -0.04 to Dalmati. Dalmati (1.49) win against Byzantia (1.74): +0.11 to Dalmati; -0.05 to Byzantia. Dalmati (1.49) win against Stalins Martians (1.11): +0.07 to Dalmati; -0.03 to Stalins Martians. LilFighters (0.77) win against European Clan (0.56): +0.07 to LilFighters; -0.03 to European Clan. European Clan (0.56) win against LilFighters (0.77): +0.13 to European Clan; -0.06 to LilFighters. European Clan (0.56) win against Byzantia (1.74): +0.31 to European Clan; -0.15 to Byzantia.
29.03.2012 - 12:47
Yes that would be better.. or they could implement Ranks for CLN's, meaning there would be no need to calculate players ranks, just the rank of certain coalition; ![]()
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29.03.2012 - 23:32
I think the system right now is decent, but the CP earned should not be relative to the current competence of the clan. ULAP, having an extremely low competence, wins about 70 CW points for each victory. Byzantia, no matter whom it faces, will generally collect 30 CW points per win. 3 ULAP victories would equal 7 Byzantia victories - clearly, the relative aspect hurts the coalition. CC1 / CC2 * 50 implies that a worse coalition should be rewarded greatly for success against a better coalition and that a greater coalition should be penalized for success against a lesser coalition. Removing the competence of the winning team from the equation would more balance the field. Simply, CC1 * 50. The only issue that I can foresee would be reluctance of coalitions to fight coalitions with less competence levels because they would not benefit as much, resulting in a permanent underclass of coalitions that can't get a CW because their competence is too low. Perhaps, to ameliorate this problem, we could implement a system of negative CW points for losing, equal to half the points a coalition would have gained had it won. Simple, logical solution. Victory: OpponentCC * 50 Defeat: OpponentCC * -25
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