Tulosta löydettiin: 526
02.12.2012 täällä: To those who hate the new name

Seriously, it was much better before the Roman update and the Turkish overhaul. Let's disregard the great prosperity and new features they added to the city, I just hate how different and modern it looks. The new city design bugs me so much, I'm going to threaten to leave Byzantium altogether (and probably come back later). It's like the city namers don't even care about the citizens anymore; we're like guinea pigs in a huge Turk experiment. YOU ARE ALL SHEEP FOR BEING FOOLED BY THE CITY RULERS!!!

It's... changed too much. I'm just going to live in my own section of the city and only use features before the Roman update. The name change is stupid too; Byzantium has a nice ring to it (and I'm used to it). I will never accept Constantinople or the stupid sounding Istanbul. That sounds like it was named by a 5 year old. Screw the people who even founded the city that I loved so much. Goodbye, Byzantium, we'll miss you.
02.12.2012 täällä: Allow X Number of Allies
A rank 5 actually came up with this in a world game I was hosting. He and a rank 8 were hating on ally spammers, and demanded no alliances, but I said that I'm fine with people having one or two allies, so I allowed alliances (Ironically, the two guys 2v1d me at the end of the game before I got stronger than them. Hypocritical idiots.)

Anyway, I propose an option in which we can enter in a maximum number of allies, so as to prevent ally spamming, force some people to fight, and still allowing for an ally end after a stalemate or a partnership between clanmates and friends. So basically after we had 1 or 2 allies, the game would decline all alliance offers and disallow sending more requests unless we backstab the first 2. We'd have to be a little more careful about who we send alliance requests to.

What do you all think?
02.12.2012 täällä: Nerf to LB.
I killed 8 infantry with 7 infantry and a general. Some guy latejoined me, I expected to be fighting militia there.

Seriously, do the Math. 20% critical chance added simply adds, on average, 20% of the units average attack or defence. So infantry attack is now about 5, tank attack is about 10, bomber attack is about 7, etc. This is insane, and not how the old ARB was supposed to work at all. Frankly, I rather like the old ARB system, if only because I actually understand it. Right now, every single lucky upgrade out there is incredibly OP, and this is basically giving the high ranks extra attack/defence points.

If you don't want to revert back to ARB, at least nerf crits in general. And if you'd rather not do that, I'd suggest nerfing LB with more cost or even turning it into an attack based strategy by nerfing defence.
Hmm... so hard to pick...

Can't vote all of the above since there's nothing above. His strong Anglo-Saxon jaw would be good if not for the stereotypically weak Anglo-Saxon teeth. His suggestions to AW have definitely affected all of us, but this only a sub-contribution of the other options. His rappings were awesome, but they did not define him. His amazing AW ability does define him, but I don't immediately like everyone who's good at the game. I feel as if I have not witnessed his exquisite taste in music and fashion, but if I had, I am certain I would be amazed by the exquisiteness. I have also not experienced his comforting hold, unfortunately.

This leaves me with the way he has helped me become a better human, and his wonderful hair. However, I feel as if his wonderful hair has helped me become a better human, so I am forced to choose the beginning of this cause and effect.

Barrymore, we are forever grateful for your wonderful hair.
01.12.2012 täällä: Rome population.
I've gotten Rome with 8, 7, 6, and 5 population. It's just population casualties.
Go on any profile page and you'll see that the number of battles in the statistics section has been reset; it seems to only display the number of battles we've had either after the merge or in custom maps alpha. It should just add up battles won and lost. Not sure if the same bug is occurring in the statistics section in game.

EDIT: Number of battles in the stats/medals screen is reset as well.
I voted yes; not really sure how many people would play the default map, just with fighters. It wouldn't be very convenient.

I think if we did implement fighters, the SM nerf would no longer be necessary. To not make this backfire completely, I wouldn't give SM any boosts to fighters, except a lower cost. All an SM would have to do is build OP fighters to combat someone else's weaker fighters. That said, I'd make the attack 4, and the defence 5.
Let us all say goodbye to Afterwind. In 3 years, I can say that I was one of the first few thousand active players when it was called Afterwind. This game is going to freaking explode with the promotion team and all of the dev team's efforts. But in an awesome Mythbusters sort of way. Goodbye Afterwind.

Hello AtWar.
30.11.2012 täällä: Player of the month: November
Great choices, mods. Congrats to all three, you really deserve it (And awesome maps, Talos!).
To get really gigantic amounts of SP as UNHQ, you have to not go corrupt at the beginning; everyone will leave, as it seems everyone did. You just come up with stupid reasons to attack people, but not all at once, and people will follow you like lemmings. Even better, if you actually roleplay with them, they let you be HQ again next game for another 3k SP. The fact that you attacked everyone means the host will probably kick you next UN game.
29.11.2012 täällä: Battle for Middle Earth
Outstanding map as always, Talos. The mountain ranges are a nice touch to make the map interesting. Really quite amazing, everything you're churning out. I'll have to play this at some point.

By the way, you spelled 'cavalry' wrong. Just saying.
Kirjoittanut Acquiesce, 28.11.2012 at 17:53

There needs to be an official Afterwind historian; someone who can chronicle events like the great merge (among others)

Wow... a few days ago, I was just looking through the first 50 topics; I have a document that contains a description of each topic. I also have a document that basically lists all the changes that were made in each news post. I'm planning to put that stuff up at some point.
27.11.2012 täällä: Menu to find ~Mods
Well done reviving, DBurris.

On topic, I still think this would be useful. I assume it's pretty low on you guys's to-do lists?
Kirjoittanut YOBA, 27.11.2012 at 10:49

To invoke the hive-mind representing chaos.
Invoking the feeling
Without order.
The Nezperdian hive-mind of chaos. Zalgo.
He who Wars behind The Wall

YOBA, I don't think the AW website supports the character's you're trying to use. Copied and pasted into Word; not really sure what you're even trying to use... Each of those squares appears to add a special character to another character, like an accent mark in languages that need one. But you somehow added marks to spaces, periods, and even a paragraph break. TELL US YOUR SECRETS.

-.-- --- -... .- --..-- / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / - .... .. -. -.- / - .... . / .- .-- / .-- . -... ... .. - . / ... ..- .--. .--. --- .-. - ... / - .... . / -.-. .... .- .-. .- -.-. - . .-. .----. ... / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / ..- ... . .-.-.- / -.-. --- .--. .. . -.. / .- -. -.. / .--. .- ... - . -.. / .. -. - --- / .-- --- .-. -.. --..-- / -. --- - / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / ... ..- .-. . / .-- .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / . ...- . -. / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / ..- ... . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / . .- -.-. .... / --- ..-. / - .... --- ... . / ... --.- ..- .- .-. . ... / .- .--. .--. . .- .-. ... / - --- / .- -.. -.. / .- / ... .--. . -.-. .. .- .-.. / -.-. .... .- .-. .- -.-. - . .-. / - --- / .- -. --- - .... . .-. / -.-. .... .- .-. .- -.-. - . .-. --..-- / .-.. .. -.- . / .- -. / .- -.-. -.-. . -. - / -- .- .-. -.- / .. -. / .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. . ... / - .... .- - / -. . . -.. / --- -. . .-.-.- / -... ..- - / -.-- --- ..- / ... --- -- . .... --- .-- / .- -.. -.. . -.. / -- .- .-. -.- ... / - --- / ... .--. .- -.-. . ... --..-- / .--. . .-. .. --- -.. ... --..-- / .- -. -.. / . ...- . -. / .- / .--. .- .-. .- --. .-. .- .--. .... / -... .-. . .- -.- .-.-.- / - . .-.. .-.. / ..- ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... . -.-. .-. . - ... .-.-.-

EDIT: Ah, looked up Zalgo. Those characters are created by stringing alt codes together, but it looks like Afterwind doesn't support that Unicode. Sorry, Zalgo meme failed.
--- .... / -.-. --- -- . / --- -. / .-.-.- / -.. --- . ... / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / -. --- - / -. . . -.. / .- / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. / - --- / - .- .-.. -.- / ..--..

.-.. . --. .. - / -- --- .-. ... . / ... .--. . .- -.- . .-. / .... . .-. . / .-.-.-
Do the Math, mate. I concede the Quebec argument, but let's be honest. Does everyone in this game use the forum? I can confirm 60 active Canadians, but most of them are rank 2s and 3s. About 15 of them actively use the forum; now take 33% of that.

And we can't say that we've found 15 active native French speakers- I just showed you my work that sums native French forum users to less than 10. Add those all to the number of active forum users who speak French, and we get 20-25.

Frankly, I'm not sure how you're going to get people to play this game effectively if they can't even speak any English. The international forums are, I assume, for convenience more than anything. English is still the common language of AW, and you need either English or Google Translate to play the game.
26.11.2012 täällä: Bienvenido
Mi teclado tiene muchos lenguas, tales como el español, el británico, el ruso, y muchos más. Cambia su computadora para español.

Por favor me corrijan si tengo errores. Sólo soy un principiante, pero estoy aprendiendo. Estoy bueno con la gramática, pero estoy malo con el vocabulario. No puedo encuentro los dos puntos en el teclado... Quiero emoticonos, jaja.
I also vote for a Morse forum. --/---/.-./.../. ../... .-/.--/./.../---/--/. .-.-.- .--/..../---/... .--/../-/.... --/. --..--

On topic, I did a search for people from French speaking countries and filtered by last seen.

France: 7 players in past week, 10 in past month. 2 of these actually use the forums.
Belgium: 7 in past week, 12 in past month. 2 of these have used the forums.
Luxembourg: One rank 0 in the past year.
Switzerland: 5 in past month. 2 use the forums, but of those, one of them is from the USA, and the other is in Deutsche Koalition and would probably rather speak German.
Canada: Honestly, most people from Quebec can speak perfect English anyway. Thank you for being bilingual, Quebecers. I'l add in about 4 active forum users that speak Canadian French though.

As if we're really going to get any French speaking players from Africa. I checked myself, there're very few people from North Africa around. That totals up to 8 people who would likely use a French forum, plus you. Your chances aren't looking too great, my friend. Even with massive compensation from players who don't list their home country, or Americans and Brits that speak French, you're not getting above 20.

I'm not saying French isn't a major language worldwide, as it clearly is, and I'm not saying we're francophobic. Just that French isn't a major language of Afterwind, no more than Mandarin is. When we get a good amount of French players, I'm sure that'll become a useful forum to have. Until then, pas de chance, mon ami.
Observe as the admins get bombarded with requests for Dutch, Russian, Hebrew, Chinese, Portuguese, Hindi, Basque, Latin, Klingon, and Morse code forums. .-.. --- .-.. .----. -.. .-.-.-
24.11.2012 täällä: Be Nicer to Noobs
I just want to be clear that I'm not using 'noob' as a derogatory term, just as a shortening for 'newbie', which is how the word was originally created. Trollface, I don't really see a clear way to solve high ranks ally spamming, unfortunately. I do suppose the fact that SP will be a little more rank based will help discourage ganging up on noobs, which is completely counter-intuitive.
24.11.2012 täällä: Be Nicer to Noobs
Wall of text alert. May resemble a Gardevoir speech. Just less swearing.

With AtWar quickly becoming a reality, and the promotional team in full gear, we're going to be getting a hell of a lot of new players in the next few weeks. We all talk about getting new players, and wanting more people to join AW, but then I see incredible prejudice against upstart players. Crap like people not getting to a game early enough, and immediately begging the host to 'kick a noob,' while no one really cares about the host kicking people. Crap like noobs participating in conversations and getting told to shut up because he's a frickin rank 4. Crap like getting kicked from no rank limit games for no discernible reason other than being noobs. Crap like legitimately good new players being harassed and called an alt, even after IP checks confirm their legitimacy.

I've actually gone on my rank 4 alt and experienced all of this crap (except for the last one, that's an example from a friend), from unnamed high rank players. This sort of thing absolutely disgusts me. I act the same on both accounts, except on my rank 4 account I try to fake enthusiasm for learning the game. Only rarely did I see high ranks actually helping noobs out.

This needs to stop. Before AtWar comes. New players are what keeps this game alive. I'm not saying all of you are arrogant jerks, but seriously, just try to be a little nicer to noobs. Give them tips, allow them to exist. Otherwise, this game is just going to wither away as you all like to prophecise.
Topic title says everything. I've done numerous (translation: 2) solo tests on the upgrade, trying to verify its claim that the general reduces upkeep of each unit by 4. I've checked through the finances tabs, done the Math, and I assure you all that General Cost does nothing. Did a search in the forums and I can't find any references to this apparent glitch.

So what's wrong with it, and can it be fixed? If it can't, I would highly recommend that it be removed from the game entirely, and the SP refunded to whomever bought it (don't blame me, I bought it as a noobish rank 6).
Out of curiosity, where'd you get the name ProtoBytes? It sounds very much like one of those names for small game companies.
21.11.2012 täällä: SP Super Week!
Now does this apply to both the main game and custom maps alpha? I feel like only applying it to the main game would make alpha even less active than it usually is.
21.11.2012 täällä: Game Poll
Yep, put this poll on the Afterwind site, asking if they like some other game better than Afterwind. If we liked Roblox better or even knew what it was, we'd probably be over there, mate.
This trailer is such an epic win. Although I still like 'Afterwind' due to being accustomed to it, I do like how you dropped 'Afterwind' and changed the subtitle to 'Art of Strategy', as 'AtWar: Afterwind' is a little weird. If we're definitely going to have the name as 'AtWar', the title doesn't look bad now. I'm sure we'll get used to the new name.

Who animated... everything?
20.11.2012 täällä: Wanted: Promotion Manager
Hey Dave! Nice that we have an active player becoming part of the team. Good luck to the new 'Protobytes.'

Don't we already have a forum for ideas though?
20.11.2012 täällä: Negative Attack and Defence
I was scrolling through the units FAQ when I noticed that apparently a general has a defence of 1. This means that if someone had Blitzkrieg and never bought the General Defence upgrade, they'd have negative defence. What would this imply for the battle mechanics? Would you be healing your opponent (which would be awesome), or just not be doing any damage?
20.11.2012 täällä: Imperium of Man
So much win. Everything looks about right, and the rares are pretty good as well. I wonder what Tzeentch will make of this map, haha. You should really make a quality Star Trek map as well.

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