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22.12.2013 täällä: Music: Metal- Where are we at now?
Kirjoittanut Guest, 22.12.2013 at 14:53

derp i don't know metal


you're welcome
22.12.2013 täällä: Music: Metal- Where are we at now?
Popular metal is like shitty metal core at the moment.

escape the fate, black veil brides, bring me the horizon

it's all fucking terrible
Kirjoittanut Guest, 21.12.2013 at 17:25

Nigger, you better fucking shoot vidya. You don't know how jealous I am

in their/my home town
I see them live tommorow haha
Kirjoittanut Guest, 20.12.2013 at 23:51

Kirjoittanut nonames, 20.12.2013 at 23:45

Kirjoittanut Guest, 20.12.2013 at 22:30

How would it be calculated between two players with the same stack acting each other with the same priority though? What would decide who turn blocks whom? o_O Since both would have an equal chance to TB, and both don't have a higher priority.

quote from hugo.

The turnblocking works like this:
Chance to turnblock = the difference between you and your enemies troop counts
Chance % = your units count / opponent units count
You have 3 Militias and your enemy has 10.
3/10 = 30 % Chance
This will work upto a max of 50%. So even if you match or send more troops than your enemy, there is a 50% chance he will avoid.

That is unless your priority is higher than them, because then the chance to turnblock doubles so with the same situation, yet you moving before the enemy does.
In the Example
(3/10)*2 = 60%
This will work upto a max of 100%. So 50% of your stack will block the enemy, so turn priority is still important if you know your enemy has a large stack near to you.

That doesn't help at all

I'm asking what will happen if you and your enemy both have the same number of units and send them to attack each other with the same priority! Who would be attacker and who would be defender? Would both be attacker, or both be defender possibly? :O

they both have a 50% chance to turn block, but both could possibly fail because they are independent of each other I think. If that is the case it could possibly be both attack or there is a 50/50 chance you will either attack or defend. i have no idea really.

or it could just be you have a 50/50 chance to attack or defend straight out.
Kirjoittanut Guest, 20.12.2013 at 22:30

How would it be calculated between two players with the same stack acting each other with the same priority though? What would decide who turn blocks whom? o_O Since both would have an equal chance to TB, and both don't have a higher priority.

quote from hugo.

The turnblocking works like this:
Chance to turnblock = the difference between you and your enemies troop counts
Chance % = your units count / opponent units count
You have 3 Militias and your enemy has 10.
3/10 = 30 % Chance
This will work upto a max of 50%. So even if you match or send more troops than your enemy, there is a 50% chance he will avoid.

That is unless your priority is higher than them, because then the chance to turnblock doubles so with the same situation, yet you moving before the enemy does.
In the Example
(3/10)*2 = 60%
This will work upto a max of 100%. So 50% of your stack will block the enemy, so turn priority is still important if you know your enemy has a large stack near to you.
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 20.12.2013 at 22:43

Yea gard lol, these bloody conservatives

@ pulse and arbitrator, each side has one race with an air unit, at current neither is really usable, except the fell beasts and they dont provide any particular advantage other than a longranage ability to wf

but thats irrelevant anyway, air units have no effect on the balance of the map, a player without air units has as much of a chance as defeating one of the players with them. the main issues lie in the economy and the pricing of some units.

but what bugs me about your post is that you like arb are very quick to dismiss the map as not being competitive, mostly because it isnt the same as the eu map lol. you both fail to see that with a few tweaks it could work fine.

its a different map, shock horror, different.

i dont see ppl complaining in eurasia CWs that its difficult to ferry units from japan to pakistan in 1 turn lol. why on earth should the use of sea transports be vital to a map.

i dont know whether you guys missed the part of my original post where i said the map needed tweaking, or the part in the title where i said the map had "potential". Well it was just an idea anyway, take it or leave it.

ps, ill check out this steam wars map, ive never heard of it or seen it being played

Because balanced competitive Atwar was built around eu+. it is the most diverse map out there (even currently with all the other maps) also every strategy is plausible to play under the right circumstances.

Looking at the battle for middle earth i only ever see one or two strategies i would ever go in with (unless of course I was late joining)
Guerilla Warfare and Imperialist.

GC, PD, IF not good for massive maps with barely any transports. RA and MOS too expensive to be cost effective. SM, no units so pointless
There is also no diversity in income, it's all just pretty much the same everywhere so there are important places to capture to hinder you opponent other than their highest reinforcement cities. Oh and it's one massive blob of landmass that has similar reinforcement patterns or income paterns like EU+ (eg. benelux, massive income, balkans tiny income significant reinforcements, Scandinavia spread out medium reinforcements with a highish income and an area that can easily swap hands quickly.)

you get the picture. I can go on forever.
Kirjoittanut Columna Durruti, 20.12.2013 at 22:43

Kirjoittanut nonames, 20.12.2013 at 22:39

Kirjoittanut Columna Durruti, 20.12.2013 at 22:26

Some balanced maps/scenarios
  • Steam Wars (map)
  • King of the Dungeon V1.2 (scenario: 3v3)

Kingod the dungeon is not a good map, niether is any king of the hill in my opinion.

Steam wars seems fairly balanced to be honest, a good mix of populated and not so populated countries as well as income differentials and a nice water divide that is not ridiculous like the Pacific or the Atlantic. I think it would be a lot more interesting if there were a few more port capitals Maybe in Renmark, Saadarkan, Essialtea, Brank. so that Naval commander and MOS is more viable.

the main problem i find with maps and this is particularly evident in the lord of the rings scenario is that it is just one massive land mass which makes for incredibly boring gameplay, you need the landscape variety that Europe has. no-one wants to play team games in Asia or america like maps because if is boring, people need to learn this.

Will add Extra Cities to Steam Wars (mostly some harbor cities). Good suggestion to make it more attractive/feasible for NC and bigger troop movement between continents.

port capitals would be what interests me so MOS can directly attack with subs and marines, and NC can attack and then hold the capital with destroyers.
look at europe for example, just adding port cities would not make NC any more usable because sure there is a hell of a lot of room to maneuver but you can't use your best units to take and hold cities (which every other strat in the game is able to do) simply because there just isn't enough port cities.

Of course there should be a happy median because if every city is a port city (Oceania) then naval commander would be OP

a good median for example is america because attacking with subs allows you to attack all there port cities (and two capital on both sides) with the subs you transported the marines in while using the rest of the marines to take cities elsewhere.
Kirjoittanut Columna Durruti, 20.12.2013 at 22:26

Some balanced maps/scenarios
  • Steam Wars (map)
  • King of the Dungeon V1.2 (scenario: 3v3)

Kingod the dungeon is not a good map, niether is any king of the hill in my opinion.

Steam wars seems fairly balanced to be honest, a good mix of populated and not so populated countries as well as income differentials and a nice water divide that is not ridiculous like the Pacific or the Atlantic. I think it would be a lot more interesting if there were a few more port capitals Maybe in Renmark, Saadarkan, Essialtea, Brank. so that Naval commander and MOS is more viable.

the main problem i find with maps and this is particularly evident in the lord of the rings scenario is that it is just one massive land mass which makes for incredibly boring gameplay, you need the landscape variety that Europe has. no-one wants to play team games in Asia or america like maps because if is boring, people need to learn this.
Just no. it's not a particularly balanced map. you generally don't use sea combat at all where in europe transports are vital eg. you can get troops to greece from spain/france on reinforcement stage, or troops from Uk to germany maybe even russia nw if required. i know for a fact you can boost 15 infantry for NW in one turn from london if you have 1 transport ready in London, Hamburg, copenhagen, stockholm. using only inantry you get from those cities to replenish your range a bit.
If you attack a neutral at the same time then you both hit each other and the neutrals for your attack value i believe, and the neutral defends against you both ofc.
it goes something like
p1 attack neutral defends
p2 attack neutral defends
p1 attacks p2 uses attack value too (i think)
p2 attacks p1 uses attack value too (i think)
in any shuffled order, if one player loses all it's units it contiunes until there is one victor.

as far as if two allies attack a city you basically just take it in turns to attack and (i think) the last person to kill the final enemy gets the city.

If you attack someone and that same stack attacks you (on the same move, remember all your moves are prioritised) then turnblocking will come into affect you can read more about that here http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=2657
If you attack someone after they have made a move to attack you. Say for example your attack on him was the second move you made and his was the first then you will always be in defence.
Kirjoittanut Legojojo, 17.12.2013 at 10:37

I came to play with my friend and it says my premium is expiring and i dont know what it is or why it is expiring but my friend plays frequently and he is from beta. Please help me. Thanks

Your account was made during Beta period but you did not play and reach at least rank 1 Therefore, you don't actually get beta status. the game is not out of Beta and the only way for you to get premium is to buy the package or subscription.
These pm are not strange at all death, just your age group doing the faggy cancer shit they think is funny.
08.12.2013 täällä: Fresh Beats.
07.12.2013 täällä: Manchester united lamp
Have fun not seeing man united in the champions league next year!

06.12.2013 täällä: BLOC- Dictatorship simulator
Great Revolutionary Democratic People's Republic of Removekebabland.

Majority + host.

and the ability to lock settings for 5 protocoins? guess that would work.
05.12.2013 täällä: SP per turn rankings
I am almost the weiner
05.12.2013 täällä: GG ATWAR
Kirjoittanut Guest, 05.12.2013 at 20:06

Kirjoittanut Guest, 28.11.2013 at 10:36

I don't get it.

i had a autostarting rickroll. mods removed it.
Kirjoittanut DURRHUNTER, 05.12.2013 at 20:05

I disapprove. its the players game. not a dictatorship like it use to be.

if you don't like someone else's dictatorship you can always go into someone else's dictatorship.
I find it incredibly annoying when you host a game with a certain set of rules and people change them.

It mainly annoys me because when I don't have much time to play I will host a 2 min turn game, and then the next turn someone changes the rules, this is not only disrespectful, but if you don't want to play with that time, please leave the game.

I think at least for 10 turns, changing any of the games settings should require the hosts approval.

If i'm honest, I think changing any settings in a game should require unanimous agreement. it is terribly annoying when you join something and have to leave because idiots change the time.

Edit: most people in the thread agree with:

Majority + host. - for 10 turns, after that just majority. If the host leaves it turns to majority again.
extra thing is for casual games it should require a unanimous decision to change from 12 to 24 hours, because logging on two times a day can be impossible for some people.
The reason i said 5 protocoins for settings lock is because it is pennies, and it is a cheap way to make money. I mean I am fairly sure you get 50PC free whn you sign up anyways. so yeah.
05.12.2013 täällä: BiteMe Too is back!
Kirjoittanut Guest, 04.12.2013 at 15:54

I'm glad to see this clan coming back! I used to be here before and I recommend it to everyone

I just got a question, is Shouf LDK?

nope, it's The Tactician

oh durrhunter, dr trollface and cluthu ave alt in there too.

jokes aside. avenged sevenfold made the 14 year old inside my giddy and happy
04.12.2013 täällä: Need help finding parts for a PC
Kirjoittanut Guest, 04.12.2013 at 00:54

If you want to run modern games.. get a machine with discrete graphics inside.

Also 4gbs of ram is pretty low.

4gbs of ram is all you need, most games are console ports and don't use much ram, just cpu and gpu intensive.
02.12.2013 täällä: Medal Loss
I am still elite tier ivan groupie.
27.11.2013 täällä: Ivan or Amok?
Ivan ofc i am ivan groupie
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 26.11.2013 at 21:08

Kirjoittanut nonames, 26.11.2013 at 21:02

Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 26.11.2013 at 20:57

Kirjoittanut nonames, 26.11.2013 at 20:07

Turn off adblock. or whatever software that is blocking adverts, that is most likely causing it.

you know if i could reach through the computer screen and pimpslap you for that sig, i would.

Man i just really love this song you know. spreading it to the world y'know

you know, since youve posted twice the sig activates twice and layers, now i want to strangle you.

I feel the love man.
Kirjoittanut Permamuted, 26.11.2013 at 20:57

Kirjoittanut nonames, 26.11.2013 at 20:07

Turn off adblock. or whatever software that is blocking adverts, that is most likely causing it.

you know if i could reach through the computer screen and pimpslap you for that sig, i would.

Man i just really love this song you know. spreading it to the world y'know

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